
Kruhella: The villainess with a heart

This is the tale of a villainess who finds herself reincarnated, returning to a life she once knew before facing execution. Driven by an obsession to marry the crown prince, Kruhella's past is marred by jealousy and a tragic end. In her new life, she clings to the hope that a union with the prince will ensure her happiness and survival. Despite her reputation as a spoiled brat, Kruhella conceals a complex inner turmoil, harboring a deep desire for acceptance and affection. With sharp eyes and a sardonic smile, Kruhella masks her true intentions behind a facade of cunning and charm. But as the story unfolds, it becomes evident that her heart longs for more than power and prestige. How will Kruhella solve the mystery of being travelled back in time. And who Kruhella really is? Why was she sentenced to death in her previous life, and what made her obssessed with the Crown prince?

Chyler_Avery · Fantasy
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6 Chs


"Master, I already sent a letter to the princess you wanted to marry. She will be here anytime soon for you to meet," Jon informed the Duke, his voice filled with anticipation.

The Duke absentmindedly toyed with the ring on his fingers as he waited for the arrival of the princess.

Duke Zeron Albeon, the duke of Feliz, was the only child of the Albeon family. Skilled in martial arts and swords, none could best him in combat, not even the crown prince, who had been trained by the master of swords himself. Duke Zeron was believed to be blessed by the God of the Sun, the highest deity in the empire's pantheon. It was a divine favor that even the crown prince, favored by the God of the Moon, did not share.

In the empire, there existed a strict rule mandating that men marry by the age of 24. It doesn't matter if she's a princess or a commoner. But at that age, a man should have already a wife. There is also a rule on whom they should marry. The age gap between the guy and the girl should not be more or less than 5 years. Older or much younger than 5 years won't be allowed to marry. It means, a year, 2- or 3-years age gap is fine. It is also said that after a year of their marriage they should provide a child. The whole year of them not having a child is the time given for them to get to know more of each other as husband and wife.

In his previous life, the Duke had managed to avoid the marriage stage, citing military duties as his excuse. However, in this new life, circumstances were different. With someone specific in mind, the Duke's impending marriage held a promise that left Jon feeling excited for his master's future.

"Why is she not here yet?" The Duke's impatience grew palpable, his demeanor reflecting his irritation. It was a rare occurrence for anyone to keep him waiting, given his intimidating presence and formidable reputation. Even members of the royal family dared not test his patience.

"Uhm, just wait a little bit more, master. I heard that they are already on their way. You know that Feliz kingdom is a bit far from Zura tower," Jon reassured, attempting to placate the Duke's growing frustration.

Before either of them could say anything further, the door was abruptly flung open, and a woman burst into the room with hurried steps. In a swift motion, her hand connected with a resounding slap against the Duke's cheek, sending his head reeling from the force of the blow.

The room fell into stunned silence as the Duke's face registered the impact, his expression a mixture of surprise and indignation.

After learning of the woman the Duke had chosen to marry, Jon couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry. There were many reasons for his concern, yet he knew better than to voice them aloud. For the woman the Duke had chosen was...

Kruhella Azhellea Krison. The empire's villain. She is also called the empire's witch. The most hated woman but the only woman whom no one can touch. She is madly crazy in love with the crown prince, and she will do everything for him. And if it is not the crown prince who asks for her hand, it will automatically be rejected. Kruhella is the daughter of the well-known and famous mage. Everyone fears her. no one dares to look at her in the eyes as there's a rumor about her, that whoever looks at her in the eyes, will become a statue. As Kruhella knows a lot of magic. Since her father is a mage, the greatest mage of all time. Despite knowing magic, Kruhella's mother is a princess, that's why, despite her having a half blood of a mage, she is also a princess.

After Jon learned about who the duke wanted to marry, he is worried. Because the woman that the duke wanted to marry is in love with the crown prince. He doesn't want his master to be heartbroken for his first ever relationship.

