
Life 43: Avengers Assemble IV

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Hearing this Fury visibly sighed as he looked at the prim young man in front of him- would anyone believe this little tech and weapons upstart was the strongest being on earth- their Superman?

No one would believe it but it was true and after seeing what he did in Kansas, Lebanon- he no longer doubted anything-

If Leon existed a human with incredible might why bother disbelieving anything- except of course killer cats...

"No Leonard- I haven't pissed anyone off- instead some Asgardian has once again found solace on Earth, again- with malicious intent."

"Was it the one with golden horns - looks like a douche-bag who changes his women like his clothes?"

Hearing this Fury's eyes widened- "exactly that one- the one with a snakes tongue and elegance in his very air-"

"Ah- so we're dealing with Loki again-!"

Hearing this Fury's ears perked up- "Again? ...What do you mean Leonard?"

"Well remember that little scuffle in New Mexico- well that was all done by Loki and he was the one controlling the destroyer-

And after I destroyed his puppet the remains you turned into a Cannon he was threatening to destroy Earth as well as numerous other planets with something called a Bifrost which can be used to mass teleport and destroy planets and stars...

But I defeated him before he could do such a thing."

Of course, Loki wasn't going to destroy the earth- he only said to incite the flames of war within fury so that the world could be better prepared.

"That- MotherF*ckerrrr!!!"

"Sir- are you okay!"

Screamed Fury as his stress levels increased exponentially whilst his skin reddened in fury- lol you get that- in fury.

But before the conversation could get too loud- Leon turned it into a Psionic Talk.

'Fury- your current situation is incredibly worrying- you do know that your enemy is currently hiding in plain sight - hell it could be Dave who plays Galaga all the time-

Or Bob the electrician who likes listening to Michael Jackson all the time, you never know but so far it's obvious that Shield is infected with a virus and sentiment so deeply rooted the only answer that comes to mind is a wide-scale sweep up.'

Hearing this Fury pretended to sigh as to keep up his outward facade as he looked to the skies in front-

'So it seems- but Leonard the main situation at hand is obvious you don't need glasses to see it- we are currently known universally as the ones who possess the Tesseract-

A cube of infinite sustainable energy not to mention our numerous outings with the Skrulls, Kree, Vers and well Loki.

I can clearly see the enemies at plain sight yet I do not act on it because the World Government has been compromised- the whole lot are infected and are mere puppets of Hydra.

If I am to truly save Earth from extraterrestrial threats then I need a united council who are looking at the interests of the earth and not self-interest- incredibly hard without a major sweep-

But if you hand me your help it will be plausible and you already know of all of my dirty secrets...'

Hearing this Leon chuckled, 'Even your 'dirty' secrets have secrets emanating from them- you know that Fury!'

This caused even Fury to slightly chuckle- 'You really are like your father- having read his journal you should know what happened with the Kree and Skrulls- and Carol, so you should know of the other threats our little planet faces if we don't increase our defences.

And that set of armour is it something we can reverse-engineer?'

This was the breaking point as Leon burst out laughing whilst the Agents all around looked at the handsome Saiyan with reverie his charisma seemingly having infected them all.

As Mariah took a second glance at the young billionaire, philanthropist, combat specialist, genius and devilishly handsome man known as Leonard Arnold Stark- he had it all.

No one questioned Fury and Leon's chuckles as this was probably some sort of communication- they had seen it all and this was nothing.

'Reverse-engineer- surely you jest Fury, that is not possible- especially with what powers it up completely impossible unless I give you the recipe behind it which won't happen.

Next thing I know you'll have created a weapon of mass destruction with it- like Phase two and what you've done with the Destroyer's Carcass- Coulson employs it I presume?'

"You really do know seemingly everything Leo- well I guess this is what to expect from a Stark elegance rolling off in swathes with silver tongues and the brains to back it all up."

Ending the telepathy Leon- merely grinned hearing that.

"But Fury- we know after all of this ends Shield will be in a shortage of weapons, I'm sure that those Asgardians will take back what is theirs-

And that Loki what did he say he will stamp on us with his boots as we the ant's die, it seems he needs another smack on the head.

But seriously I'm always open for business Fury when you fix up this predicament of yours I'm always at Nevada awaiting our deal- I have many weapons of your interest, with a new energy thanks to the genius of my Sister- Nat."

"We'll see Leo- but for now review these Personality Tests from your Team Members."

After that Fury handed Leon a glass tablet that popped up with holographs- of his team members.

"I know Big Green- and Goldielocks- But I haven't seen Green Arrow and Lady Spy- Oh what's this a young kid- Wanda Maximoff- Scarlet Witch and Daredevil the man with no fear- Fury where are you picking these lot from, the streets?"

Fury however he gave him a serious face- "Ok, ok I'm going."