

The most beautiful girl who fades every girl's beauty wherever she goes looks for true love but all in vain. Every man around her wants to just have a taste of her and dump her saying that peerless beautiful girls are never marriage material and could never stick with one person in a relationship. Anna suffers alot of rejection from her female neighbors accusing her of whoring around with their boyfriends and husbands. Her dream was to get a true boyfriend who would genuinely love as a person not her beauty. She wanted a person to satisfy her sexual starvation. She sees a handsome guy and immediately crush on him but he never like her. While other men died to talk to her, her crush never even spared a single glance. But one day, crush drops her home and sees his photo in nice on her coffee table, 'MY IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND, MY LIFE AND DEATH' where the words written on the photo. " Are you sure about this" Liam asked, " Did you mean this?" Anna gulped, all her body trembled in anticipation of getting rejected by her long time lover. " DO. YOU. LOVE. ME?" Liam asked impatient,. "Yes or no" He raised his voice on her. "Yes," Anna blurted nervously but the next thing Liam did shocked her, his warm tasty lips was on hers. " For how long?" Anna closed her eyes as she calculated in her head, " Nine months, three weeks and four days" Liam chuckled, " And that's how long all put together?" " All most a year..." Unfortunately, when Anna starts living her dream life, she accidentally gets shot in the head and Liam swears that if she dies he dies too.....

MwizaSharon · Urban
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54 Chs

Chapter seven.

Anna lay on her bed she had missed last night, playing with one of her three rings on her fingers, her mind in turmoil. Regret and shame was all weighed heavier in her heart. The person she wanted to impress the most is the same person she screwed infront. On the very second time she had gotten the chance to be near him? ' I wish I could know what he thinks of me now? Or what he's reaction was, seeing me fight an old man who's in dad's age. I badly tarnished my image, I think I now disgust him ; and Lexie.' Anna curled in her bed like a ball.

Her head was pounding because of too much crying. However much she tried to convince herself that everything would be alright, her worried self could agree less, she's an overthinker after all. Her cell phone kept buzzing for like a thousandth time but she ignored it; all calls and texts were from her colleagues and manager. She didn't want anybody patronising her right now.

*Knock . Knock . Knock*

" Aunty! Can we come in?" Her neighbours kids asked.

Anna groaned, her mind was occupied enough to deal with these noisy toddlers. The main problems wasn't that though, it was that she hadn't brought anything edible for them; like she always did.

" Come in!"

A girl and two boys got in.

" Good afternoon Aunty..." All the kids about three to four years old greeted. They now remainded her of her little boyfriend.

One of the boys showed her his dental gaps and informed her that a rich rat had taken his tooth and replaced it with a coin. A girl showed her the new undie her mom had bought for her and another boy sang for her this new song that their teacher had taught them at school. Anna didn't even realize that it was already dark outside as the kids kept intertaining her all evening long. Miraculously, their parents hadn't come for them in haste.

Anna prepared herself as it was already time for clubbing, she hid Liam's photo frame to prevent endless nags her stubborn crew. Big mouthed Nancy had told everybody about Anna's crush and they had nagged her for months so she didn't want to bring back the forgotten topic. After a few minutes, the group had already landed.

"Woah! What happened to you Nana?" Nathaniel said and Anna panicked. " Your hair, your nails, your....." Nathaniel was still ranting when they heard Stella's weird statement.

" If am an animal God, just take me to the zoo." Stella said with a serious face and everybody paused whatever they were doing and looked at her in alarm. " How could a young girl organise her room neatly than me, her grandma."

" Mtchweeee!" All other four members clicked there tongues in unison which made them laugh at themselves. This is how toxic but happy this group always was.

" Grandma my ass" Nathaniel said and pulled Stella's hand to make her sit on his lap. The two always behaved lovey-dovey but responsibly which amused Anna big time.

" I have your gift, Nana." Stella said. Anna's smile knew no bound at the mention of a gift. Stella always spoil her with good and expensive gifts. And today was the same, it was her iPhone she had been using.

" Ahhh...!" Anna jumped up and down in joy, it was only today her colleagues had complained about her old cheaper Nokia cell phone, but she had also become an iPhone user like Comfort.

She hugged Stella who was still sitting on her fiancée's lap on the sofa. " Thank you so so so much Stella. I love you so much."

" Here goes another Ron with love confessions." Nancy murmured to which Anna ignored.

" What are gonna use now" Anna asked the obvious.

"I bought the new one" Stella said and showed it to her. Anna hugged her again with gratitude.

" Alright! Alright!" Eric said clapping his hands, " Time for presentations is done, now its time to hit the bar."

Nancy got up and shouted like a drunkard already " Time to party!"

At the moment, Anna had forgotten about her problems and didn't even want to remember them anyway. Besides, she had promised herself earlier to not tell anybody anything that had happed to her today. She wanted to enjoy herself to the fullest and maybe get laid; maybe! After all , the person she's still preserving herself for is already married to the love of his life.

The crew left Anna's residence in Nathaniel's car after making sure that Anna had indeed put on suitable outfits for clubbing. Their entire drive to the club was full of joyful laughter, drinking boozes and miming on random loud music.

By the time they reached at the club, the girls were half intoxicated. They got in the already dense and busy dancing whole, disco music blaring in the speakers. At this moment, all her problems disappeared in thin air. Fuck crush! Fuck job! She would cry for them the next day but now, her waist would cry for help.

Anna ran directly on the dance floor and joined the challenge dancers who were contesting just for fun but some gamblers had bet on some dancers of their choice. The comfortable sneakers and short not-so-tight pants favoured her dancing moves. Nancy also joined her but was soon disqualified with other many dancers.

People around the dance floor started cheering Anna but her crew were in total astonishment. Nobody, even Anna herself had ever seen herself dance like that, who would ever known? She wasn't the usual shy insecure Anna anymore. No, she looked fierce and sharp, her body flexibility and quick movements in sync. The people's cheers energised her dancing spirit more and more.

By now, Anna was left alone killing the dance floor, she had won all other challengers in minutes' time. As if Anna felt like her dancing styles weren't enough, she started twerking her butt going up and down. People who were chanting "Dance whole queen" started throwing money on Anna. Her soft big round butt shaking as if it was under influence.

 Nancy went crazy as she shouted "THAT'S MY SISTER!" on top of her lungs repeatedly. One thing she had confirmed herself on was that she loved/ loves and will always love her with all her life and always supported her in good and bad. She's always that kind of big sister who wishes her baby sister the best in life.

Unknown to Anna, a pair of dark eyes from a black haired man glared at her with rage, a grip on his glass tightening every passing moment. What enraged him more were the hungry eyes from audience all looking at Anna. " Max, make sure that nobody lays a figure on her" The voice growled.

Even Nathaniel wasn't getting it. " Something doesn't add up here, Nana had never done this before all her life. Even when she's so intoxicated, something wrong must've happened to her, she's really not doing good"

Stella knowingly nodded. " I could tell from her swollen eyes earlier. What if she finally got to know about..."

" No." Nathaniel barked. " She would never know. Perhaps, who would dare tell her? It has been and it will forever be a sealed secret that she would never come across." Nathaniel said with much bitterness, Stella kept quiet and just stared at the dancing Anna with pity eyes.