Jon watched with growing concern as the Duke gritted his teeth, his hand hovering dangerously close to the hilt of his sword. This was bad. If Zeron pointed his sword at the princess, the Zura Tower's mages wouldn't let it slide. They spoiled the princess, and they wouldn't tolerate any harm coming to her.

"Master, please don't do that. Whatever you have in your mind, please, don't do that. Remember, you are the one who asked the princess to come over," Jon whispered urgently, trying to calm his master's rising fury.

But Jon knew that persuading the Duke would be no easy task. With both the short-tempered tyrant duke and the savage, spoiled villainess present, a clash of egos seemed inevitable. Neither would back down easily, and Jon feared the consequences of their confrontation.

"How dare you to offer me a marriage certificate?!" Kruhella exclaimed, her voice laced with indignation. Jon's surprise was evident. Despite writing a request letter for the princess, the Duke had added an unexpected document—one Jon hadn't seen the content of. It was a marriage certificate.

"I want to marry you," the Duke declared, his words hanging in the tense silence that followed.

"I don't want to marry you," Kruhella retorted, her voice dripping with disdain as she tore the marriage certificate in front of the Duke, a gesture that elicited a silent wince from Jon.

"What do you want to agree to this marriage?" Duke Zeron pressed, his tone reflecting his frustration.

"Nothing. Not to you or to any other men out there. I won't marry anyone. I am only destined to marry the crown prince," Kruhella declared, her resolve unwavering as she turned to leave the room.

"I'll give you money," the Duke blurted out, prompting Jon to facepalm in exasperation. Did the Duke have any idea who he was speaking to? Kruhella was a spoiled princess, born into wealth that dwarfed even that of the king.

"I have a hundred times what you have right now," Kruhella countered, dismissing the Duke's offer with ease.

"I'll give you jewels, diamonds, and gold," Duke Zeron persisted, hoping to entice her with material wealth.

"Don't you know that I own thirty percent of the empire's mines?" Kruhella shot back, her superiority evident in her tone.

"Damn it! Just tell me what you want for me to marry you," the Duke finally exclaimed, his frustration boiling over.

"I don't give a damn to any man who is not the crown prince," Kruhella asserted firmly, her stance unwavering.

"Do I need to become the crown prince for you to marry me?" the Duke questioned, his frustration evident in his tone.

"No. Even if you are the crown prince, if your name is not Herold Zack Marrias, I still won't marry you," Kruhella declared before disappearing from the mansion using teleportation.

Jon, momentarily forgetting the Duke's intentions of marriage, was surprised by Kruhella's ability to teleport. She vanished from sight, leaving them both bewildered.

The Duke took a deep breath, his expression darkening with determination. "If she won't marry me, then I'll kill her," he stated with chilling finality.

"Master, please remember this. A woman who is hard to get is the woman who is worth keeping," Jon advised, his tone filled with wisdom.

"What does that mean?" the Duke inquired, confusion etched across his features.

"It means, if the princess doesn't like you, you need to show your worth to her. Because once she falls in love with you, then she is surely for keeps," Jon explained, his tone laced with conviction.

"I don't even have feelings for her. I am just looking for a bride," the Duke replied dismissively.

"Master, if you really want her, then court her. Prove to her that you are worthy of her," Jon suggested, his voice filled with earnestness.

"No. Why would I lower myself just to win her over? If she doesn't want me, then so be it. There are plenty of women in the world for me to chase, and I won't waste my time on someone who doesn't even like me," the Duke declared, his pride evident in his words.

Jon wasn't surprised by the Duke's response. He knew the Duke had no plans of getting married, but he couldn't shake off the worry that if he couldn't win over the princess, the Duke might never marry. He was concerned because of the Duke's mention of going back in time, and he thought this marriage might be his chance to change his fate.

"If you say so, master. I still have a lot of candidates. Do you want to scan through them?" Jon asked, offering to continue their search for potential brides.