
Legendary Multiversal Cafe

Tenshi is a kind and gentle boy who had an accident which lead to his death. Faced with a new life, he only wishes to live happily without regrets. Turns out he received a system as compensation for his unjust death. The Multiversal Cafe System! This isn't the same type of story as my last two fics... If you're looking for something like that, then I'm sorry you'll be disappointed. This will be very relaxing and heartwarming... sometimes emotional and happy, sometimes a bit sad and bittersweet. I'll try my best to make it cause you to react with genuine and raw emotions. So! If you want to read something that will warm your cold heart and feel like a nice coffee in the middle of winter by a fire, then you should like it! Tenshi is very kind and gentle, he avoids conflict and isn't usually violent! So please don't freak out if he doesn't kill everyone he comes across.

AgentMonke · Tranh châm biếm
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147 Chs

Shisui's big misunderstanding!

Shisui paid for the coffee and left with Kakashi as the sun started to set.

Tenshi cleaned up and looked outside, he let out a breath and smiled, at least he didn't need to stay till 3 am like his last job. That cafe had gambling machines that turned off at 3 am so he would have to stay and pay out winning tickets.

It was a real hassle.

Though, if there were customers past sunset, Tenshi would stay and keep the place open. Unfortunately for him, he only had 3 customers so far. But he was hopeful that he would get more!

As Tenshi was walking home, Shisui rushed to a bathroom.

When he came out, he was dumbfounded at the sensation he was feeling! He could feel his Chakra being purified as well as a healthier sensation all over his body! Then he realized, this must be a secret Kakashi-san wanted me to know!

Shisui looked serious, this was a very big event! A huge event, even! He rushed home and reported to Fugaku respectfully.

Fugaku's lips twitched and he didn't believe him. Shisui told him that everything he said was true! He even suggested bringing more clansmen to confirm that it wasn't just him. Fugaku didn't see any problems and nodded, designating a team of clansmen to go and try out this so-called 'Coffee' substance.

Shisui let out a breath of relief and rushed out through the night, feeling full of energy! He came to Hiruzen and reported respectfully, saying "Lord Hokage-sama, I have joined Kakashi on the secret mission you tasked him with. I will not disappoint the village!"

Hiruzen was startled, he was just thinking it was a waste that Hibari was dead and Shisui suddenly appeared talking about a secret mission… He gave Kakashi a secret mission? How come he didn't know?

Then he frowned, it must've been Danzo!

Shisui didn't know this as Hiruzen played along, "I see… Shisui, this mission is very important to me. What have you found out?" Shisui reported "Hokage-sama! This Cafe is too mysterious! The beverage can purify Chakra as well as make me feel energetic and healthier!"

Hiruzen was stunned, asking "What?" Shisui explained what happened today and Hiruzen frowned, was this a new experiment by Danzo? He narrowed his eyes, so he was hiding such a good thing for him, eh?

Hiruzen waved, "I see… Good work, Shisui. Your contributions to the village continue to improve! Continue this secret mission, take a break from missions outside the village." Shisui nodded, "Understood, Hokage-sama!" before disappearing in an instant.

Hiruzen left the Hokage office, going to find Danzo, sneering "You hid such a good thing from me, Danzo?!" Danzo was startled and frowned, did this old fool find out about Nono and Kabuto? He played dumb and snorted "Hiruzen! Don't slander me! I haven't done anything!"

Hiruzen laughed in anger and said "Nothing!? A drink that purifies chakra is nothing?! Hahaha!" Danzo was dumbfounded but played along, grinding his teeth, "Damn you, Hiruzen! Touch it and I will break off with you!" Hiruzen snorted and said "The cafe will be split between us! Don't have any other ideas, Danzo. I am the Hokage! Not you!" before leaving with a sneer.

Danzo sneered at his back as he left, muttering "Old fool, you're losing it!" before ordering Root ninjas to investigate this so-called Cafe! The Root Ninjas nodded and left to check things out.

Tenshi turned over in his sleep, drooling on the bed, mumbling "So soft… and big… Heh hehe…"

He was completely unaware that one misunderstanding created such a huge gigantic problem!

Not even Shisui was aware of what he had done!

The next morning came.

Tenshi stretched his back and his wings spread out wide behind him. He smacked his lips and smiled cutely, flying over to the bathroom.

A little bit later

Tenshi was wearing an oversized white t-shirt with short pants and fashionable sandals. He didn't really like the ninja sandals too much, they looked weird. But he used to wear one strap sandals in his previous life, nearly all the time so… Here they were in all their glory.

The bottom was made of a soft wood with a soft and flexible cloth strip over the top. He didn't like the feeling of anything in between his toes, it gave him chills and shivers, so he could only wear these.

His hair was long enough so he put it up, unfortunately, this made him look more like a woman!

Tenshi looked at himself in the mirror and sighed to himself, muttering "Maybe I should put some scars here and there…?" then he felt like vomiting, how could he mess up his perfect skin? It would trigger his cleanliness disorder!

This was simply impossible!

He sighed and touched his face before leaving his house. Well, he looked like his mother. That wasn't a bad thing… he wished he was just a bit more manly looking but then his personality wouldn't really fit.

Tenshi walked to the cafe, very troubled.