
My liebling pt2 (Evolution lemon)

(Narrator's pov)

The moment you realized that this man was

actually your blue furred childhood friend you

tackled him out of pure joy. You missed him dearly,

you wanted to cry but seeing his fanged grin made

you smile. His teammates were shocked by your

sudden attack but by the look on Kurt's face you

were someone important, Kurt's hand held your

face softly taking in every small detail of your now

matured form. He always dreamed you'd be a fair

and gorgeous maiden but as always you exceeded

all of his expectations, you were a stunning

brilliant angel.

"My how you've grown, Hase why'd you grow up to

be so enchanting?", Kurt purred snuggling his head

into the crook of your neck.

You smiled and held him tight but then something

came to your mind, "WAIT! Why aren't you blue?",

you glared at him missing his blueness.

With a small twist of his watch he was suddenly

his usual blue self, you smiled in glee finally

recognizing the blue demon you had fallen for

as a child. His parents lifted you off of him and

back on your feet so you could properly introduce

yourself to everyone. They were ecstatic to meet

you and you quickly called for the mutant that

you wanted to introduce to them. It was a young

boy, at a glance he appeared normal but as he got

closer his maroon colored claws began to show.

He had a dragon mutation allowing him scale,

eyes, senses, and a tail of a dragon. The professor

quickly introduced himself to the young mutant,

you seemed at peace knowing that he'd be helped

to control his gift.

"Hase.", Kurt purred hugging you tightly once


"You have a lot of stories you need to tell me.", (Y/n)cheered hugging him back.

While the others chatted with the circus, Kurt

ported you both up to the landing platform of the

trapeze. You both began to talk about what each

other had done within the past nine years you

were seperated. It felt no different then before,

Kurt could still make you smile and laugh while

you could still bring a violet blush to his blue face.

You both talked for hours unaware of how much

time had past, you were both lost in your own little

worlds together. You never wanted it to end...but

Kurt was only here for the child and no doubt by

tomorrow he'd be gone.

"It's getting late Blue, we should probably get some

sleep soon. We have a performance so I'll have to

be ready.", you sighed standing up and looking over

your empty circus.

Kurt quickly stood to his feet and gently held your

hand in his, he didn't want to leave your side not

after how long he's waited. Your heartbeats began

to sync and your bodies moved on their own

towards eachother. Soon his soft blue lips were

against yours and every drop of love and passion

tingled against your soft velvety lips. His tail

wrapped lazily around your waist as he held you

closer enjoying your soft heat against his blue fur.

He pulled away first gazing at you as you basked in

a sweet afterglow of the kiss.


"Yes Blue?"

"Can I do something crazy?", He asked pressing his

forehead against yours.

"Weren't you always the crazy one?", You smiled.

Kurt's face flushed purple, he couldn't compose

himself for what he wanted to say. He wanted to

be with you forever and he wanted to give you

something that only you could have, he wanted to

give you himself, his everything.

"C-can...can I give you my innocence?", He stuttered

hoping you'd say yes, "Will you please accept me as


Your face contorted into a look of shock at the

demand, you were unsure of hOw to respond and

Kurt didn't seem all that fond of your silence.

His face became a deep purple from ear to ear

and he was ready to teleport to his room out of

embarrassment, you hand quickly clamped down

on his wrist and you called his name in a very shy

tone. He turned to meet your lovely (e/c) hues and

noticed that your face was as flushed as his.

"-if you'll have me...then I'd be glad to be your

partner for tonight.", You admitted trying your best

to contain the love you held for this dorky mutant.

Kurt's smile made your heart beat wildly like a

locomotive and soon you felt your back pressed

against a soft comfortable mattress. You were in

his room, left untouched for years and filled with

pictures of you as children.

"Hase, mien hase, I love you.", Kurt smiled kissing

your cheek softly.

"I love you more, my handsome Engel.", You purred

pulling Kurt into a sweet kiss.

His tail waved around in joy as he continued to kiss

you, he loved this feeling, this warmth. He loved it

all. You sighed in content as his soft warm hands

traveled over your body, you wanted him badly but

you didn't want to miss a single detail of his work.

He let out a sexy growl against your ear before

nipping it while his hands tugged at the hem of

your shorts. Your arms laid wrapped lazily around

his shoulder, you soft lips meeting hiS neck while

he continued to strip you.

"You're so soft und warm (y/n), mien gott I love

you.", Kurt purred rubbing his second finger

against your slit.

