
Labyrinth of Beauty

When a woman was forced to enter a life where she did not belong - everything turned upside down on her arrival. A strong clan that has been roaring success for generations. They have lived their lives by the rules that their ancestors have created for them to grow wider and better. Little did she know that their family is full of dirty secrets and revelations. She became an instrument that untangled the strings which have separated the family for years. She has seen the dark sides of a mafia family that she never imagined to unveil. A monstrous world she has discovered, that even an escape plan was not an option.

YouGrowGirl · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 9


"They found her!" I heard Lore shouted outside the room.

I hurriedly run out of the room and saw him jumping continuously.

"They are at the hospital! She's safe!" He excitedly said, I see his eyes teary.

Que went out of her room while Zeek runs as fast as he can to us.

"Did they found her?" Que asked.

"Grey and Nutriel are on their way here. They say the doctors need to perform surgery on X but she's okay and she'll recover here." Zeek and Lore were punching in the air, a sign of happiness. While Que was sobbing.

I just realized something, seeing these people now, maybe Xandra was wrong, she just distant herself from them and she never knew how important she is to these people. They loved her, and she did not notice that. I can see it in their eyes.

I have been praying for her safety since we watched the video.

"Guys! We're here!" Nutriel announced. We all look in his direction, he's with Grey.

"Wait for us there!" Lore shouted. We all excitedly went to the elevator and got out after seconds.

Both of them looked exhausted. It's already dark outside. They had a long day.

"We check on her before we went here," Grey informed. I can see dirt on his clothes.

"I'm happy that I can see those cheerful eyes again." He told me and caress my face.

I was ashamed of what he said.

He continued talking to Zeek and Lore so I decided to go back to the room. I left them there because I know they have a lot to talk about. I'm just so happy to know she is safe and blissful that I got to see these precious people who loved Xandra dearly.

"We have to go to rest so your aunt won't scold me when she recovered."



"Have you seen the guy who caused all this trouble?" Nutriel asks them.

"No, did you caught him?" Que asked. I pushed her forehead with my palm.

"Go to your room. Don't meddle with this." I said.

"I'm a part of this, you know. You can't hide these things from me, forever!" She stamps her feet on the ground like a kid.

"Queenerie, when I told you not to interfere, do not interfere." I firmly said.

"Don't call me by that name! You're so annoying!" She angrily said.

"What? Just because you're called as Que in here doesn't mean that you're matured already. You still act like a kid, you know." Everyone chuckled except her.

"You know what, let's just talk to the Red Room," I said. "Lore, take her to her room, make sure she won't follow. Lock her inside if you have to." I ordered.

Lore does as I say, and I heard Que getting mad as they are getting away from us.

"He's annoying! How can he treat me like this? He isn't like that with X!" She barks unstoppably.

We walk our way to the Red Room, "How's the newcomer?" I asked the guard.

"Loud." He said.

We went inside and saw this guy. The guy who caused so much trouble to us.

His glasses are broken and tied to a metal chair.

"Release me at once!" He yelled.

Nutriel kicked him hard in the head that caused him to fall to the ground.

"What do you think of this? You should have played GTA instead if you think this is just a game!" Nutriel said.

"Woah, dude! Don't start without me!" Lore excitingly runs his way to us.

"Guards!" I called. They lift him and returned him to his former position.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Trench, founder of Trench organization-" The three burst into laughter.

"So, this is the guy?" Lore said disappointingly. "Oh, men! What are you even thinking?" He laughingly asked Trench.

When all of the sudden, he stabbed Trench on his shoulder.

I wasn't aware that he's already holding a knife.

It caused Trench to scream in agony.

"This is what it's like." Lore said and pulled Trench's hair back.

The three started to beat him up to death.

This reminds me of who they are to X when we're all a kid. They are her savior.


"GREY, XANDRA IS CRYING!" They all said in unison.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Her trainer beat her up because she couldn't do what he said." Lore said.

"Where is she?" I next asked.

"Probably back in her room," Zeek replied.

"She has bruises all over her," Dwayne said.

I walk to the training ground and saw her trainer.

"Mister Grey, what a great morning we have." He greeted me.

I took out my knife and stabbed his leg for me to be able to beat the hell out of him.

I'm six years old, and I'm still at disadvantage for my height.

After he falls to the ground, all of us beat him up.

I stopped myself and saw three of them angrily punching and kicking him.

