
Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

------------------------------------------------- MC: I am a dragon? Cool! Also, MC: Wait, most of the dragons died after centuries of being hunted for their expensive materials, and when beings called players descended with their powerful systems and immortality, they hunted down rest of them ... and I am the last one... I am fucked!!! ------------------------------------------------- Join our MC, a former player on his journey not to become a legendary rank item, in a world of the game that he used to play. ------------------------------- Release schedule: 1 chapter each day Bonus chapter goals: 500, 800, 1111 ----------------------------------------- Official discord: https://discord.gg/pWfgFHwvh4

AnonymUser · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
534 Chs

Chapter 52: Snow and Fire

In the small valley surrounded by snow-covered mountains stood a small group of tents. Tall snow-covered spruces were growing all over the valley, and two massive ballistae stood in its corners, aiming up towards the star-littered sky. High above the camp levitated a ball of light, illuminating the camp and the sky above it. To it, a thin collum of energy kept rising from the ground, fuelling it from a massive crystal with mages taking turns to power it up.

The hunters in heavy armours shining in the reflected light from a fire pit stood around the firepit. Few of them had their helmets off, showing a gloomy expression and fumes coming from their noses and mouth as the night in the mountains was quiet and cold, with strong winds howling all around them.

"This is insane. We have been marching through this rocky terrain for hours and repelled multiple ambushes by these stupid ice lizards. On top of that, we can't even properly sleep without fear of getting burned down by that stupid wyrm."

"We are here to avenge our dead comrades, " the hunter grinned, "And mainly to steal the treasure of the elder wyrm. Just imagine it, brother, the mountains of gold that the elder wyrm collected through its long life."

Their gloomy expressions immediately vanished as they imagined swimming in gold.

"Dammit, that stupid wyrm just refuses to fight... We can't corner it and force it to fight and kill it."

"Are you an idiot? Hahaha, we can. We just need to find its lair with the hoard, and the beast will definitely die defending it."

More laughter came from around the firepit.

Suddenly a sphere of magma appeared high in the sky, flying from behind one of the peaks, quickly moving towards the camp.

"We are under attack!" soon, bells started to ring, alerting everyone in the camp. Then clinging of heavy boots sounded through the whole camp as the hunters ran out of their tents, already equipped with their heavy armours.

The sphere of magma landed in the middle of the small camp, exploding and sending hot lava in all directions. The hunters manning ballistae quickly turned them in the direction of the attack.



Another massive sphere of magma launched from the mountain peak, slowly closing on the hunters. It landed straight between two tents exploding and engulfing both of them in lava.



Everyone was looking upwards, aiming their heavy crossbows.

"Ahh!" suddenly, a human shout came from the direction of the part of the camp inhabited by the players. Figures covered in black mantles and dragon-shaped masks on their faces ran straight into the camp.

"Ambus..." the spear covered in flames pierced through a player with mace. Exiting out of a place where was supposed to be heart. The player fell to the ground, blood coming out of his mouth. A small sphere of magma flew out of the staff of one attacker, exploding between players looking upwards, lava splashing around at the players causing horrible burns.

Both groups of players reached each other, entering a melee brawl. Lights flashed as the skills impacted against skills.

The player in a priest's robe realised what was going on, brilliant white light shining out of his staff and covering his allies, their injuries closing on the visible speed, "Quickly regroup!".

"Burn! Burn!" small fireballs landed between players.

Then the massive cloud of smoke with few orange lights descended from the white peak. The dragon's wings were pointed backwards as he accelerated using wind currents and gravity. It was so sudden that the hunters manning balistae didn't manage in time to adjust their aim. Their bolts hit the peak of the mountains, exploding and sending a small avalanche of snow hurling downwards.

The dragon reached the valley, dozens of bolts hitting his volcanic armour and getting stuck in it. He opened his mouth and released a stream of magma without stopping, flying over the valley, creating a trail of destruction as the magma swept through the middle of the camp.





"Reload, you lazy pigs!" officers were shouting as the dragon vanished behind another peak.

Players kept fighting, spells exploding between them and their weapons clanging as they kept hitting each other. The group of players in robes was getting quickly overwhelmed by their enemies' numbers.

A sword covered in a golden light got deflected, and then a short dagger pierced the heart of a player in a black mantle holding it.

"Retreat!", the player with a spear shouted, and the masked group quickly disengaged, running back into a cover of snow-covered spruces.

"Don't let these traitors of humanity escape!" the priest shouted, and the group of players in varied equipment rushed forward.

Then a massive sphere of magma flew from behind the peak and landed between both groups, flooding the ground with bubbling lava and stopping the pursuing players.



The dragon hiding behind the mountain peaks grinned at the incoming announcements, 'This XP from today together with XP from the massacre in prison and XP gained from players...'

He didn't been had a chance to finish his thought as he got the expected good news.



You are now level 17

All stats increased!

+5 stat points

+1 ability point




You gained a title: [Tank]

Conditions: Have at least 100 DEF, have at least 50 VIT, have at least 50 END and have at least one defensive ability

Effects: +10 DEF; +10 VIT; +10 END; +1 level of all defensive abilities


"Hey mercenaries, why are you not supporting us?" the priest shouted as he realised the luck of the bolts fired by the mercenaries. His head turned to see a massive wave of white rushing down the hill at their camp, "Fuck!".

The hunters with a massive tower shield formed walls around balistae and tents with supplies. There was no fear in their eyes as they were much stronger than people back on the earth, making them confident in surviving the avalanche.

Finally, the avalanche hit the camp, sheer force behind it moving through the tents, taking all of them with it. Snow crushed on top of the mercenaries and players. Runes on the fields flared up, repelling all of the snow and redirecting it like stone water.

(AN: I am thinking about making a poll to decide about the next evolutions. So let me know if you want it.)

Either tomorrow or overmorrow, I will release a bonus chapter.

Thanks for your support. Also, I am thinking about making a poll to decide upon the next evolutions. So let me know if you want it.

AnonymUsercreators' thoughts