
Legend Of Water

life a child who was abandoned by the sea God , returns to his birth place. Does something that no one was ever thought of it.

Aiysha · Phim ảnh
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1 Chs

The Birth of the Legend

Rong village was currently suffering from a feminine . Villagers were starving , many of them died too . Lin walk to the river bank in the search of some water to drink , he found a baby by the shore . Lin brought the baby back to the village . As soon as the baby arrived at the village it started to rain . On seeing the rain their faces lit up . Lin showed the baby to his wife . He told her how he found the baby .

The couple was trying to have a baby for a while but couldn't

Xia said ," let's adopt the baby " . Lin agreed happily .

*The couple cleaned the baby and fed him some milk *

" How old he is, what do you think " Xia asked

"I don't know maybe two months old "Lin replied in uncertain manner

"Aww, poor baby " said Xia

The couple decided to take the child to the priest for his blessings

As the couple arrive at the house of the priest , and water over there started to behave weird slightly

*Nobody noticed *

When the priest hold the baby ,he said" he's the one , he's the child of prophecy, he'll do something that no body has ever imagined, and he isn't one of us ,but he is supreme . "

The couple stepped back at the revelation by the priest

"Xia, our child is special ", said Lin

Xia smiled with tears of joy

The couple name their child 'Anos'

Anos was now 5 years old

Lin was cultivating, " Dad what are you doing "

" I'm cultivating my spirit "

Anos was surprised to see his father's immense power

"Can I cultivate too , Dad "

Lin brought a teacher to taught his son . Anos was very happy and excited for his lessons

The teacher taught him martial arts first and taught him to focus in his inner core and Anos did as he was instructed by his master

After few months , anos was pretty good at learning and grasps the teaching easily . He was cleared with the basic lessons .

One day Anos was walking with Niyari and telling about his lessons to her . Now a bunch of kids around their age surrounded them . They started bullying Niyari . Anos couldn't take it anymore. "Enough you all stop bullying my friend ". "Ooh this kid knows how to speak " said the bully smirkingly . "If you win against me in the fight I'll leave you too , but you loose you'll be my servant "

Anos had no other choice than to except the challenge .

And he had a his first fight with a child of his age but at higher cultivation level than

The fight started , bully attracted him , but he did defence him , anos used the shield of spirit to protect him from the attacks , because of his low cultivation level the sheild broke after few attacks

* The master was watching Anos fighting , he was amazed by the use of spirit shield. *

Bully gave him a flying kick , anos was thrown back . He gathered all his might and stand up , he focused on his veins carrying the blood and used them as a source of power , and punched the bully . The winner is Anos

Niyari rashed towards Anos and hugged him

After the bullies left his master came and praised anos for standing up against the bullies .

Xia and Lin were planning something , Anos entered the room ,"Mom and dad what are you guys planning"?

"Nothing kid , do you want something ? "

"No, thank you " . Anos left the room with disappointed

He thought his parents forgot about his birthday, which was tomorrow . Anos crawl into bed and slept with disappointment.

"Happy Birthday to you , happy Birthday to you , happy birthday dear Anos , happy Birthday to you"(sang by everyone in the house )

"Thank you mom and dad","I love you , you guys are the best"

*They hugged him *

Anos took a shower and went for the breakfast , he joined the table where his master was sitting there too , he greeted him

"Good morning , master ". The master greeted and congratulates on his birthday

"Anos , since you have been such a good student , today is the day for your elements assessment",

After breakfast Anos and his master went to river bank  to identify and the elements he possesses

*At the bank *

Master took out a crystal ball , and chanted some phrases,

The water of the river act started to act , this was noticed by both master and Anos ,

The water waves bowed to anos , he touched the crystal ball .Not only water was his element but a rare white element also appeared inside the crystal ball .

"This is a rare element , which only few in this world possesses , this is a spirit element and it's dangerous but also one of the powerful elements, hide from everyone , Don't tell anyone about it."

Anos nodded and asked,' not even mom and dad "?

"Yes not even your parents". They both went back to his house and told them about his element , but not the unusual behaviour of water and the other element anos possesses

*After few years*

Anos was a 12 year old boy  . He was practicing spells and martial arts with his master at Hijariya hill .

Suddenly the Weather in the rong villages changes and the the Queen of Spirit came , started to destroy everything, villagers came out in horror ,Xia and Lin also came out to check what's happening outside.

The priest asked,"what do you want from us ,we have done nothing that can make you angry."

"My child, my child ,my kid you stole him , give me back my son"

The Queen of Spirits scream with anger

Mean while Anos and Master were practicing spells and martial arts on a  hill .

Niyari ran to the hill top to inform them what's happening in the village.

Niyari catching her breathe told everything to the two . All of the three rushed towards the village .

As the arrived , the Queen was yelling at Lin and Xia and accusing them of stealing her child as she can sense the same spirit smell from Xia and Lin

Anos shouted,"Leave my parents".

The Queen turned around and saw Anos and she walked towards him with tears in her eyes ,

"My child , ooh my child. "

"I'm not your child, mom- dad , what she's saying , tell her I'm your own child".

Lin and Xia lowered their heads and asked The Queen (Ding )

*Ding, can we talk to Anos, and tell him the truth ?"

"His name is Anos, hah "and nodded

"What truth , and what do you mean by this".

Lin and Xia told him , how lin  found found him  at the river bank ,when he came to the village it started raining and the priest prophecy of saying how he is the child of prophecy

Anos hugged his parents and said "No matter what guys are my parents and I will always love you".

Anos asked ding ," can you tell me , where I come from and who is his real father ".

Ding said, "Ooh my kid , you come with me and you will find the answers to all your questions ".

Niyari spoke in between," I don't trust you , what if you harm my friend"?

Ding smiled and said, "Ooh sweet girl, he's my child ,I brought him to this world , how can harm him."

"But I still don't trust you, I'll accompany Anos".

Xia and Lin agreed with Niyari and so did others too.

"Don't you have your parents"? Ding asked

"No , my mother died while giving birth to me and my dad died because of feminine,12 years ago. "Said Niyari with tears of pain

Both Niyari and Anos packed up their belongings and left the village with Ding .