
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

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Hours after what happened in the palace of the king

It was already night while Anna, Audrey, and Alexander had settled in the mansion of the prime minister, This mansion was in the most exclusive area of ​the capital, where the houses of the rich politicians and merchants of the kingdom are located.

Normally within the continent there were several names for houses, for example normally only the home of the royal family could be called "Palace", While the common nobles, their official residence was usually called "House" plus his surname Eg: house of Keer, but there were people who did not abide by those rules, like the Sail empire, their power was called "royal palace" while the residence of the imperial family, called "imperial palace", they wanted to make clear that their empire was above any kingdom.

While normal people and wealthy people could not name their home unless they earn a noble title.

During the night there was an old man in front of a chessboard, this view could be said to be very common, but the surprising thing was his opponent, who was a five years old boy. After a few minutes of playing the game was about to end leaving the five-year-old boy as the winner. The old man seeing this could only sigh and said, "The third prince is certainly capable"

The boy just smiled slightly as he said, "Mr. Frey is not bad either, it just you lacks practice." This pair being Alexander and former Prime Minister Frey.

A few hours before.

Frey, He found out what the king had done, so he went straight to the palace to have a conversation with his student, how he did something so idiotic. This movement can cause many disputes between the royal family and divide it, he did not understand how his student could not see something as simple as this. But when he was halfway there, he heard a childish voice called from behind, "Mr. Frey, What are you doing here?"

Upon hearing that, Frey turned around to see the person who called him, to his surprise he saw a five-year-old boy, but at this movement, he was in a hurry, so after seeing him, he only nodded at the boy before turning his head and prepared to continue on his way, but before he could do that the child said something that shocked him, "Mr. Frey, if you're here to talk to that king, I recommend you to think twice "

Upon hearing that, Frey stopped short, and turned around with curious eyes he faced the child, and asked: "Why?"

The boy only replied: "Because my mother is already on her way to the King's office, if the gentleman goes and speaks in favor of the king, maybe you end up very hurt in the best case scenario "

Frey recognized Alexander since he saw him, and he knew that the ninth would be furious with the king, but he did not imagine that she would face the king directly. knowing this he could not help but worry about the ninth concubine as he knew that the Sea Palace had sent an expert for the safety of the royal family, but he knew that protection was only for the king and the third concubine.

Before he could speak, Alexander spoke again: "Sir, why do you look so worried?" At this moment Frey could only stare at Alexander, thinking Alexander did not act like an average child, After a few moments, he said. "And you're not worried about your mother?"

Alexander just smiled at him and replied, "haha, sir, I think I should worry about the old man from the sea palace."

Hearing that, Frey could not help but shudder. from the time someone stole from the King, The sea palace had sent someone to prevent that from happening again. But this matter was only known to very few people inside the palace, but Frey was sure that the ninth was not one of them, so his attitude changed, being more severe and staring at Alexander he asked "How do you know about that? , it's not something a child should know."

"I know it from the time she came to the palace, That old lady kept watch on us a few days after she arrived So it would be weird if we didn't know" Alexander said lightly and it was True a couple of months after the thefts toward the king, someone came from the sea palace and went looking for the stolen potions but she underestimated the formations made by Alexander. So she left empty-handed. After that, Alexander reinforced the existing formation with a formation of illusion throughout his mother's room so that the old woman would not suspect anything and give them some leeway.

When he heard those words Frey was somewhat incredulous, he could not believe what he had just heard, somewhat being doubtful he decided to probe Alexander, "If you know about her, you should know about her strength, Are not you worried about your mother?"

Alexander, When he heard that question knew what Frey was coming from, He thought it was a boy boasting, thinking that his mother was the strongest person in the world. Without knowing anything about there being much stronger people outside. So he just replied: "She just in the fourth level of the Realm of QI Gathering so she won't be a problem."

Frey could not believe that Alexander could know something like that, as even Frey only learned three years ago, that there were more realms in the way of cultivation. But this child said it so lightly as if he were talking about an ant!

Enjoying the expression of the old man Frey, Alexander turned around leaving the following message: "Mr. Frey, I will be honest, this time my father crossed a line that he should never cross, This time it is indefensible, I can recommend two things, One If you have to choose, do not choose the side of the king, and two, it would be better to take the marriage certificate of my mother along with you if you are going to see the king," After saying that he left without waiting for the answer from the other side.

Frey after being stunned for a few minutes, thought about what he had just heard, he did not know why but he felt that he should follow these tips of the third prince, he made the decision and started walking.

Returning to the present

Frey remembering the events of the afternoon he could not help sighing. After the game, he could not help feeling that he had made the right decision. Seeing Alexander calm self he asked: "Now that your mother's maid crippled an elder of the Sea Palace, consequently offended them, Knowing the arrogance of the sect, we can assume that the sea place would send some powerhouses to deal with us, so what plans does the third prince have for this situation?"

Alexander liked to hear those words, especially" We ", to tell the truth, from the time Frey helped them he became a part of this group, that is to say when the Sea Palace finds about them, they categorize this group as "Criminals"and they would send some elders from the law enforcement group of their sect to capture them and be "judged", at least that was the standard procedure, if they deemed them not worthy of doing that, they would only issue a mission for the disciples of their respective sects to train and earn contribution points.

as for Frey in hosting criminals he too became an accomplice, therefore, he expected that he too would receive the same treatment as Alexander's group, so he asked Alexander what he thought, whereas Alexander was very calm, he just smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Frey, let me tell you that a mere Sea Palace amounts to nothing, Within this continent there are countless powers which are more powerful than them, so why should I fear them?"

Edited by Asce1993

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