
Knowing you changed me

Daoistr1ScVT · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

7: Your friends are not like you


yeahhhhh mum we are back Anut Tacha thanks for the chocolate and we had so much fun with you please come pick us on Monday too pleaseeeee the kids begged.my little babies sure i will pick you up but on one condition no two conditions Tacha said.well you will have to give me a hug and be good kids okay.okay Anut Tacha we love you.wow she is strange one minute she is rude and fighting with me the next minute she is loving and kind she is strange Gerald said.well that is because she is Tacha unpredictable I will go see the kids before the trouble Tacha to death Anut Maya said.well Gerald you are right but let us see what happens next David said. mummy good evening mum i am so hungry I want to eat Matt said.oh kids you will eat but only if you take your bath first okay David said.okay Uncle but who are you are you my dad's friend if you are were is my daddy tell him i want to talk to him and that mummy says he has gone to meet God in heaven and he is never coming back is that true Mary asked. Mary enough i have told you that your dad is now a star and he is watching you along with other stars and God too Anut Maya said. Kids what is your name Michael asked. Uncle my name is Matt and she is Mary my twin sister and you are?. well my name is David and he is Michael and you already know him he is Gerald and you can call me Uncle David and i am not your dad's friend but we can be your friends if you allow us and we will buy you chocolates and toys too. but uncle David Anut Tacha said we should not take things from strangers including her and anything we take from people that is not my mum we should show it to our mum and also pray before eating it right Anut Tacha Matt said.yes dear i said that Natasha said.but we are not strangers right we are friends Michael asked.no we only have two big friends and that is Anut Tacha and Uncle Gerald Mary said.yes kids i know i told you not to take things from strangers but the are not strangers your Uncle Gerald over there the are his friends so you can take things from them just you take from the two of us but first show it to your mum and you can be friends with them too okay.okay Anut Tacha but Anut Tacha when will Dad come to see us we miss him so much.

Um um excuse me Natasha said. Matt Anut did not answer us again and she left like always Mary said. i said enough do not trouble your Anut go inside um am sorry kids but you will never see your dad he is no more Anut Maya said hugging her crying children. Anita please take the children up stairs and freshen them up and tell the chef to serve the food i will be right back Anut Maya said and leaves.what is going on why couldn't she tell the kids that there dad was no more instead she just left Michael asked. you see why i said she is rude arrogant and heartless she just left the kids like that without replying to there questions. Gerald you need to calm down do not judge a book by its cover Michael said


I took there dad away from them i am to blame i am a murderer the are right i am evil I can't bring happiness to anyone I only take people's happiness kids i am sorry i am sorry Natasha said. Natacha calm down you need to be calm you are not at fault Anut Maya said. Okay this what you say then please tell me who's fault was it Natasha asked.it was...


Madam dinner is served. Jordan says.come on we will talk about this later but first let's go and eat you the kids are waiting and the are hungry too I will be waiting downstairs Anut Maya says.

Few minutes later

Tasha is here let's eat Michael said. please call me Natasha i would appreciate that thank you. okay not a problem although i don't know why but let's forget about that I am sure you have your reasons you still haven't recognized us yet right Micheal asked. Gerald pass me the rice Natacha said. where is the please in your sentence and for the past few minutes you have been here you haven't said a word and she doesn't recognize you two cause she doesn't have retaintive memory. I am sorry for asking you I won't make that mistake again and i do recognize them but i have nothing to say to them and they are not my friends nither are the my family for them to call me Tacha and what is your problem when I quite you complain and when i speak you still complain what do you want and so you know I have retaintive memory at least i can remember everything that has happened from the day i was born till this day and i can say that unlike you who goes around looking for trouble your friends are worlds apart you can go ahead and have the food i have lost my appetite I will eat later excuse me Natasha said and leaves.