
Together Again pt1(Evolution)

Kurt's pov)

I can still remember my days at the circus, my days

with my family, my days with her. Gott how I miss

her, the little angel in my life that made me happy

to preform as long as she was there, my beautiful

pure hearted (y/n). How long has it been since I last

saw her? Honestly when I came to America I hoped

that by some miracle I'd find her here and never let

her go, but even with how diversed our missions

are here in the states I never came across her once.

She was my childhood sweetheart, the very woman

that saw me as an angel and not as a demon of

the circus. I can still recall our first meeting as if it

was yesterday, you were the daughter of a business

partner to the circus and your Father found great

pleasure in seeing me preform so he brought you

along to laugh at me. When my eyes met yours

while I swung from the trapeze it's like my world

stopped, your smiie was SO genuine and pure

and it made my heart beat like a drum. For some

reason I was drawn to you and teleported right in

front of you gingerly rubbing the tips of our noses

together making you giggle in joy. The rest of the

preformace I only focused on you and made sure

you caught every detail of my act, I felt lost in my

own little world all because of you. That night your

father came to complain about the circus demon

touching his daughter, I could hear every word

from my cage and sighed knowing that my parents

would fight with the ring master soon again.

"Hello? Hello Blue?", a sweet voice called.

I emerged from the corner of my cage and noticed

your small hand gripping the bars. Once our eyes

met you began to smile and complemented me on

my performance but I couldn't understand you

since you spoke english but your visits became

quite frequent so I began to learn from you. We

were the best of friends, during nights that I got in

trouble you came to my cage and gave me some

food and water. I believed nothing could tear usyour father and after our tearful goodbye I never

saw you again. It's been nine years since I last saw

you by now you had a loving boyfriend or were

off in some fancy college, you probably don't even

remember me.

"Oh (y/n), how I wish I could see you again.", I cried

wiping the tears away from my blue cheeks.

"Hey Elf, suit up we got a mission to take care of.",

Logan's voice sounded from my door.

"O-of course, where to now?", I asked porting right

next to him.

He smiled as he ruffled mny blue hair, "Your home

country, now let's go little buddy."

Hearing that brought joy to me, if we go to

Germany I could probably pay my parents an early

visit this year. I quickly suited up in my new black

uniform and tied my long blue hair up to avoid it

bothering me in battle. I should really get a haircut

soon. Now off to Germany!


"Okay so what are we here for?", Kitty whined not

really enjoying the winter weather here.

"Well a circus master contacted me about one

of her preformers and asked me to them in to

help them understand their abilities properly.",

Professor X answered as his wheel chair rolled


Despite using my holowatch to hide my appearance

my tail still swayed behind me. Everyone noted

my bubbly presence and smiled, the circus we

were heading to was the circus I grew up in which

means Id get to see my parents again. I wonder

what new attractions have started, my parents say

we have a new Ring Master as well I wonder whathe's like?

"Kurt mein sohn!", a voice cheered.

My ears twitched happily hearing the voice of my

father, once my yellow hues caught sight of him I

had ported right in front of him to give him a tight


"Mein kostbares kind, mein Kurt.", my mother

cheered joining into the embrace.

My tail swayed behind me happily as my mother

cupped my cheeks and complemented how

handsome I had grown. My Father introduced

himself to the Professor and my teammates, it was

rather pleasant and soon we were all inside the

tent chatting up storms.

"Mr. Wagner, is there anyway we could meet with

the Ring Master? I have important business to

discuss with him about your young preformer.",

Professor explained as we all made our way past

the stands to the living quarters.

"Ah yes of course sir. She's right up there.", My

father pointed up a piercing light that no one coulo

see past.

My eyes tried to focus but soon enough who we

needed to meet came to us. The tail of the ribbon

was the first thing we could see and thena delicate

body falling towards us making some of the girls

scream in fear. Her long (h/c) hair kissed the

ground as she came to a stop the ribbon wrapped

secure around her beautiful legs and waist. She

seemed lost in a trance but she quickly snapped ou

of it at the sound of my father's voice. She smiled a

us welcoming us while she untangled herself from

her ribbon, she was gorgeous. Fine (skin/c) skin,

radiant (h/c) hair, shimmering (e/c) hues, and the

smile of a goddess, she looked so familiar.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Professor Xavier, my

name is-"

"(Y/n)." I whispered catching your attention.

You gazed at me in confusion, coming closer to

me to inspect my face. Was it really you? My how

you've grown, your matured form was almost

hard to ignore. Your hand cupped my cheek softly,

you could feel the fur of my face no doubt but you

seemed unsure of what to say. My tail wrapped

around your wrist revealing who I was to you, as

children I could never hold your hand properly so

I would hold your wrist with my tail as a means

of holding you. You stared at my tail in shock and

then at me again, a goofy grin cracked over your


"Kurt? Kurt Wagner?", you asked just to be sure.

"H-hallo hase.", I smiled holding your hand against

my blushed cheek, "Im back."