His tail made quick work of his clothes and you

couldn't complain since you still had your shirt and

bra on. Your body trembled to your partners touch,

his warnm hands traveled up your shirt exciting you

even more. Kurt seemed to almost hypnotized by

your breasts as he took off your bra, the way they

bounced to their new freedom made him purr in

excitement. His tongue danced over your nipple

making you moan in joy while his tail rubbed

against your clit preparing you for what was to

come. Kurt's fangs teased your sensitive nubs, his

licks and bites were driving you crazy.

"K-kurt not so hard.", You sighed lifting your leg up

to rub against his hardening member.

He smiled and slowly teased your entrance with

his tail, he needed to stretch you out. Your lips

kissed against his head and called his name as his

tail slipped into your core making you whine in


"Are you alright Hase?", Kurt worried stopping

each of his mOvements.

Your body trembled to the foreign feeling but you

only needed a few seconds to adjust to it, Kurt

gasped feeling your legs wrap around his waist

which resulted in his face becoming bright purple.

He teasingly rubbed his erection against your clit,

watching you wither to his warmth made him fall

for you again.

"Im sorry (Y/n), I-I can't vait anymore.", Kurt

sighed grinding harder against you.

"Y-yeah...-I get that b-but can you please make

me feel warmer down there? Before you enter my

body.", You begged snapping what little innocence

Kurt had left.

He pulled his tail from your warm hole and

teasingly kissed down your body to your core

to complete your wish before you became one.

He was unsure of what to do but he assumed

his tongue and fingers could make you feel good

down here, his tongue gave your clit a teasing lick

watching you shake in enjoyment. That gave him

a boost of confidence and he continued to do it

occasionally sucking on your sensitive button and

chuckling when your thighs would squeeze his

head. You were breathless already just from his

constant teasing, yet the main event hadn't even

started. His middle finger slowly slid into your core

making you jerk in pain but Kurt's tongue made

you focus on him instead of the pain. Soon enough

he was pumping his finger in and out of you to get

you used to the feeling.

"Ahh...k-kurt that feels amazing.", You sighed

gently tugging at his blue hair.

That feeling of bliss became even greater once

his tongue had slipped into your core. The way

it squirmed against your inner walls made your

toes curl, you couldn't understand how Kurt was

supposedly an unexperienced virgin he made you

Crazy with his touch.

"K-Kurt..ahh...haa.... I-I'm ready. Please take me.",

You giggled craving a bit more then his tongue and


He stared up at you with excited eyes, he felt

ready for this. To share this moment with you

would make him the happiest mutant on Earth.

He quickly ridded you of your bra and shirt and

stared into your eyes, he needed to make sure that

"Y-yeah...-I get that b-but can you please make

me feel warmer down there? Before you enter my

body.", You begged snapping what little innocence

Kurt had left.

He pulled his tail from your warm hole and

teasingly kissed down your body to your core

to complete your wish before you became one.

He was unsure of what to do but he assumed

his tongue and fingers could make you feel good

down here, his tongue gave your clit a teasing lick

watching you shake in enjoyment. That gave him

a boost of confidence and he continued to do it

occasionally sucking on your sensitive button and

chuckling when your thighs would squeeze his

head. You were breathless already just from his

constant teasing, yet the main event hadn't even

started. His middle finger slowly slid into your core

making you jerk in pain but Kurt's tongue made

you focus on him instead of the pain. Soon enough

he was pumping his finger in and out of you to get

you used to the feeling.

"Ahh...k-kurt that feels amazing.", You sighed

gently tugging at his blue hair.

That feeling of bliss became even greater once

his tongue had slipped into your core. The way

it squirmed against your inner walls made your

toes curl, you couldn't understand how Kurt was

supposedly an unexperienced virgin he made you

Crazy with his touch.

"K-Kurt..ahh...haa.... I-I'm ready. Please take me.",

You giggled craving a bit more then his tongue and


He stared up at you with excited eyes, he felt

ready for this. To share this moment with you

would make him the happiest mutant on Earth.

He quickly ridded you of your bra and shirt and

stared into your eyes, he needed to make sure that

you wanted this. You petted his cheek and pulled

him into a kiss, Kurt groaned against you feeling

your warmth coat the tip of his member. He was

ready to give you his innocence and you were

ready to give him yours. He nervously pushed the

tip into your core paying close attention to your

expressions to ensure he wasn't hurting you.

"]ust breathe Hase, it's just us. Just focus on us and

nothing else.", The blue mutant hummed pushing

his cock deeper into your core.

