
Le Stelle Cadono In Mare

They are both writers, who met inside a café where both were writing. The difference is one is a writer of the story while the other is a songwriter and a singer in training. Serene, a college student who found writing as an escape from everything met Chris, a songwriter, and composer, under the training of a well-known company to become a celebrity. They both fell in love at first sight, it was a sweet story where both found their comfort and peace with each other. But when life suddenly took a turn and things become unbearable, it was time for the both of them to make a decision. Would one choose his dreams or his love? And would the other choose to let go or to fight for their story?

stellartales · Thanh xuân
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3 Chs

Episode 1

Serene's Point of View

"Chris! Stop messing with my stuff!" I shouted

Chris, as he is, would just laugh as he took one of my favorite bear and ran away with it. I heaved a sigh as the tiredness of my body began to come up

"Hey! Why aren't you running to get me?" I heard him shout from the living room

"I'm tired!" Hearing his steps coming back, I took a sit at the bed and tied my hair.

"Here, sorry." He mumbled while giving the bear back. I smiled and tried to kiss him but because I was shorter I only kissed his chin.

He chuckled as he put the bear back to its place.

"I'm free for the whole week, we're having our midterms break so we could be ready for the finals." I informed him, he hummed and looked at me.

"I finished all my work already and submitted a lot of tracks to the directors so I'm free too."

"So where are we going this time?" I asked

We both laid down on the bed, his arms around me trying to get comfortable.

"I don't know, spring is coming so I bet we would be seeing the cherry blossoms again. Do you want to go out of the country?" he asked

"Nah, we still don't have enough budget for that." I answered

"Let's just stay here for this week and have a relaxing bonding." I suggested

He nestled his face on the top of my head, heaving a sigh as he tightened his arms around me.

"Fine by me." He mumbled and I chuckled.



"I love you…"

"I love you too, love."

I put my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. I remember the first time we've met, he smiled at me and I blushed. It was cringe, I know. But it was one of the unexpected thing on my life, we started as stranger, turned to table buddies, then became friends, and now here we are as lovers.

He was one of the person who made me feel safe and happy and I am too to him.

I felt him snored and concluded that he is asleep. I slowly get up from the bed and made him hugged a pillow. It's already 4 PM and I need to make some dinner to surprise him.

This is the first time he had forgot something important and I want to remind it to him. I put on my jacket, took my purse, and made sure he is asleep before going down on our apartment and went to the nearest grocery store.

Making sure I have everything that I need such as ingredients and cake, I went to the counter and checked out everything. Since Chris is a heavy sleeper, I am sure he would wake up around 7 or 8 PM as it is his usual routine.

Coming back on our apartment, I saw him still asleep at the bed looking like a starfish. Chuckling, I went to the kitchen and prepared everything that I need to do.

Cooking would be one of my strengths, I love cooking and so do Chris but we made an agreement that he would only cook if I can't do it.

It took me an hour and a half for cooking so I finished it up by decorating and making sure everything is in place. Once I am sure everything is in place, I checked for Chris and saw that he is still asleep. A knock on the door made me turned around as I heard Chris' groaned.

Opening the door, I saw the delivery man handing me a bouquet of chocolates with a smile.

"Hi ma'am, a delivery for you from Mr. Coffee Guy?"

I laughed and nodded at him. Signing the receipt, he thanked me as I closed the door.

"Oh, the bouquet is here already? Dang it! I should have answered the door now my surprise is ruined."

I laughed at him.

"When did you ordered this?" I asked

"A while ago before I came here." He answered

"So is the pasta okay now?" He added and I nodded while looking at the chocolate bouquet that he gave.

"Thanks Love!" He kissed me on the top of my head as he walked to the kitchen.

It was then when I realized something.

"Wait a dang minute!"


I heard him laughed as I ran to the kitchen.

"I thought you knew that I don't snore when I'm asleep?" He explained as he laughed

"Curse you and your genius mind, Chris!" I yelled as I ran to him

"Sorry, Love! Try better next time and Happy 6th Anniversary!"

Groaning, I stomped my feet and pouted.

"Aww, no need to sulk. For the record, your surprise is sweeter than mine. You even cooked my favorite dish!" He exclaimed

He walked towards me and engulfed me in a hug. Kissing my forehead, I smiled at him.

"No surprises and gifts could surpass the best gift that I received and that's you, Love. I love you more than words that we could write and songs that I could make." He whispered

With tears in my eyes, I hugged him tight.

"I love you too. More than words that we could write and stories that I could make." I whispered back

"Let's eat?"

I nodded and we both spend our anniversary with each other's presence.


The sun shined through the windows as I woke up. I could smell the bacon and pancakes already outside so I got up and washed my face. Brushing my hair and putting it on a messy bun, I walked out of our room seeing Chris cooking and dancing to the song playing on his Spotify.

"What you got there, big guy?" I asked even though I know what he is cooking.

"Pancakes and Bacon. Good Morning, Love." He answered

"Good Morning, Love."

I set the table up, as he finish cooking the last batch of bacon. Our coffee and hot chocolate are ready just the way we like it. When I finished setting up, I helped him took the dishes he made and put it on the table.

I felt his presence behind me, snaking his arms around my waist as he kissed the top of my head.

"Did you have a good sleep?" he asked which in turn I nodded

"Best sleep that I had ever since my finals started." I answered

He mumbled something before kissing me on the cheeks and walked to his side of the table.

"I might go to the studio today to hand in some tracks then we could have our day to ourselves. Do you want to do anything?"

Taking some foods, I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him.

"I have nothing on my mind today."

"A movie night with lots of foods sounds ideal to me." He suggested

"Let's go with that one! I'll check what movies we could watch on Netflix later."


Once we finished our breakfast, I told him to go and get ready and I'll be the one to clean all the mess. It wasn't long when he came back on the kitchen with wet hair, wearing a black shirt and pants with his backpack on.

"Your hair is still dripping, Chris."

"Dry it for me?"

I rolled my eyes playfully as I realized that he wants some attention. Taking the towel on his hands, he sat down on a chair as I dried his hair for him.

"You just want some attention from me when we literally just had breakfast together, hhmm?"

I heard him chuckled as he held both of my hands.

"I always love your attention but sadly I'm running late. I could already sense Peter calling me right now."

And without a doubt his phone rang and Peter's name popped out.

"Told yah." He muttered, I laughed and fixed his shirt.

"You and your group are literally soulmates." I commented which he laughed on

"I know right, I'm glad that I have them."

He kissed me on the cheeks before bidding good bye and running out of the house.

"Say hi on your group for me!" I told him as he yelled "okay!" back.

Finishing the dishes and cleaning the whole house was relaxing for me. The house was quiet and it made me have some time to actually relax myself from the stress that I had been feeling due to my exams.

Cleaning our bedroom, I fixed Chris' closet and arranged his clothes which wasn't hard because his clothes were all black. No other colors, just black.

While cleaning, I found a box on the top of my closet which I thought was a box of shoe but when I opened it, it was full of some cute things from Chris when he was still courting me and from the early year of our relationship.

I still have the receipts from our first movie dates. Chuckling at myself, I took a picture of it and sent it to him.

"Look love, our receipt from our first movie date."

I smiled when I sent it to him. It will take some time before he responds so I just continued cleaning and organizing some stuff to pass on some time.