
Legacy of the Spiral

The story follows Johnny, a teenager who is given a second chance at life when the spiral entity merges with him after his untimely death. Johnny is transported into the world of My Hero Academia with the spiral's help, where he aims to become a great hero. However, unbeknownst to Johnny, there is a sinister force also at play - the anti-Spiral, born from the darkness in the void where Johnny was reborn. The anti-Spiral is the antithesis to the noble spiral entity, seeking only destruction and chaos. It too escapes the void, determined to oppose Johnny and the potential for good that he represents. As Johnny trains to master his emerging spiral powers under his grandfather's guidance, the anti-Spiral secretly remains in the shadows, its evil growing. While Johnny attends UA High School and experiences the adventures of that world, the anti-Spiral plots to undermine him, waiting for the right moment to strike. The anti-Spiral's malevolent influence is felt as it works to spread mayhem through cunning schemes and by empowering villains. Johnny experiences several run-ins with the anti-Spiral's pawns, though he remains unaware of the true puppet master behind it all. The story builds towards an epic confrontation between Johnny and the fully manifested anti-Spiral. Only by unlocking the ultimate form of his spiral power can Johnny hope to stand against this ultimate evil. Their battle will determine not just Johnny's fate, but the fate of the Multiverse itself. Throughout his journey, Johnny also wrestles with living up to his family legacy and discovering the kind of hero he wants to become. But he must rise to the challenge and realize his full potential if there is to be any hope of overcoming the anti-Spiral's apocalyptic designs. The stakes could not be higher, with two opposing cosmic forces battling to shape reality according to their will.

Desolati0n · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

The House of Grahams: Exploring the City

The next morning, Sebastian went to Johnny's room to wake him up. It was already 8 in the morning, and he arrived before Johnny's room and knocked on the door as a sign of respect. He entered the room and said, "Wake up, young master; the sun rose several hours ago. You need to have your breakfast."

Sebastian woke Johnny up and left the room, leaving a message: "Nel isn't here today. I would be the one to assist you with your morning bath. I will be right back, young master, so get ready for your bath".

Johnny woke up feeling revived, but without Spiral's presence, he felt a twinge of unease. "I'm feeling quite empty; I didn't know it would feel like that. It was as if I and Spiral knew each other for years." Maybe this empty feeling was because he became one with it. As he got ready to start his day, it was hard not to feel overwhelmed by the thought of progressing alone. 

How much would change while he navigated this unfamiliar world? He had never faced such challenges by himself and couldn't help but feel a bit concerned about the uncertainty ahead. He was just a high schooler not long ago.

"No need to worry; I know what I need to do. I just need courage, and I will face all my fears." He took some deep breaths, trying to focus on all the positive possibilities that lay beyond the horizon.

He left his bed, and Sebastian came and took him for a bath. He did all the necessary things in the bathroom and then left for the dining room.

Johnny was curious about Sebastian. He didn't have much memory of him, and he was always a little mysterious old butler. "Sebastian, I wanted to know how many years you have been working for us?" asked Johnny. He needs to learn more about all the employees of the house.

"What a surprise, young master; it seems you have become a little bit more straightforward." Sebastian was a little surprised. It was the first time Johnny had asked him a question. He knew Johnny was a little timid, but he felt happy seeing him growing and being more straightforward.

"I have worked for your family for approximately 10 years. I knew your parents well, and I was a friend of your grandfather." Said Sebastian.

"I see. What kind of heroes were my parents when you knew them?" asked Johnny. He wanted to know more about his family. 

Sebastian was surprised. He wasn't expecting this kind of question from Johnny. He was just 4 years old, and it seemed he was quite a smart boy. "Your parents were great heroes. They saved many lives in this country. 

They are role models for the young heroes of this day. But if you want to know more about them, ask your grandfather. I'm sure he will be happy to tell you more of their exploits." They arrived at the dining room. Johnny saw his grandfather already there.

Hector smiled and greeted Johnny. "Good morning, my boy. How did you sleep last night?" Johnny replied quietly, not wanting to cause any worry or concern for his beloved granddad. "I slept well, Grandpa; I'm full of energy." Hector knew this was a trusting yet unspoken understanding between them, and he gave his grandson's shoulder a gentle squeeze of reassurance. 

He could tell that Johnny was trying not to make him worry. He was glad it seemed his little boy was growing fast. "So, did your quirk show any other kind of manifestation?" Hector wanted to get more details on his grandson's quirk. "No, Grandpa. I still didn't see any signs," responded Johnny.

"Don't worry, in the following days it will surely show itself." Hector wanted to make Johnny feel at ease and not worry.

Over breakfast, Hector spoke of plans to take Johnny into the city during the day, hoping to get him some new books and toys. Johnny's face lit up at this prospect, filled with excitement as he anticipated his first real trip into the unfamiliar environment. Hector could tell that this was a thrilling moment for the young boy. It was like he could already picture himself exploring all that this new place had to offer.

Hector was getting ready to take Johnny for a stroll and maybe to do some shopping. "Sebastian, get the driver ready. I'm going for a stroll with my grandchild," Hector said to Sebastian. "Yes, Sir. I will tell the driver to be ready right away," Sebastian said immediately.

"Johnny, get ready. We are going to have some fun, boy," said Hector, smiling at Johnny.

Soon, Sebastian came back and said the driver was ready. Johnny and Hector left the house.

As they strolled along the lively boulevards, the city was big. Johnny was captivated by all of the sights and sounds around him. Everywhere he looked, there were unique people with their quirks and personalities among those civilians. It made him wonder what his quirk would be when it finally presented itself. He felt a small twinge of excitement every time he thought about it; what if he had super strength? Lightning speed? The ability to read people's minds

His imagination ran wild with possibilities; he knew he had the spiral energy, but he still didn't know what it was as it hadn't manifested yet.