Every inch of his cock made you crazy, it hurt but

you were to focused on making Kurt feel good that

you ignored the pain. Soon Kurt was all the way

in, his member touching your deepest parts, your

stomach felt full and so did your heart. Kurt gave

you a moment to settle into this new feeling which

was fine since he was to busy moaning to the

feeling of your tight heat around his member.

"You feel amazing (Y/n), completely vundabar.",

Kurt hummed kissing your plump lips sweetly.

You panted against his shoulder trying your

hardest to calm down, feeling so full made you

want to cum but the fun was only beginning. You

have an experimental roll of your hips to test it

out which made you booth moan to the pleasure.

Kurt took your movement as a sign to start moving

himself and slowly began to gyrate his hips making

his member seemingly roll inside you.

"Kurt!~", (Y/n) moaned.

Kurt's tail rolled against his back in curls, he felt

so good being caught up in this passion with you.

His arms rested next to your head, his forehead

pressed against yours, and his hips forcing your

body to curl under him. He moved your legs to

his shoulders and slowly began to thrust into you

in this new position. You panted underneath him

unable to contain your composure to the snap of

his hips. Kurt loved watching you tremble under

him and he adored the way your walls seemed to

suck him back in. You were perfect to him in every

which way. He built your legs marking them as his

while he continued to thrust carefully into your

core. Each thrust filled the room with lewwd wet

sounds, you tried your best to stay quiet to keep the

rest of the circus from hearing but you've wanted

to for so long that you couldn't contain your voice.

"Kurt, ich liebe dich.", (Y/n) moaned rocking her

hips to meet with her partner's thrusts.

Kurt's tail wagged happily behind him and his ears

twitched in joy as a deep prple hues covered his

face. He leaned forward capturing you lips in a

kiss, his hips began to rock faster driving you closer

to your breaking point. You weren't as flexible as

he was but god could he use those acrobatic skills

to please you. His cock stretched you perfectly, the

pain long gone now and replaced by a sickly sweet

pleasure. Kurt's body was warmer due to his fur

and with his body pressed against yours it felt like

you were burning up because of him.

"Kurt..nngh..please go faster.", (Y/n) smiled

wanting to feel more of him inside you.

Kurt smiled and pulled you up into his lap, you

readjusted and wrapped your legs around his waist

and bounced slowly on his cock. You liked this new

position it, it let him go a bit deeper then before.

His hips started to thrust up making your body

jump with each movement. Kurt chuckled and took

one of your nipples into his mouth and continued

his attack on it with his fangs. Your walls seemed

to tighten around his cock with each bit and Kurt

used this to his advantage. He began to bite and

suck at your chest laying himself down on the bed

to distract you while he attacked your neck. Your

hips started moving on their own bouncing down

on his member much to his delight. Your wet slit

consumed his member desperately and longed for

a pleasurable release. Kurt positioned his feet on

the bed in a way he could lift his hips up off the

bed to pound into you. You cried loudly when his

pace suddenly increased, you could feel his balls

slapping against your bum, his hot member rapidly

spreading your folds and burying itself deeper and

deeper inside you until there seemed to be a knot

about to burst in your stomach.

"Kurt, Engel, I feel like I'm going to explode soon.",

You squeaked forcing your hips to bounce despite

their numb feeling.

Kurt smiled and kissed you cheek as he focused

and making you cum, he wanted to see the

expression you'd make from the ecasty he gave

you. His hips seemed to pound into you at a

stupidly unbelievable pace, his warmth reaching

deep inside your wet heat.

"Cum for me Liebling, ich liebe dich.", Kurt purred

using his tail to rub your clit and bring you closer

to euphoria.

One deep thrust into your core and he had you

shaking in his arms. He groaned to the feeling of

your walls tightening around his cock, he felt you

squirt against his member and then you were

panting desperately for air. Kurt smiled seeing you

glow in the moonlight, you looked like a Goddess

above him. He turned you slowly and laid you on

your back so he could finish inside of you, your

fists balled up by your head as you trembled to his


thrusts. Kurt rested his forehead against yours

as he finished his last few thrusts. Your shared

shaky moans filled the room as Kurt filled you

deeply with his heat. You both collapsed but in

the moment laughed at each other in content, you

loved him so much.

"Hase I don't want to leave you tomorrow.";, Kurt

cried realizing this was your only night together.

"Don't worry Engel I'm just a snap away.", You

giggled snapping your fingers and opening a portal

to Kurt's room in America.

Kurt smiled and one last time kissed your sweet

lips one last time before you finally began to drift

off to sleep together. Kurt was at peace having his

Liebling by his side once and for all.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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