

COMPLETED [Mature Content] My life has no meaning. I'm forty years old, a middle age woman. Some say I have a fulfilling life, an architect with a high salary, a one-bedroom condo unit and a face that, although not the most beautiful, certainly warrants a second look. The only thing people criticize about me is the emptiness of my ring finger. I'm not married and don't have a family of my own. I don't feel anything about it. I don't need a man in my life, and I hate kids. The only thing I regretted was how I lived my life. Half of it wasted in school and the other half wasted in work. Before I knew it, I'm already old and at my deaths bed - alone and dying. THEN I WOKE UP FROM THE DREAM. ---- Read my other works: I am the Queen (FL) Genre: Fiction, Mature, Modern Romance, StrongFL, RichFL, PoorML, ColdML Realm Wars (ML) Genre: Epic Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Mature, R18, Romance, RPGelements, GAMEelements, OPmc Angels, Demons, Sprites, Elves, Beastmen Generation of Heroes (ML) Genre: Action, Adventure, Epic Fantasy, Friendship, Magic, Beasts, Game Elements, Multiple Leads, OPmc, Romance, War, Military Trinity the Last White Witch (FL) Genre: Werewolf, Vampires, Witches, Fantasy, R18, Mature, ColdML, StrongFL ---- Stalk me here: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: MiuNovels ---- Donate for my Milk Addiction: PayPal: Miu.2017@yahoo.com

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279 Chs

[Demon] [The Marks]

[Leanna's POV]


Everyone stared at the man beside me, seating cross-legged, leaning on the armrest with one hand supporting his head. His other hand kept mine in a tight gripped, refusing to let me escape from his side –– not letting me escape from this terrible, terrible situation we were in.

Cain seated himself while leading me to stood beside him. But the crowds and the professor remained stunned in front of the door, unsure of what happened.

"I'll give you a minute to search."

Cain's chilly voice snapped them out of their trance, and the onlookers' eyes, thick with hate and jealousy, made its way towards me while Zoe and Estela giggled as they teased me with their knowing eyes.

"M-Mr. Fay . . . W-what are you doing here? D-don't you know it's f-forbidden for you to be here i-in o-one of the s-students' room?" Professor Ingrid forced the words out from her trembling mouth.

"What? T-that's Cain Fay?"