

The most beautiful girl who fades every girl's beauty wherever she goes looks for true love but all in vain. Every man around her wants to just have a taste of her and dump her saying that peerless beautiful girls are never marriage material and could never stick with one person in a relationship. Anna suffers alot of rejection from her female neighbors accusing her of whoring around with their boyfriends and husbands. Her dream was to get a true boyfriend who would genuinely love as a person not her beauty. She wanted a person to satisfy her sexual starvation. She sees a handsome guy and immediately crush on him but he never like her. While other men died to talk to her, her crush never even spared a single glance. But one day, crush drops her home and sees his photo in nice on her coffee table, 'MY IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND, MY LIFE AND DEATH' where the words written on the photo. " Are you sure about this" Liam asked, " Did you mean this?" Anna gulped, all her body trembled in anticipation of getting rejected by her long time lover. " DO. YOU. LOVE. ME?" Liam asked impatient,. "Yes or no" He raised his voice on her. "Yes," Anna blurted nervously but the next thing Liam did shocked her, his warm tasty lips was on hers. " For how long?" Anna closed her eyes as she calculated in her head, " Nine months, three weeks and four days" Liam chuckled, " And that's how long all put together?" " All most a year..." Unfortunately, when Anna starts living her dream life, she accidentally gets shot in the head and Liam swears that if she dies he dies too.....

MwizaSharon · Thành thị
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54 Chs

Chapter six.

Anna gasped!

" What?"

Comfort crossed her arms on her chest, " Yes babe, I know that you don't. To be precise, we know." Comfort said, air quoting the word we.

" But I do!" Anna defended herself.

" Are you talking about this?" Comfort raised her phone for them all to see. It was a photo of a black handsome man Anna had showed them so that they would stop pestering her from showing her boyfriend to them.

Anna's eyes widened. ' H-How did she know?' Not that Comfort was a talkative person like Christine, all she said was meaningful and true. She was always a quite respected person who minds her own business. Anna also was amazed of where she had gotten all these words from.

" How-W-where did you get it from?" Anna asked but her colleagues laughed at her instead. The word Google was boldly written on top meaning that she had downloaded the photo.

" Not that am trying to embarrass you dear, but what am trying to say is that you're a good natured girl who deserves a good loving guy who will cherish your goodness in you. Not these bad boys who hit and never look back; who break hearts like mere twigs"

" She could even be virgin" Christine said that raised heads towards her. " What?" She asked as dramatic as she always was. " Am not complementing her though. You better get laid as soon as possible , virginity and cheap phones are not good for you're health, bae.."

" This bitch" Paul commented, " In the looks of it, you got your first orgasm at only five years of age."

Another round of laughter. " Fuck off, you think am like you who never climaxed a girl before?."

* Cough*

They all dramatically coughed at the remark. " Try me, my lady. If you're ready for 90minutes nonstop fuck" Christine rolled her eyes at him and changed the subject. " Anna, why are you not surprised or mad at all Comfort's insults?"

"Why would I?" Anna chuckled. " My female neighbors at my residence hate me for that very reason, even the girls at school used to avoid me; thinking that I would snatch their boyfriends away when they befriend me. Am just used to that and perhaps, she was confessing not insulting, differentiate"

" Poor girl! Try male neighbors." Christine sympathetically suggested, they all laughed at once.

"You're so toxic, Christine. Even when..." Before Anna could finish her sentence, Mr Balaji called her.

" I want you to attend to Mister and miss Salvatore on table 20" Mr Balaji ordered and Anna left as soon as her legs could carry her.

" Fuck!" Anna cussed as soon as she noticed a white brunette haired girl sitting next to a curly dark haired man.

 Curly dark haired man? Oh, yes! The one and only Liam together with Lexie. 'Wait, what? Mister and miss Salvatore? Does that mean....'

" Hey, Anna! Over hear." Lexie waved at her. She had unknowingly halted her steps, reverie fully staring at her big boss's daughter and her....whatever. Anna now took in Lexie's appearance clearly. Her white skin paler than Liam's; just like Mr Edmond's. Her body masculinity a little bit manly, her long brunette hair tied in a pony tail. A pretty makeup free face. Her seemingly soft hands with natural long fingernails holding a nicer and expensive darker covered phone. 

