
Kruhella: The villainess with a heart

This is the tale of a villainess who finds herself reincarnated, returning to a life she once knew before facing execution. Driven by an obsession to marry the crown prince, Kruhella's past is marred by jealousy and a tragic end. In her new life, she clings to the hope that a union with the prince will ensure her happiness and survival. Despite her reputation as a spoiled brat, Kruhella conceals a complex inner turmoil, harboring a deep desire for acceptance and affection. With sharp eyes and a sardonic smile, Kruhella masks her true intentions behind a facade of cunning and charm. But as the story unfolds, it becomes evident that her heart longs for more than power and prestige. How will Kruhella solve the mystery of being travelled back in time. And who Kruhella really is? Why was she sentenced to death in her previous life, and what made her obssessed with the Crown prince?

Chyler_Avery · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs




As Kruhella descended into the depths of the water, a primal fear took hold of her. The pressure of the water bore down on her chest, constricting her breath. Each attempt to inhale only filled her lungs with icy liquid, intensifying her panic.


She flailed against the water, desperate for escape, but it pulled her down relentlessly, dragging her into its murky depths. Panic surged through her, driving her futile struggles.


Yet, amidst the chaos, a strange calmness overtook her. With each passing moment, she found herself letting go, surrendering to the inevitable darkness that awaited below.


"Lady Kruhella," the voice pierced through her slumber, jolting her awake. It was her maid, Yna, gently rapping on the door, hesitant to intrude further. Kruhella's reputation for throwing things when disturbed from her sleep preceded her.  


Kruhella drifted into a deep slumber within her Arcane Sanctum, a secluded laboratory enveloped in magical energies. This sanctum was her haven, a place where she delved into the depths of her magic, conducting experiments known only to her.


"It is just a dream," Kruhella murmured, shaking off the remnants of sleep. Three days had passed since she experienced a startlingly vivid dream, one that had lingered in her mind ever since that day happened.


Kruhella opened the door, not bothering to change her clothes. Yna's surprise and fear were palpable as she instinctively bent her knees, seeking forgiveness from Kruhella.


"Are you the one who keeps waking me up every morning?" Kruhella asked, her tone laced with a hint of menace.

"Yes, Lady, I am your personal maid. M-my name is Yna," the maid stammered nervously in response.


"Hmm, so that was your name, Yna," Kruhella whispered, a flicker of recognition crossing her features. She remembered the name of the maid who had once sacrificed herself to spare Kruhella from facing a harsher punishment after she spilled wine on the prince's girlfriend. Yna's face flashed in her mind, a testament to her loyalty and selflessness.


"Stand up. Don't ever bend your knees in front of me again," Kruhella ordered, her voice firm yet tinged with a hint of remorse. "You are the only one I allow to face me."


The maid's face registered shock at the unexpected command, but beneath the surprise, there was a glimmer of happiness. It was a gesture that spoke volumes, a sign of trust and forgiveness that she had not anticipated receiving.


"Speak," Kruhella added, her curiosity piqued by the maid's report.


"Ahh, yes, my lady. Your father received a letter. It's about asking for your hand in marriage," the maid reported hesitantly.


Kruhella's eyes lit up with anticipation, her heart quickening at the prospect. She had hoped it would be from the crown prince, the one she loved. As if on que, a leaf letter came from her mother, asking her to come to her father's office.


On the other side, Princess Kruhella's father received a letter from the duke.


"I didn't know a man's attention would be caught by my daughter," he proudly remarked. He was a great mage, residing in the tower where only the most skilled and intelligent mages lived. Positioned at the tower's peak, he was renowned not only for his mastery of magic but also for his prowess in swordsmanship and martial arts. Despite being hailed as a hero during a past battle, he declined all honors and titles, preferring to immerse himself in his magical pursuits. He secluded himself within the tower, often disguising himself as an old man to conceal his true identity. Only the old king had seen his true face.

"He is brave to send a marriage certificate and just wait for my daughter's signature, huh. Hahaha, is this the new generation of youth nowadays?" Kruhella's father chuckled, amused by the Duke's boldness.

"This is the first marriage proposal letter our princess has ever received," his wife added.

"Yes, and I bet she'll be disappointed because it is not from the crown prince," Kruhella's father remarked.

"We can give her everything she wants, everything she needs. But the one thing we can't give her is the crown prince," his wife lamented.

