

All her life, Eleanor Blake tried to overcome her family’s torturous past: being the daughter of a serial killer. Along with his two older brothers, Luke and Steven, they have had to face the consequences of that monster’s actions: the harassment and vandalism of their neighbors, the destruction of their family, Luke’s addiction to narcotics, and her own determination to cover her hands and hide something beyond her own gift. The only option for all three was to get away from their roots and anchor somewhere else. And that place was Forks. A small town in the middle of nowhere where everything seems calm and safe. Until Eleanor discovers that it is not

Ludmila_Miszka · Phim ảnh
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5 Chs


Guilt is one of the most negative feelings human beings can have and, at the same time, one of the most used ways to manipulate others.

Guilt is the difference between what you did and what you should have done.

Guilt is condemning yourself to a life sentence, victimizing yourself for the life you've lived.

Guilt is an emotion that paralyzes us, which prevents us from continuing to develop all the potential we have.

Guilt is fear, resentment and boycott against oneself.

Guilt is many things: a memory, a secret, a person.

But in my experience, it's almost always what we think we deserve.