" Yes, ma'am. Sorry i-i uh...." Anna tried to compose herself but Liam's presence had already set her nerves on fire. You know the kind of teen first love where you see your crush and feel like peeing in your pants or running into hiding? That's the very kind of love Anna was going through. Her hands were visibly shaking. 

" What's good?" Lexie asked and Anna frowned.

" Sorry!"

" Oh, sorry. I mean, how are you doing?" Lexie smiled. Anna internally sighed, she had thought that Lexie was play with her. ' You want to embarrass me infront of my crush with your American English I don't know, missy?'

"Am alright thank you, ma'am" Anna replied with a simple bow. ' I wouldn't want yesterday's interview to repeat it's self, God'

" You can drop the formalities and just call me by my name, right?" Lexie suggested but Anna remained silent. Anna noticed that Liam hadn't raised his head from his phone. Not even a slight side glance.

" Get me a grilled cheese sandwich...." Lexie gave her and Liam's order and Anna went in to get it done.

' So, they are married, right? Since they share the last name. How unfortunate you are, Anna!' Anna concluded. ' Why is she sweet talking me now? Is she trying to boast about him? You think I will commit suicide because you have him? Don't worry, I won't....'

Anna kept on ranting inside her head but sugar coating it with a plastic smile outside.

After a few minutes, Anna submitted the Salvatore's orders and let them eat in peace. She was heading back to the counter when one of the male customers hardly a table away from Liam's tapped her on the butt cheek. Anna turned around to look at the man thinking that the body contact was an accident but alas; the man was triumphantly smiling at her without any slightest tinge of remorse.

Anna blinked in confusion, " Excuse me, sir. What did you just do?"

The darker skinned man who looked to be in his late fifties smiled, showing his yellow teeth. " Oh! You mean this?" He proceeded to tap on her butt a gain but Anna shifted back.

The old man continued, " You, know I would do that again and again if you let me." Anna's eyes widened not in surprise but in disbelief, this same man had always naged all waitresses in the café with his dirty words but today, he was going too far by inappropriately touching her, " I can just imagine how you would feel in my touch, your beautiful curvy soft body under mine, screaming my name as you orgasm...."

Anna's entire body shook with anger, fury and disgust. She could hear people around the table gasping in shock this man was shamelessly shameless. 

" I know you also want me." The man licked his lips seductively. " Just name the price..." He raised his arm now intending to touch on her womanhood area when...


The man winced as a sharp pain erupted through his body. Anna had hit him the tray she was holding on the head...and she wasn't done yet.

" You shameless son of a bitch," She said through gritted teeth as she hit him again and again. " Last I checked, this was a cafe not a brothel"

Frank was near enough to hold Anna and take her away before other customers could start filming the scene. Anna locked herself in the toilet and cried her eyes out. When she had a little calmed down, she remembered that she had hit and cussed a man right before Liam. Plus, she had kissed her job bye-bye. Who was she kidding, she had hit a customer infront of the Ceo's daughter.

" But no, enough is enough. Am tired of daily humiliation" She stood up on her feet with new refound energy and determination. " Screw job"

Anna undressed the waitress's uniform, dressed up her casual wear, picked her hand bag and headed out; before their nagging manager could fire her or worse call the police on her for hitting a customer she had done herself a favour. On her way out, she saw Mr Balaji talking to Salvatores. She didn't want to know if the guy was even bleeding or not, 'You deserve even more than that.'

Anna got out of the café regardless of her colleagues' sympathetic looks and customers stares. Christine had tried to stop her but Anna had just shoved her aside and passed by. Though her job meant the world to her, she didn't even try to beg for the second chance knowing that her effort will be in futile.

After all, Mr Balaji had paid her last night's wage adding on the amount Mr Edmond had given her yesternight, she was just good to go. Plus, she had gotten her monthly salary three days prior, ' I will rely on this before I get another job....'