
Life 41: Avengers Assemble II

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But as Leon continued to watch TV- he suddenly got a call from an anonymous number-

Who was it he thought however he picked up the phone as he paused the programme.

And as he did so he looked at the date/time:

'May 3rd 2012.'

Hurriedly his mind began to think as if accelerated and in these two milliseconds, his brain processed exactly what significance these dates had.

'Wait wasn't the time slot of May 2-4 the battle of New York.

As the Chitauri under Loki's command tore through the city and also the start of the Avengers as a team-

Meaning that the Captain had been thawed out and had met Sam Wilson the Falcon and Hawkeye was under Loki's command.'

Knowing this now Leon only guessed the caller to be Coulson or a Shield Operative-

Picking it up immediately he pressed the phone against his ears.

And heard the low pitch of Coulson and mixed within was a serious tone unlike any he'd heard from the man before.

For he seemed so meek when the two had last met-

It seemed the situation was incredibly ugly hence the serious tone.

"Leonard - I've called to inform you of the unfavourable situation at hand-

And especially the damage that can now be caused due to the amount of energy which one person possesses-"

However, before the conversation could be dragged on any longer- Leon interrupted-

"Hows Hulk- he okay? Is he still a mindless beast or has he regained his humanity?!"

Hearing this Coulson was slightly surprised as he thought that the two had never met before according to the files and personality tests that the researchers had done on the two.

"Hulk- yes he's here and calm yet a little big and green-

Currently, he is working on a way to find the gamma radiation of the Tesseract-

It is a cube of-....!"

"Cut the small talk - Phil I already know its a cube of unlimited sustainable energy that you all were using to create weapons right-

Phase 2 or something, that's the reason you all at Shield stopped buying my weapons-

My Father left information about it in a ledger- he found it after trying to fish out the Captain- right!"

Hearing that Phil audibly sighed- "

Yeah- I should've known this would happen- you know a lot of things Leon-

But regardless we need your help to stop Loki the Asgardian and his army-

Currently, he is on lockdown after the stunt he tried to pull off in Germany.

Thor his brother helped after listening to us all the way through-

With agent Romanoff freeing Agent Barton from his mind control by Loki- and the team is now all on the Helicarrier-

I would've given you a ride but after seeing what you did in Kansas I don't think you need any help-

With your help, you can take them all on honestly-!"

Hearing that I wasn't surprised-

'So even Shield knows of Demons and Angels? No matter-'

"Okay, Coulson I'll be there immediately-

A quick question though, have you already used the destroyer's remains to make a portable cannon."

"That that- Forget it, yeah I have- now hurry quick..."

Ending the call- Leon jumped off of his sofa and headed to the shower-

It was time for action and the Avengers to Assemble...

Heading to the armoury after his shower-

"Dende Activate Titan-Killer Vibranium Edition Version XLI-

And alert Nat to suit up and help out the civilians in Manhattan...

Things are about to become explosive-!"

Hearing that immediately the very floor began to unravel as pieces of black and gold armour gradually became exposed to the air.

As the armour stuck to the floating Leon until gradually his entire body became armoured with the mask last.

It was the XLI Version or in English the 41' st armour created by Leon after getting Nat's help.

And was melded with Vibranium due to this it was lightweight and offered incredible defence -

Leon created this for a power boost and because why not when you had the money for it-

In addition, it was created to also boost his power so that he could amp himself when the fated battle against the Titan occurred.

Hence the official name of this series being called Titan-Killer-

And the Vibranium would accumulate kinetic energy and could be recharged with Kinetic energy so it was a sustainable and ever-growing armour that could be upgraded gradually.

Not to mention due to being lighter than the other armours it was essentially a power amplifying suit that got stronger and increased one's speed and strength greatly.

And it had great flexibility due to the joints moving easily and felt like a second skin so wearing it had no uncomfortable factors.

"Sir- I've equipped the Titan-Killer Vibranium Edition Version XLI-

Or rather what you call 'Bones' your favourite armour due to its looks and lightweight design not to mention it's Vibranium Alloys melded to it.

Are you ready for takeoff now?"

Smirking as the helmet locked on- Leon nodded as his coordinate checker began to move towards the 'Invisible' airship

Sure they had bought his tech- and he was grateful for it as they had a lot of money-

But if they thought they could hide from even him the inventor then it seemed that they'd all lost their minds.

With Leon's answer, the house began to open up as a rift formed in the ceiling and with that, he blasted off towards the Helicarrier.

'Its time to beat that Asgardian up again it seems!'

Thought Leon as he locked onto the ship before boosting his speed further with the addition of Ki.