
Knowing you changed me

Daoistr1ScVT · Fantasy
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21 Chs

8: I want to be left alone

What is your problem with her Gerald she did not say anything to you behave I know you are my guest but i do not see you as one infact none of you so why did you say that infront of the kids Maya said. Anut i am sorry i will apologise to her Gerald said.no need i will talk to her myself Anita bring Tacha's food and mine to her room please Anut Maya said and leaves. Uncle Gerald you made Anut Tacha sad you are bad i won't talk to you again Mary said.me too i don't want to talk to you again Matt said.fuck what is it about her that everyone loves Gerald ask.pal you were wrong really but i did not say anything wrong she was the one that took it wrongly i was only trying to pull her legs like she does to me I never knew you all will blame me i am sorry guys and i am sorry kids please forgive me sorry sorry Gerald said.okay Uncle Gerald but apologize to my girlfriend Matt said. Your girlfriend when did i offend your girlfriend and how come you have a girlfriend Matt you are too young for that Gerald said. Handsome Uncle he has a girlfriend Anut Tacha is his girlfriend don't you know everyone knows even mum Mary said.whoah you have a girlfriend but your Uncles don't and he has a beautiful one at that David said. Don't forget he is protective and obsessed too Micheal said while the all laughed.


Natacha please open the door it is me your Anut. please i don't want to talk now i want to be left alone i don't want to talk to Anyone Anut Tacha said. okay please open the door I want to give you your food you did not eat anything. Anut i don't want to eat when i want to eat i will but i am not hungry thanks Anut Maya. sweetie please listen to me do not cry everything is going to be okay you were never at fault and do you think the will all be happy seeing you this way please don't cry you are not and was never at fault Anut Maya said.kids have you done your assignment Maya asked. no mum were waiting for Anut to come and we don't have any assignments to do on the way Anut Tacha said told us she will teach us something new Mary said. baby your Anut is not feeling fine so she won't be able to teach you today so i will teach you what did she say she will be teaching you. mum she said she will be teaching us french and some other languages in the world Matt said. mummy what is wrong with Anut Tacha is she crying again Mary asked. crying no she is not who told you that she is crying Maya asked.mum we heard the maids talking about it and the said she cries everytime Matt said. Matt i thought you guys better i told you not to listen to scandal morgans right your Anut is not crying so it is enough she is not feeling fine Anut Maya said. kids let's go play okay say bye bye to mummy and uncles Anita said. thank you Anita take them to go play i am having a migraine i will be in my room Maya said.

The next morning

Ouch i am sorry did i hurt you am sorry Natasha said.are you blind why do you always bump into me Gerald said.i said i am sorry what part of that English don't you understand I said i am sorry Natasha said.firstly you bump into me and broke my phone now you are angry.and i said i am sorry I will get you a new phone or we fix this one Tacha said.no thank you i don't need your money thank you I will fix it myself Gerald said.okay then at least you have been here for long you know were to go.hey miss two weeks is not that long Gerald said. really but you know almost all the hotels here and who was those girls i saw you guys with oh my bad the are one of those girls you guys sleep with thank God you have the brains to understand that you do not need to bring girls to this house Tacha said. are you spying on me or are you interested in i and my friends well it is okay all girls like us so i am not surprised if you do Gerald said. kiss your dreams because firstly you are not my type I don't like play boys and secondly I date people with brains which you don't have so move aside I need to get going I have a meeting to attend Natasha said.

Gerald what was that why do you guys always fight like couples do Anut Maya asked. Anut that is the same question I have been asking him Micheal said. Gerald be honest are you doing this to get her attention because you are crushing on her I mean she is beautiful and every guy will kill to have her even me just that she doesn't look at us I mean it has been two weeks since we came but we have not even sat down to discuss it is either she is on her phone or she is not at home so do tell us we will help you out David said. are you guys mad Anut Maya i don't have a crush forget about crush I don't like her she always love nagging and you can imagine she always calls me a dog Anut do I look like a dog no right but she always love fighting with me we have not even had a normal conversation since I came so how can I crush on her impossible Gerald said. hahahaha sorry but i had to I mean you are funny well Tacha was never like this she was kind she is still kind tho she was not always like this until.