They went into a nearby bookstore, and Johnny carefully browsed the selection of manga related to superheroes, picturing himself with their enduring strength and courage. His curiosity was noticed by Hector who gently said, "I believe if you keep working hard towards your goals, one day you could be a great hero too." This inspired Johnny to smile widely as his grandfather's words motivated him to go after whatever it was that he wished for. Hector's reassurance and belief in him left Johnny feeling empowered and a bit more fearless.

Later, at the store, he was instantly drawn to the action figures. He looked at a figurine of a hero he knew too well from his previous life; it was an All Might figurine. It had a charm of its own. Seeing Johnny with that figurine made Hector smile. He knew many kids admired All Might. 

He's a great hero and a role model for many youngsters. "You seem quite interested in that one. You can have it; I'm going to buy it for you."

Johnny made a silent vow to himself that he would stay on the path of goodness because he doesn't want to lose himself on this journey of his and even without Spiral's guidance, he will stay on the side of good.

The way the figure stood, so tall and proud with its cape flowing behind him gave Johnny tremendous strength and inspired him beyond measure. He felt that if he could embody this courage, then his future would hold nothing but success. As he walked away from the store, a sense of determination filled him.

As Hector and Johnny made their way out of the toy store, their arms weighed down by shopping bags, an unexpected shriek echoed throughout the crowded street. 

Looking up to see what had caused such a commotion, they noticed three masked figures hastily exiting a jewelry store with bags full of loot.

The sight was followed shortly by an explosion that could be seen through the store's shattered front window. People around them had begun to scream and take cover as the three criminals began sprinting away with their spoils.

"Grab anything you see that glitters and make your escape!" cried the tallest villain menacingly. His cohorts cackled evilly, blasting vehicles in the vicinity with powerful beams emanating from his fingertips. The crowd of people nearby were terrified, scrambling to get out of sight as fast as they could.

Panicked citizens ran for cover as some were calling the police, and the villains barreled down the sidewalk. Hector's eyes narrowed, and he handed his bags to Johnny. "Stay here where it's safe," he instructed.

Striding towards the chaotic scene, Hector focused, energy thrumming through his body. The villains noticed him approaching. "An old timer wants to play hero!" sneered one. He thrust out a palm, shooting a pulse of an energy beam which caused an explosion.

Hector stood firm, raising his hands. The blast hit him head-on but suddenly diffused into wisps of light, absorbed into his skin.

"My turn," Hector stated calmly. With explosive speed, he closed the distance between them in an instant, cocking back a glowing fist.

The villain crossed his arms, bracing for impact. But even his sturdy defense was no match for the concentrated force within Hector's punch. The strike landed with the power of a speeding car, sending the criminal flying backward through the air.

Another villain reacted quickly, hurling explosive charges from his sack and firing them at Hector. Hector weaved through the barrage, his kinetically augmented muscles propelling him with uncanny agility.

Reaching his attacker, Hector delivered a series of rapid-fire blows, each carrying enough force to dent steel. The pummeled villain crashed to the pavement, overwhelmed.

Seeing his companions down, the third villain turned to run. But Hector had anticipated this, launching a concentrated kinetic blast. The shot hit the fleeing man square in the back, knocking him head over heels to sprawl unconscious on the roadside.

As police swarmed the area, citizens cheered for the Old man who had saved the day. Hector wearily returned before Johnny, who gazed up at his grandfather with pride and awe. He took the boy and disappeared as fast as he did the job. He didn't want to get entangled with the police.

"Let's go home," said Hector, ruffling the boy's hair fondly. Johnny nodded excitedly, thrilled to have witnessed his grandpa's quirk in action. He knew that one day, he would have the power to be a great hero too.

On the walk home, Johnny looked up at his grandfather with admiration in his eyes. "Grandpa, your power is so cool! How did you stop those bad guys so easily?"

Hector chuckled. "Well, my boy, it took many years of training to control my kinetic absorption quirk. I'm able to absorb any kinetic energy directed at me - punches, explosions, falls - and store it within my cells."

He continued, "Once the energy is stored, I can release it in controlled bursts to enhance my strength, speed, and healing. The more power I build up, the greater feats I can accomplish."

Johnny listened with rapt attention as Hector recounted some of his most famous hero exploits from years past. How he brought down the notorious Steeltusk gang by redirecting their wrecking ball against them. 

The time he shielded a crippled school bus from an out-of-control villain, just with his bare hands to give him some fist of love. His battles against the forces of the unhinged warlord Havoc, absorbing the villain's devastating seismic waves to later pummel him into submission.

Eventually, Hector grew wistful. "Age catches up to every hero, eventually forcing them into retirement. My body just isn't as resilient as it used to be." He sighed. "But at least I can still keep our neighborhood safe."

Ruffling Johnny's hair, he said with a smile, "Maybe one day you'll carry on the family legacy, my boy. I know you have the spirit for it. But for now, focus on learning."

Johnny smiled up at his grandpa, his mind racing with possibilities. He couldn't wait to see what power he would one day wield and the good he could do, just like the heroes from his comic books and his grandfather.

That night, as Johnny lay in bed, he thought over the day's events. It had been fun yet strange not having Spiral's presence in his mind. But Johnny felt his earlier worries ebbing away. He knew he just had to keep moving forward, trusting that things would work out. 

As he drifted off to sleep, Johnny felt ready to take on whatever came next on his journey. His dreams were filled with images of himself as a valiant hero, defending others with an unwavering spirit.