
Start of Battle of Marineford

With all the pieces in place, Leo and others started moving back to their headquarters. The research team has identified the modification which increased the size of the creatures such as giants and sea king when heavenly energy was injected in them changing their genetic structure. Shadow unit which had returned for Wano Country was sent to collect some normal human so the human trials can begin while Leo also instructed a team lead by Madara held to Elbaf where a Poneglyph was suspected to be located and to also bring some giants back for the experiments too. Similarly, other teams were deployed to collect alive being from all around from which they have previously only collected simples. Weapon forging started using the swords which were brought back from Wano. The technique was copied from the original craftsmen of Wano while using their specialized material. Mostly everyone with Leo's force had practiced some kind of weapons thus a special unit was assigned to make them. Will would later produce with the usage or so was leaned by watching the practice of Wano country.

Leo himself went to Fish-man islands and collected some criminals which no one would notice to be missing.

With plans in motion, the work on warships was also president overtraining. Leo created supplies using the arc of embodiment meanwhile thousands of mechanical probes launched around the planet to search for places where the material via which Poneglyph is in large concentration. Meanwhile, thousands of other probes were launched underwater to search for devil fruits which have remained dormant underwater through centuries. Shinobi forces also started gathering firepowers. This all awaited fight would begin soon, Pluton which was hidden by Iceberg was long found by the special team which Leo, when he was a child and before Iceberg had the opportunity to give blueprints to Franky, was copied and placed in the same state as found to not disturb the timeline was also bought back into consideration and used as a base on which the all battleships would be created. The modifications were done on the blueprint by both teams as per their needs. After 9 months both teams submitted their proposal for the battleship and their team members.

Leo's team consisted of around 250 people while Madara was made out of 900 people and leaving 1050 in the team of Ranju. 660 members were left out and divided into various teams which would collect after the spoils in the war. A team of around 300 will break into Impel Down just after Luffy and collect all the Devil fruit users locked in there. 200 will act as a backup for these people while 100 go after Blackbeard and his crew.

Leo was waiting for this opportunity because it was rare for the whole navy to gather together in one place. Various plans were formed with 3 forces to be whipped out at the same time 1. Marine 2. Kaido 3. Big mom.

Leo already sent some teams to infiltrate and make the whole crew which was present with the main boss bugged with nanotech. Leo only needed about 2 nanotech within the body to form a circle via which he could upload the conscious matrix of an individual into world seed.

Soon Luffy and his crew after rescuing Robin continued their adventure to which according to Leo memories would be Thriller Bark and then next Sabaody Archipelago. Leo estimated about 5 month period and announced it. Designs of the ships were submitted in 3 months by everyone and created by Leo using Arc of embodiment. More than 200 fruits were recovered underwater within this time thus letting Leo send more probes underwater. Madara returned with 2 giants and 2 Poneglyph from Elbaf, with 5 singles reported by the probes regarding the high material composer of Poneglyph.

Leo sent another team to collect them while Madara and Ranju started forming their forces and commanding them. Leo aimed to end the war on all front with less blood spilled as possible but due to the uncertainty of heavenly law and energy present, Leo wanted to be prepared for everything. Leo gave only one command while giving directives to fight on their front. To not kill anyone. Leo wanted to capture and then research on each individual, Blackbeard fruit was also very fascinating to him but after finding out at instead of one Blackbeard there were 3, 3 in the sense that he due to overexposure of heavenly energy in his childhood had his soul be divided into 3 parts, making him a flesh which contained 3 different people inside him, one devil fruit will be attached to one soul in his body thus letting him consume multiple fruits without any risk. It was due to this that Leo has assigned 100 people on Blackbeard he didn't want to take any chance of him getting away or escaping.

Arcnologia who was training under Garp had long completed his training and was assigned under a celestial dragon's 5 elders direct command by Sengoku who along with the elders saw him as the future of the Marines and have decided him to be made the next Admiral but rejected by IM stating that balance of the world should just be maintained right now and thus elders decided to have Arcnologia serve directly under them to train, command and act as an emergency resort for them settled for this. Arcnologia was said to go against Garps and most times come on top was also liked by the elders as he did everything which was asked of him showing himself as the perfect servant of the World government.

In the meantime, teams returned with their assignment of collecting the living creatures thus the human trial and further research in Heavenly energy continued. On the big screens which were present all around the 7 island cities the fight between Ace and Blackbeard pirates was played.

With the fight being over, All units assembled those who were out on the missions also started coming back.

Soon with everything, ready Madara took his team to go toward Kaido while Ranju was assigned, Big mom. The impel down unit was not going via ships but used Helicarrier, other locations too had Helicarrier but didn't consist of anyone on them just there to provide support in case something unknown happens. With clocking technology everything was ready. The information was collected from the information probe regarding the deal made between Blackbeard pirates and Marines. After losing face in the Enies lobby incident the elders wanted to take the opportunity to prove to the world about there powers thus agreed to make Blackbeard Shichibukai.

The news of the execution was printed in papers and distributed all around the world. Whitebeard and shark both were surprised that the prediction of Leo has come true decided to contact him to discuss the plan. Leo instructed Shanks to keep all the territories of his and whitebeard in peace while telling whitebeard to gather his forces and come to join the battle of Marineford. Leo also sent a two-man team that went on to destroy all forms of surveillance marine had within the new world on Shanks and Whitebeard. the two-person team escorted whitebeard back to his crew and started preparing for the war. Meanwhile, Marines made a deal with Kaido to keep Shanks busy so that Whitebeard be isolated without help who they can take down to establish their dominance in front of the whole world.

Kaido accepted the deal and started gathering his crew to keep shanks busy. Madara forces reached the boundaries of Wano and observed the gathering of Kaido's beast pirates. With 4 Helcarrier flying Wano country observing everything going on and reporting to Madara. Under his command were 900 personal divided into 11 ships excluding his Main battleship with the external support of 10 sea kings from underwater.

Meanwhile Ranju and his 1050 members which had 1 main battleship 11 sub-divisional battleships divided and formed a circle underwater with the support of 13 trained sea kings while in air 3 Harricarrier cover the Cake Island.

Leo in the meantime with only 1 main battleship, 5 subdivide battleship, 7 Helicarrier and 10 sea kings including potter started his journey to the Marinefort.

With another 7 directed at Mary Geoise from a distance with a fully stocked armory.

Whitebeard arrived at his ship along with the two team escort surprising everyone who saw him in his younger form, soon he started recalling allies in preparation of the war. He knew Leo won't let anyone alive who have harmed Ace from the stories Ace has told him about Leo and his childhood thus he decided to only took people which he deemed to be powerful enough to survive the war. With his ship and 17 alliance ships he too started his journey toward the Marinford, whenever he asked anything about Leo to the two team person team escorting him, they simply ignored him. After their task was done both simply disappeared.

Leo slowly crossed the Redline, he could hear the sea kings talking and told them the time for Noah to be used will come soon that they should start gathering forces confusing the sea kings as they had alone once seen a human talking to them.