"You should never mess with my sister, ever again," I said firmly.

A woman entered the scene and shot the trainer in the head.

"Mom..." I told to myself. My mom is intimidating.

"What? You should have just killed him if you're that angry with him." She said.

The three made their way out of the training ground and I was the only one left with my mother.

"Come with me." She calmly said.

She started to walk and I just followed her. I admit I'm afraid of what my mom would do to me.

We arrived at the Red Room and saw a man beat up.

"Now, tell me the reason why you did that?" She asked. I'm not sure if I should tell her the truth or not.

"Is it because of your sister?" She asked, again. I didn't utter a word when I felt a hard slap.

"Didn't I have told you before? Never meddle with your sister's training, again! This is why she's too weak!" She shouted at me.

"You see that man?! She's supposed to kill him this early morning but she couldn't!" She pointed at the man.

"Never hesitate to kill. That's what I told you! And you never disappoint me in your training, but you have to understand that you shouldn't always help your sister. You're tolerating her weakness!" She keeps on scolding me.

"This is why I never allow you both to be together. She's weak and you're treating her like one." She walks closer to the table with knives.

"Because you're acting heroic," She handed me the knife. "It's your job to kill him for her." She ordered me.

I did what she wants me to do.

After the man is lifeless, I went to her.

"Never, try to come near her, Grey. Weak has no place for this world and if she keeps messing up, I'll kill her." She reaches down my level. "You understand that, right?" I nodded.

"You're a smart boy... we just need to strengthen your sister for this family to stay at the top." She patted my head. "Now, clean yourself up." She stood up straight and left me there.


After that day, I never dared to come near X. But we always find a way to silently help her.

Because of her disobedience, our mother never lets any kids her age talk to her.

I also remember when Que tried to approach her when we were eight years old.

"Xandra, can we play dolls?" A 6-year-old Que asked.

X just stand firmly and refuse her. But, I can see in her eyes that she wanted to experience to have someone to talk to and play with, I wasn't like her growing up... our mother let me play and train with others because I did great in training.

Seeing this scene, right now. It reminded me of how we were if X was in need.



I'm still at the hospital, we moved to a recovery room after her operation.

I'm gonna watch her until she's okay. Soon we'll be back at the mansion, they're just arranging her room with the machines she'll be needing. We'll just call for a personal doctor that will take care of her and treat her.

A hint of tiredness can be seen on her face. She has suffered a lot.

Her eyes are swollen from the beat-up, and bruises are everywhere.

"Who told you you're weak? If I were you, I could have died there. You're too strong to be able to handle that, X." Tears started falling from my eyes.

I have loved her since we were young. We were forbidden to come near her and even talk to her. I just did what I can, look at her from afar. I never loved anyone more than her. And when we had a chance, it quickly disappeared. Ever since then, I have never stopped loving her.

She's the purest person I have ever met.


"Oh my god! A dog!" She runs fast to the puppy that she saw.

She's smiling and playing with it even though it is filthy, she didn't mind.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Grey walk closer and asked me.

He looks in the same direction I was looking at.

"Why do I feel like you have a crush on my sister..." He teasingly said.

"Am I not allowed to have feelings for her?" I asked.

"Nah, I know you had a crush on her since we were younger. You always have an update about her that's why we always get in trouble, remember? And I don't have to worry that you hit on her because she's being watched by my mom." He stated. "And I know you'll keep her safe, always. That's why I'm happy that you're always there for her." I saw a glimpse of a smile from him.

"I just wish I could give her that dog." He said sadly.

"Yeah, she's not even allowed to have a pet. The last time she brought a cat your mom killed it." I said.

We heard someone call out her name and she quickly put down the puppy and runs inside.


After that day, I often see her sneak out to see the puppy. One day, her mom caught her and kick the puppy, and pulled her away. That's why I decided to take that puppy and I'll be the one to take care of it. I named him Jumbo because he's too chubby.

I bring it home and often bring him to their mansion, all of us bought our own so that their mother wouldn't suspect us. We reasoned that it is for protection so they all bought a large and wild dog, I was the only one who has a chubby and cute dog. At first, every staff and our trainer think it's funny and soon after, they didn't mind me having Jumbo.

I know that I made her happy that day when she recognizes the puppy I brought.

My parents were way nicer than theirs. Maybe that's why I became a goofy person growing up.

Jumbo's still alive and kicking. He still recognized X, which made her happy when I let her see him.