
Chapter 15

Kane's morning star swung through the air landing on a bandit's face. The spikes dug into his head and reached his skull. The weight of the weapon crushed the man's head while the fires that enveloped him turned him into a pile of blood and ash. 2 more bandits behind him succumbed to the flames while another to the side of Kane was beheaded by one of Osborn's axes.

Kane was smiling at the current scene. This idea was well thought out and he really enjoyed this. Also so far none of the bandits on his side had any casualties. He was also excited to use his fire magic for the first time in battle. He saw the figure of the bandit leader Lily who was now on her knees yelling in pain. She was quite pretty but she now looked like a piece of charcoal. Kane decided that he would be kind to her so he walked over and raised his morning star. "Hope you enjoyed your stay," said Kane while bringing down his weapon to completely crush Lily's head. Kane was happy that none of his bandit friends died or that the wargs were not taken. He will not allow anyone to take what is his. He also just enjoyed fighting and was genuinely worried about Dallin and his bandit group. He has enjoyed their company and hopes to have them join his journey to become the conqueror of all. They also made good friends and drinking buddies.

"HAHAHAHA! Great job Kane! You saved all our hard work and our lives! I owe you one hell of a life debt!" said Dallin. He was thrilled to not only be alive but for his entire group to be well. They were his family after all. He had not known Kane for long but was happy to have this mysterious man as his brother. He knew the guy had many secrets like the magic but he would not pry. He was just glad Kane and Sandford for smart enough to come up with that plan. Kane was happy to hear Dallin's words plus all the other thanks from the rest of the bandit group but what made him jump in joy was the system message he received.

[Congratulations on defeating a nearby rival power. Reward: 500 shop points]

[Congratulations on your first base defense. Reward: 400 shop points]

[Congratulations to the Host for improving relations with Lonely Highland Woods Bandit Camp. Current relationship Admiring -> fanatical]

[ Keep up the great work host :) ]

Kane was smiling at BOT while being even more excited about what he should spend his new points on. But first things first he had an idea for the bandits.

"Friends we have fought well today! I say we celebrate by robbing everything those pussy cats had on them! Then we drink and feast until will pass out! Dallin today was a victory but I suggest we improve our camp and get stronger. We can talk about it another time for I think that before any of that we should come up with a name for our might! We will become famous and we need a name to make anyone who hears it knee in front of us! What do you say?" Kane yelled to the crowd motivational. This was part of his plan to have these bandits join him. Dallin was smiling and all the bandits cheered and yelled out their ideas for the bandit's name.

"Kane you have helped this bandit group reach new heights and saved it. I feel like you should give it a name" said Dallin. He hoped that Kane would be able to take more responsibility in the future. He had a good feeling that Kane would make them all stronger and even lead them to a brighter future. All the other bandits looked at Kane in anticipation of the name he would come up with. Kane thought about it before deciding.

"Starting today we shall be known as THE CRIMSON CRUSADERS!" shouted Kane. This would be the name of this bandit group. At least until Kane's plan to make them an army happened. Then he would have his first army. But for now, this group of Merry men will do just fine.

The newly formed bandits cheered and prepared a feast. They drank, sang, danced, and brawled. Kane was enjoying himself and partied with the rest. He knocked out several bandits in the excitement. He then headed to his cabin and fell sound asleep.

A couple of days later Kane was feeding the wargs while browsing the system shop. He was thinking about what his next step should be. The bandits had really started to listen to him and Dallin had really made him an integral part of the group. He even planed the next caravan robbery. He wanted to grow this group's strength so that they could eventually go against the kingdom. He also needed to remember to make his Roman camp stronger.

He had a decent amount of money and he also wanted to explore the nearby kingdom. "It's time I visit the kingdom," said Kane to himself. He decided to pretend to be a merchant and have a look at the kingdom. He wanted to see if there were any weaknesses in the Iron Rose Kingdoms wall. It was after all said to be impenetrable. It would also be smart to have a group set up behind the wall to help when he decides to invade. "It's decided I will gather some men and head to the kingdom. It's about time I explore more of this world." Kane was happy to finally go out of the woods and visit a civilized place. He decided to let Dallin know of his plans to set up a base in the kingdom. He wouldn't tell him everything but he would let Dallin know a bit for now. Dallin was indeed helpful and understanding. He gave Kane a wagon and some fake goods so it would be easy to get into the kingdom. Kane had money to make his plan go through and decided to summon some men to help him out when he left the bandit camps line of sight.

"Time for a little adventure," said Kane while thinking up a plan for the Iron Rose Kingdom.

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