
Chapter 20

In a certain Street...

In a Certain Apartment...

In a certain room...

It was dark...

The door opened, and a figure came inside without a care in this world

"Come on out, I know you guys are here", said the voice of the one that came in

Immediately the room brightens up and the two figures came in.

The older figure smiled, "Thank you for letting us live in this apartment"

The figure turned out to be Sensei Shintaro...

"How did you know that I let you live here?"

The older man smiled, "It's simple, One is a boy with Bijju inside of him, the pariah of the village, and another with the huge bounty on his head for no reason... Of course, any sensible person will be cautious of anyone coming near them"

Sensei Shintaro shook her head, "You guys are watching us for a long time, if you guys had any ill intent towards Renji, I would have known till now"

The Younger brother bowed a little, "Thank you for trusting us"

"Do not make a mistake, I don't trust you, and any moment you make a move against my disciple or the Village, I swear, I will kill you"

"As my little brother said, Thank you for trusting us"

"Alright, since you get that I am the one letting you being near him, I need answers", said Sensei Shintaro

"And we will gladly answer all the questions, But we have a condition"

"What is it?", she asked frowning

"We want to teach Little Renji Fuinjutsu and give him summoning animal"

"That simple?"

"We don't want anyone to know about it, not even Lord Hokage", he said finally

"It's going to be tough", she said shaking her head

"You will understand the reason once you know his parents... Isn't that's the reason we were allowed to live here?", said the older of the two siblings

"Very well, Since all the cards are on the table, Let's fold them, Which organization is targeting Renji"

"Island of the Blooming Flowers"


"His father's and mother's identity is little too special"

"Alright, Who is the father then?"

"Haru Aashui"

"Never heard of him"

"That's because he never left any witness after finishing the Job... But I guess you heard the massacre that took place 12 years ago right? The massacre that killed 100,000 mysterious Shinobis"


"All of them were the members of Isle of Blooming Flowers, More than 5000 Were Jonins, and there were more than 1000 Kage Level Shinobis in that Massacre"


"What the... 1000 Kage Levels?"

"Yes, My Lady, More than 1000 Kage Levels, and more than 5000 Jonins, Isle of Blooming flower at that time was something, that no one could go against at time"

"If they were so powerful than a single man...!!"

"Yes, A single man managed to kill everyone, not to mention in just 7 days."


The Brother's chuckled at her shocked face, This was the face anyone would make when they hear the truth"

"Then who's the boy's mother... You said his father and mother both had special identity"




"Well, Who is it?"

"Isle of Blooming flowers second in command, and soon to be a leader at that time"

"Wait? Her people are trying to kill her flesh and blood?"




"I am not going to repeat the same question again and again"

"Sigh, Renji's mother was... The Undefeated Red Rose"




Shintaro's eyes were wide opened as she remembered...

It was the start of the Third World Shinobi war...

Konoha Just lost their General Sakumo Hatake...

The greatest Kenjutsu User ever, Who suicide because of some worthless scum civilians who kept pestering him.

She remembered that day,

The Day when she entered the war for the first time...

It was during that time she met her...

The Undefeated Red Rose, Who practically Killed the entire Ghost team in mere 10 Seconds and 3 moves in total.

It wasn't even a fight, to begin with, It's Just like an Adult toying with Toddlers.

Shintaro was just a newly promoted ANBU of that time and became the part of the team Ghost... She remembered she was beaten up and with scratches kneeling on the tree branch.

In front of her was a red hair masked beauty, One could tell the masked Beauty was beautiful with her collarbone.

Shintaro, as the ghost Sparrow tried to move again but was mercilessly beaten back by the red hair beauty yet again.

"My friend your perception of peace is wrong. People have been proven wrong many times, during the examination of peace. Isn't your General was a victim of that... My objective isn't to bring forth such a trivial concept. I'll give this world the peace, this world needs... even if I have to make this world the hell it's meant to be!"

She was allowed to live at the opponent's mercy, from that day onwards she trained like hell, and fought like hell, and in the end, became the youngest Ghost Leader in history.

They met again...

The masked Red hair Beauty was much more matured this time... She was never in a hurry, her lips never stopped smiling

That smile truly angered the Ghost Leader Shintaro...

Shintaro challenged her...


She remembered she was beaten in 3 Seconds in Just 1 move.

