
Labyrinth of Beauty

When a woman was forced to enter a life where she did not belong - everything turned upside down on her arrival. A strong clan that has been roaring success for generations. They have lived their lives by the rules that their ancestors have created for them to grow wider and better. Little did she know that their family is full of dirty secrets and revelations. She became an instrument that untangled the strings which have separated the family for years. She has seen the dark sides of a mafia family that she never imagined to unveil. A monstrous world she has discovered, that even an escape plan was not an option.

YouGrowGirl · Thành thị
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15 Chs

Chapter 8

Violet's POV

We have arrived at Grey's mansion. I was just stunned by the absence. I can still clearly remember how Xandra looked. Her legs got stuck and were covered with blood.

I can see in her eyes that she has lost hope of getting out of there.

"Can you clean yourself up?" Lore asked me. I looked at him and nodded.

"Grey will find his sister, Violet. I promised you that." Zeek showed me a reassuring smile.

They lead the way inside, and they let me walk my way to the room and took a shower. I turn on the shower and water started falling on me. I look at my feet and I can visibly see the dirt that the water removes from my body.

This has been a long day. I close my eyes tightly, trying to relax. After taking a shower, I went off the bathroom wearing a bathrobe and saw Que with puffy eyes from crying. She laid down my clothes on the bed.

Que must have known what happened to us.

She felt my presence and looked at me.

"Hi..." I said to her.

"Let me clean your wound." She taps the bed for me to sit there. I sat down on the bed, we were silent for a minute until she spoke.

"X will be alright... I just know it." She said and I felt a tear falls on my hand.

I flinch when she started treating my wound with the cotton ball. "You must have been scared for your life." She smiled lightly. I can see her face because she was holding my chin up to face her.

"Yes... I don't think I did something there to help her." I averted my eyes away from her gaze.

"You know what, when I heard that you're being followed, I was scared for your life too, but I remembered that you are with X. Back there, when they are all pointing guns at each other, I knew... that X will sacrifice herself just to keep you alive. I have never seen her like that before. She was always cold that I never get a chance to know her." She bitterly said.

"But I'm glad you came home safe, I'll take care of you." She sweetly smiled at me.

Her phone made a noise, she took it out of her pocket and I saw her frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Perhaps it is about Xandra. My hopes grew, they must have found her.

"How did they accessed my phone?" She frustrating asked herself.

She just tapped her phone multiple times, "What's wrong?" I repeated my question.

"Someone hacked my phone!" She angrily said. I take a look at her phone when a video automatically plays. A person appeared in the video and I couldn't identify if it was a woman or a man, the person was covered with so much blood, his eyes are swollen, and coughing blood.

"What is that? That's too brutal!" I frustratingly said.

Que keeps trying to stop the video from playing but she couldn't, this is horrifying to watch. When she's about to turn her phone off, someone spoke.

"Say your name." A man commanded this person who looks horrible to look at.

A smirk was plastered on the person's bloody face.

"I'm Xandra Hella Young-" My eyes got wider from what I'm witnessing. Tears started falling down my face. I can not believe that the person who's covered with blood was Xandra.

Que started screaming and she dropped her phone. I put my hand on my mouth to stop myself to wail. Tears are rushing out of my eyes... what have they done to her? She was way better the last time I saw her. Lore and Zeek rushed their way to us.

My mind can't process what I just saw.

"Lore, take Que to her room." Says Zeek who's worriedly looking at me.

Que still sobbing was accompanied by Lore.

"What was that?" I can't believe it...

"That was a live video." Zeek honestly said. I kind of feel relief that it was live and not recorded. I don't know what will happen to her if that happened an hour ago. She has lost a huge amount of blood. She looks like she has bathed in her blood.

"Can they still find her?" I asked.

"I believe they can, X is a very strong woman. She can handle everything despite her condition."



We were all watching the video that was sent to us.

The last thing that we saw was a man hit X with a metal baseball bat from behind and it ended.

We thought it was a recorded video but it was live.

We did not waste much time. Knowing that my sister has endured so much pain there's a possibility that she'll die. I just hope she can still give us time.

"Dwayne call the alarm squad if they can trace the location of who sent us the live video!" I commanded.

Nutriel drove full speed to the headquarters.

I called my men and told them to prepare everything. We don't have much time to plan, we'll just go there with what we have.

We have reached the headquarters and get all the guns that we need and my men are following us from behind. The alarm squad sent us the location where we were going.

It was an abandoned building. Men are scattered everywhere, we have to be careful not to alert them all.

We all have silencers on our guns. I informed my men to surround the place, we are greater in number but I have to keep in mind that there are people inside that might kill X when they got alert and kill her as their last resort. I can't let that happen.

When my men overthrew the opponents, we started moving inside.

I find it suspicious that there are lesser men in here. We fired at every man we encounter inside.

We have cleared the place but we haven't seen X anywhere. I command them to search again but they still didn't see her.

I noticed that Nutriel has been missing since we went inside. Dwayne was still searching for the whole place but we didn't find anything. We went out and saw Nutriel carrying someone.

Covered with blood. How did he find her?

How did he know where she is?

Dwayne run to Nutriel and took X from her.

She's unconscious.

My sister has suffered so much from this.

"Grey, come with me," Nutriel said.

I followed him to an old concrete house.

"Where did you seen her?" I asked.

"Right, here. I doubted that they put her where you went. I was observing the place during the live video and I distinctively noticed the difference between the wall of that building and this house." He said. That's why... no doubt, Nutriel was an observant person and he remembers everything even the little details.

Dwayne must have taken X to the hospital without us.

"What do you want me to see?" I asked.

"This." He opened the door and I saw 5 men lying on the ground, but one of them is still alive and his legs were bleeding

"Who's this?" I asked.

"That guy was behind all this. I shot his legs so he wouldn't be able to escape." He calmly said. Nutriel knows where to fire at someone without killing them. Specifically, because he's a doctor.

"This should have a good outcome and if only you did not intervene." He angrily said to Nutriel.

"Why did you do this?!" I kicked him on his stomach. He groaned.

"I have planned this for months now. This should have come out perfectly..." He said.

"Yeah, if only your brain is working and thought about hiding your location!" I kicked his face. I think I have broken his nose, he deserves it, though.

"Now you can bring me to the hospital now," He said. What is he talking about?

Nutriel chuckled. "I know, you find him weird."

"What's with him?" I asked.

"What are you do standing there? I'm can't move here! Bring me to the hospital!" He commanded us.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well, in a movie, if a supervillain was caught they won't kill him, they'll bring him to the hospital and put him in prison, right? Don't tell me you don't have a childhood?" He seriously asked.

Nutriel and I looked at each other and we both burst into laughter.

Did this guy just think that this was just like a movie? What does he think? We'll receive a bouquet and an award from saving someone?

I walk out of the house and Nutriel followed. "Tell them to bring that guy in the Red Room."

"I can't believe that guy, he just caught a big fish in the sea with that kind of brain." Nutriel chuckled.

"Tell me about that. We have to go and check up on Violet."



My mind is still wide awake. I just can't see what's happening but I heard multiple gunshots. They're here. A smile escaped my lips.

I heard the door open loudly. I heard screams and gunshots. And I heard Trench begging for his life, and heard multiple shots, again.

Someone lifted me, "You're safe now, princess."

"I love you." That was the last thing I heard before I lose all my senses.