
Chapter 21

(Few Months Later)

Renji was standing in front of Sensei.

Shintaro Sensei moved with her sword.

She was fast as hell...

Renji brings the staff in front of him, Just as soon as she moved.


The sword hit the staff.

She twisted her arm and slashed his face

He didn't care and swiped the staff at her abdomen


The sword as soon as hit Renji's face broke down into pieces, His face didn't even have a single scratch.

The Staff was about to hit the abdomen of Shintaro when she disappeared and appeared some step back.

Renji rotated and spin the staff overhead.

"Fuinjutsu Art: Magnifesto"

The staff becomes bigger and in Just a second the staff is huge

Shintaro Sensei watched as the staff came to her and Just as it was about to hit her.

She disappeared in a poof of smoke...

Renji: "..."

When she appeared a few steps back... the wind generated by the huge staff and his great strength was too much to handle as she slid back...

That's all the time in the world needed for the humongous staff to reach her...


She clicked her tongue there is no way to dodge it, there is no time.

And block, well let's just forget about that, If she goes to block that thing with that boy's strength, She might very well break her hands' bones.

And the moving huge staff hit her face, breaking the bones alongside it...


The Clone disappeared and Renji without pausing swing down the staff that miraculously shorten itself.

The Great strength of Renji wasn't Just for a show... One swing and it really made a mess of things.


Renji's staff hit the ground that broke into pieces and from the broken earth. Shintaro sensei's hand with a sword that was covered in lightning was coming at him.

Renji grin at her...



"Fuinjutsu Art: Water and Lava Formation"


Renji disappeared from his position... Only leaving behind a massive seal on his previous location.

Shintaro Sensei's attack was being nullified... as she hit nothing but thin air.


In the radius of the 9 meters, a massive outburst of sharp, obsidian shrapnel blast happened, meant to harm anyone near the blast radius.

Renji watched it from the other side of the field... when suddenly

"Poison Release: Immersed Blade"


'What the hell, I can't sense her?'

Renji tried to be prepared but the green smoke came out of nowhere as he was covered in the green cloud of smoke.

"I think you have forgotten something sensei, I am immune to Genjutsu and Poison, You made me immune to those things remember?"

"Really? My dear disciple"

A voice sounded just beside his ear, he could even feel her breath.

He hurriedly swings his staff but found no one.

"There is this one thing about seals, that you should know about my poor disciple"

Just behind him...

He hurriedly turned back. No one was there.

"Seals can do anything, it can even hide chakra from the chakra sensitives"

Just beside him... he can't see her.

He gritted his teeth and spin the staff front, back and sideways. The wind created because of his great strength by the staff cleared the mist.

No one is there...

"Do you know what I find really scary about ghosts?"

The voice is everywhere and nowhere at the same time...

He was confused, Without his sensing, he really is on the losing end of the rope

"It is that you don't really know where they are"

The voice came from just behind him...

He tried to turn back but his back was already placed the paralyzed seal.

He lost...

She smiled and came in front of him...

"You are not invincible my disciple, even if your body is immune to almost everything, that's why I showed you, Just how weak you are without your Chakra sensing.


He was eating onigiri with his sensei when he asked her, "Sensei, How can I defend against paralyze or sleeping seal or any other seal for that matter"

"You can't"


"You have to let a clone or transformation Jutsu or maybe a substitution Jutsu ready on your fingertips almost the whole time when fighting, You can't be careless... Not until you master the arts of sealing and become at least level 8 Seal master, At that time, You will be able to control the seals on your body no matter how it is placed"

Renji nodded, He really is too far behind the truly powerful ones...

"Now go to your New sensei's and learn the fuinjtusu arts."

Renji nodded


The 2 brothers are happy because Renji just like his mother is a huge genius... Man, this boy is so good that he will catch up to them in just 1 year and leave them in the dust...

Despite that, they were not jealous, But exciting, for this is their Big Sister like Sensei's son.

The two looked at each other and nodded their head at the same time.

It is time.


Renji went back home late that night since he had to learn the fuinjutsu from his two new sensei's

Walking inside he finds Naruto over Sakura, with the girl blushing red while Naruto just looking nervous.

Naruto closed the distance between them, he was fully red and nervous as hell, thinking he better not mess this up...

She closed her eyes...

They both were just about to have their first kiss...

"Alright, what the hell is going on?" Renji asked startling them both.

"Ep!" Sakura cried out as she pushed Nato off her and into the wall.

Naruto rubbed his head as he got up, "Sakura-chan!! That hurt!"

"It was supposed to you pervert!" Sakura cried out.

"It was an accident! I swear!" Naruto said jumping on his feet and offering Sakura his hand, once which she ignored.

She got on her feet and looked at Renji, suddenly her blush turned redder and immediately ran passed Renji and through the door, leaving Naruto and Renji blinking.

Renji turned to him raising an eyebrow, "explain."

Naruto gulped, "well you see, I was having trouble with the D-Rank mission, so Kakashi sensei suggested I ask Sakura for help. She agreed and well... Let's just say things... Developed this way..!!"