This wasn't the match, to begin with... It was Just her willful thinking that she could defeat the Legendary Red Rose, the Undefeated Shinobi of her time and era.

"Kill me", said Shintaro when she saw the red hair beauty started to walk off.

"Why should I do that?", the red hair beauty smiled and look at Shintaro

That Smile makes her angry.

"Because we are Shinobi's we either kill or be killed in a mission... I refuse to live at the mercy of my opponent once again"

Hahahahahah... The Red Hair Beauty laughed angering the Ghost Leader Sparrow even more.

"You know, Just a week ago I met this fool who refused to be defeated by me, and train daily, That fool even live with me, Just so that one day he could beat me... funny he said the same thing that you did right now"


"What do you mean?"

The red hair beauty walked off, "This world is not just black and white, there are colors in this world. My little Shinobi, I hope you can keep my words in your memory forever"


"This world is not the dog eat dog world. This is what we made this world into"


"Vengeance is the product of the hate and so death follows. But in death, there is only more death. This will give rise to more pains. In this cursed world we live in, it is a cycle of hatred that will not cease."


"I long for peace, my Little Shinobi, I long to break the Cycle of Hatred, This is my dream, This is my wish"

The Figure of the red hair beauty was gone

But she still didn't forget, she can't forget... The Undefeated Red Rose who taught her the meaning of Peace, the meaning of the cycle of hatred.

And she can forget Utterly disgustingly Powerful Red Rose who practically toyed with her.

After that day, Sparrow Trained even harder, Years Passed and she grew stronger and tougher.

Yet she knew, she was no match of the Red Rose, she even wondered who is stronger, their 4th Hokage or the Red rose.

Both must be of the same age.

A few months later, during the climax of the 3rd Shinobi war.

The world was in turmoil, The Masked Red Rose struck again, she defeated 4th Hokage Minato Namikaze.

Just one seal, she suppressed the flying thunder god seal. To become the world's greatest Fuinjutsu Master.

4th Hokage the great Minato Namikaze was beaten black and blue in mere 3 Moves.

And from the belly of hers, She was pregnant.

No one knows her identity, No one knows her affiliation, No one even seems to be able to find her.

They all suspected her being the survivor of the Uzushio massacre... But there was no way to clear the suspicion.

It was said that the history's greatest Seal masters walked on the holy land of the Uzushiogakure.

Perhaps this was the kind of strength that once only belonged to Uzushiogakure no Sato.

(In the Present time)

Shintaro shook her head, "I refused to believe, Undefeated Red Rose can't be killed, there was even a rumor back in the days that she was immortal"

"She was pregnant and was running from the Isle... Of course, she could be killed, and the rumors are always exaggerated"

"But why is her Isle trying to kill her? Wasn't she the boss of the Isle?"

"Isle of Blooming Flowers started the Third World Shinobi war Using Akatsuki Leader"


"I don't know much about them... But the Leader of the Isle tried to control the world and for that, they matched with someone, and plan some Infinite Tsukuyomi... Sensei didn't agree to that plan and killed the Leader of the blooming flowers before running"

"So... Isle of Blooming flower not only lost majority of their strong forces but also their Leader at the time?"


"Man, I can see this thing goes very deep", she chuckled, "So the current strength of The Isle is?

"Very Low, In today's time, there is only a handful of Jonins in there, and a single Kage Level that's acting as a leader"

"Alright... That answer all my questions, except why do you want to teach their son in a secret"

"Sensei left every single technique she ever created for her newborn child in case something happened to her"


"The techniques of the Legendary undefeated Red rose herself?"

"Yes, and not only her, but her husband also wrote every single technique he knew at the time also his summons and left it for his newborn child in case something happened"


"Those two things..."

"We never read it, we will not read it, neither will we let anyone else read it"

"Very well, I have now all the answers to my question, Come to Training ground 2 Tomorrow at six, I will make it sure, the treasure book of those 2 remains a secret"

"Thank you"


(Next Day) (Morning)

Renji was standing in front of the 2 men.

The 2 men smiled at the same time, "From today, we shall teach you the Art of Fuinjutsu"

Shintaro Sensei who was leaning on the side Gulped, The Child of the Red Rose Learning the Art of Seals, For the first time, She feared and envied the power and The Inheritance left for Uzumaki Renji.