"I know. The one thing she can't have. I tried to arrange a marriage for our princess, but the king rejected it. He wants the prince to choose his own bride. I tried my luck, but I was still rejected. The prince didn't even extend an invitation for her to be considered," Kruhella's father sighed.

"I don't think the prince will ever pay attention to our princess. You know her reputation in the kingdom. She is a well-known villainess," his wife added, her tone filled with resignation.

"Aigoo! Our lovely princess. Why do they spread such bad rumors and paint her in such a negative light? She's just a sweet girl who loves to explore. There's nothing wrong with falling in love with just one person," Kruhella's mother lamented.

"I know, dear," her husband sighed in agreement.

"Do you know this man? The one who sent a marriage certificate to our princess?" Kruhella's mother inquired.

"He's the duke of Feliz," Kruhella's father replied.

"Oh, Feliz kingdom. Isn't that the place renowned for producing strong and brave knights? I heard that the knights trained under the Feliz kingdom are among the strongest, and they often emerge victorious in battles. It's all thanks to the duke, right?"

"Yes, he oversees the training. And I heard he doesn't allow any knight to finish training unless they are exceptionally strong. He doesn't even permit them to quit. I heard his motto is 'if you quit training, you will be killed by him.'"

"Really? Impressive. He seems to share a similar attitude with our princess," his wife remarked.

"Yes, if you look at it that way, I think they would make a good match. The strongest knight and the most skilled and intelligent mage. Wouldn't it be advantageous for the empire? Our neighboring countries would tremble in fear. If the two of them were to marry, even the crown prince would think twice before crossing them," Kruhella's father mused

"You have a point, but knowing our princess, she will definitely reject him," his wife said.

"That's true. Anyway, where is our princess? We need to discuss this with her," Kruhella's father said.

"Our princess is busy exploring a new magic she discovered. But I'll call her," the duchess replied, reaching for a flying messenger leaf. It was a simple method: whisper a message to the leaf, and the wind would carry it to the intended recipient.

The princess hurried into the room upon hearing her mother's call.

"Who is it?" she asked eagerly.

"Dear, you're just in time," her father said.

"Tell me, who sent the letter?" The princess's voice was filled with excitement as she anticipated that it might be a letter from the prince.

"Here, read the letter first," her father said, handing her the envelope. The princess's excitement only grew upon seeing the marriage certificate. She didn't mind if there wasn't a grand wedding ceremony, as long as she and the prince could be officially united by law.

The princess's excitement plummeted as she read the name of the sender.

"A Duke? Not the prince?" she exclaimed in disappointment.

"Dear—" her father began, but before he could explain,

"I won't marry anyone if it is not the prince. Only the prince of this empire is destined to be with me!" Kruhella declared, her voice echoing through the halls of the mage tower with unyielding certainty. Her parents exchanged a glance, their expressions reflecting a mixture of concern and resignation.

"My dear," Kruhella's father began, his tone gentle yet firm, "we understand your desire to wed the prince. However, circumstances may not always unfold as we envision them."

"Indeed," her mother added, her voice tinged with a note of caution. "The prince's affections may lie elsewhere, or he may not share the same sentiments as you do."

"But he will! He must!" Kruhella insisted, her fists clenched in frustration. "I have devoted myself to him, waited patiently for his attention. Surely, he will come to see that we are meant to be together."

"Patience is a virtue, my daughter," her father replied, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "But we must also be open to other possibilities. The Duke of Feliz is a nobleman of great standing, and his offer should not be dismissed lightly."

"I have no interest in the duke or his offers," Kruhella retorted, her gaze unwavering. "My heart belongs to the prince, and I will not settle for anything less."

Her parents exchanged another glance, silently acknowledging the depth of their daughter's determination. They knew that persuading her to consider an alternative would be no easy task, especially when her heart was set so firmly on one path.

The princess stormed off to the duke's residence, her anger and disappointment evident.

The princess was accustomed to getting everything she desired. With a mere snap of her fingers, she could obtain anything. She was accustomed to having her way and was not easily satisfied. She possessed a cunning mind and employed various strategies to achieve her goals. Her thoughts were inscrutable, even to her parents. Despite her demeanor, she commanded respect within the mage tower due to her wisdom, although she never flaunted her intellect, only her wealth.

But who exactly was Kruhella?