"I don't like her... she insulted you back then and... She took Hinata's place", Renji said.

"Huh? Renji what you are talking about?"

"You Idiot, Entire Village Shuns you but one girl, and you FRIEND-ZONE her."

"B-But Hinata is nice to everyone... She is a nice person"

'Heh... All these years and in the end she got this nice person tag to her... sigh'

Renji sighed, "I won't go into your personal life, but Go out there and tell Sakura you're sorry for what you have done. Here," Renji took out a piece of paper and created an origami rose out of it,

"Give it to her."

Naruto's eyes sparkled, "Thanks Bro!" he grabbed the rose and ran out.

Renji sighed watching naruto running out, "I guess, I will just have to meet Hinata and say sorry for this baffoon of an Idiot"

As he made his way towards the Hyuuga House...

But it's not appropriate to go to a lady's house at night, and he doesn't know if he can meet anyone in the daytime, considering his daily busy schedule. The only option to meet her is the night, and what's a better day than today.


He made some seals that allowed him to surpass the guarding Hyuuga's that weren't paying much attention.

He went inside not gaining any attention so far...


He turned around to see Hinata and a younger girl fighting beside an adult man overseeing the process.

Maybe her sister and father.

Renji can never be sure though...

In the battle, Hinata was able to block most of the younger girl's attack and in the most appropriate time, she almost struck her down...

But she didn't, Hinata hesitated and the younger girl win.

"Still a Trash in the end", the older Hyuuga said to Hinata

"Father", she said in a timid voice

This infatuates that Hinata's father even further.

"I don't talk to the trashes"

Hinata was in tears.

There was a noise...

"Whose there?", the Hyuga adult shouted

But Renji was long gone...


That night, Hinata was crying in the park all alone... there was never a soul in the surroundings.

He came and stood behind her at a proper gentleman distance as he said, "I am sorry I didn't mean to interrupt, but I heard everything"


She was shocked and with wide eyes saw him, the red hair monster as they call him...

"R-R-Renji?", she asked timidly

Renji smiled a little, "Hey Hinata, long time no see"

But she didn't answer and turned back on him.

He smiles and sat down, "You know, I was never really friends with you, but if you want, I can give you the shoulder to cry on"

"N-No Th-Th-Thank you, I-I prefer to b-be alone", she said with hollow eyes and stood up to go back.


She didn't realize when he held her wrist and forcefully hugged her

Her eyes widened as she blushed entirely red... she tried to push him off, but his voice rang into her ears, "There are people in this world who prefer solitude. But there is no one who can withstand it."

She stopped struggling at that...

"Kindness is never a bad thing Hinata When you fight to save something or one that's precious to you, at that very moment you become genuinely stronger... You are strong Hinata, you are very strong, and you will continue to become even stronger."

She jerked at that... This was the only time, someone calls her strong, Her father called her trash, her cousin calls her weakling and her sister, she doesn't know, what her sister gonna call her in the future.

Her fist tightens, she has a name, she has the Hyuuga pride as well, yet all trample on her. Trample her pride as a Hyuuga. She is a human as well. She has a heart as well and it hurts. It hurts like hell.

Her tears fall down, as she cried again...


He gently coaxed her, "I never really had parent's to begin with, so I know, I am not the most suitable person to say this... But, your father loves you Hinata, I believe everyone is in this world Because they were once loved dearly, no matter how short-lived, no matter how long-lived... But there is someone, somewhere, that love you Hinata"


She wrapped her hands around him...

"W-Wait Hinata don't"

But how can the person who is crying so badly listen to him.

'Her chest touching me, think of something else you creep, 1 2 3 4, damn they are too soft'


He stands in the training ground with sleepy eyes...

The entire night, he had to take care of Hinata, and even more so, after he told her that Naruto is with sakura.

She cried even more, knowing her crush is broken.

She literary slept on him... He can't really be so heartless to remove a broken young maiden, and he sighed.

It's not appropriate to send her home, she who is with a boy this late at night... even if he sends her home alone, people will talk, her status as the Hyuuga Princess is not for a show.

She might just suffer from humiliation... But for him... Sending the Hyuuga princess this late at night might bring him the whole Hyuuga clan after his head.

He gulped

No no no

He let her slept on him...

She kept sniffing, having the nightmares, he had to coax her all night long...

And the worst thing is that he literary had to suffer the angry eyes of the Hyuuga head and Hinata's father, this morning.

He answered several questions from the Hyuuga head, Just this morning

And she freaking slept through all of this... Just how worry-less sleep does she sleep

That day Renji decided never to entangle with the ladies, they are bad news.

The next day, he was teamed with Team Kurenai for his first C-Rank.

And there she is, Hyuuga Hinata...

She bowed her head down being it all red, as she pocked her fingers

He literary promised himself to stay far away from the ladies just hours ago. And he could sense the glaring eyes of the Hidden Hyuuga, Not far away.

He sighed... This is not my fault that we are on the same team for our first C-Rank alright?