
Lemme Grind!

Anit... was a good boy. He did his homework on time, he attended school regularly, he was a model student, he was a good sportsman and he obeyed his parents. He was his parent's pride as well as his cousins' supposed ideal, he... was too good. But... Anit had just one SMALL problem... He didn't have this unremarkable thing called... Humanity.

Ignoble_Immortal · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Oh! Where's my face?


Skin bubbled as Anit's body instinctually scratched his face, desperate to stop that unending itch. Steam blew up from his upper body, melted as it was. Anit had long gone to slumber-lands, his brain shutting down being overexerted by immense pain stimuli.


The slimy abominations neared at their cornered prey, bringing another victory with their many-over-one tactics.


Though the slime was not only on Anit, as it spread to the foliage supporting him. Burning the evergreen branches and weakening their structural integrity.


The already ruined foliage could no longer support such weight and suffice to say it broke, the branches snapped and gave way to the creek below. Anit fell down being in center of the now gone foothold, wind cut through his face, as he approached the stream below him.


He plunged head first in the cold water stream, scaring away the local fauna which inhabited that place, a miracle he didn't break his neck. The left over slime sizzled up in contact with water, giving Anit a nice steam spa.

His body, half submerged in the stream, twitched as Anit slowly regained consciousness.


He sat up, holding his head, experiencing the aftermath of that... humiliation he suffered in the hands(?) of those slimy bastards.


Suddenly remembering that he looked around, only to spot those shit incarnates sluggishly making their way downwards from the tear in the unending canopy their brethren's demise had caused.

Anit felt the stream bed for his mace, finding it fallen right beside him. He stood up with his weapon in hand and... tactically retreated.

'... I will remember this grudge shitheads!'

He swore revenge against those slimy bastards and made a run down stream, away from his assailants.


The shallow stream water splashed as Anit trudged through it and finally after following the stream for bit was able to lose his adversaries. He sat down with a nearby boulder as support after taking note of the absence of any threats his meagre senses could detect, whilst scrunching his 'face' feeling the damage done to it.

He looked at the stream following beside him and found brown, almond shaped eyes staring back with dark brown hair covering them a bit. And below all that...

His nose practically didn't exist, a hole that could be likened to that of a skull's. His cheeks stretching as if to devour his other features. Edges of his mouth shut tight with skin there on both jaws welded together and lips left his gums bare for the whole world to see. His teeth decayed, leaving behind yellow and sharp spindles in their place. His ears now small nubs surrounding two holes in his head.

And Anit-

'Now that's some progress!'

-didn't care one bit

[END: 11→12]


Suffering those attacks and healing this fast forced his attributes to increase. Though there was one thing which troubled him...

'Now why did I heal so fast? And what were those... things?'

...or maybe two or more things that trouble him. He for lack of a better word was confused, not by 'why' those 'animated shits' existed but 'how' they existed as their very body resembled an overgrown slimy counterpart of flatworms. This again warranted another question, the damage he suffered wouldn't be healed this quickly. This burning curiousity to know, to learn, which this leftover 'husk' of Anit was made up of, forced this new 'individual' to think and think it did.

'... The stream!'

The only thing which had a rather intimate contact with his burns. He scrutinized the stream more properly this time and found it clear, crystal clear and sparkling, in the gloom of this ancient forest with almost no gap for sunlight to reach in. And-

[Warning! Low HP!]

[Warning! Low MP!]

-'It's quite irritating...'

The constant beeps were making it hard to ignore his body's current sorry state.

'If it is what I think it is...'

Anit thought as he cupped his hands in the stream to test one of his theories related to his miraculous recovery, then splashed the cupped water over his face.

[Warning! Low HP!]

The second notification about low MP didn't came again.

Taking note of this finding and being now more 'energetic', he sauntered along the stream in search of a convenient and safe abode. He did find some burrows along the higher part of the banks of the stream but dismissed them seeing the obvious mud-tracks littering their entrances. He continued on until he found one burrow at quite a distance from others whose entrance aligning with river bank although muddy, was left untouched indicating its vacancy.

Anit picked up a pebble from the streambed, threw it in and then waited.



'Well that took time...'

After some simple calculation Anit found out that the burrow could accomodate him quite well, if this place had the same gravity as back home.

Readying his mace just in case Anit climbed in, noting how his weapon may not be the ideal one in such locations.