
King Bladen : Ruler of Death

The world was at war with an enemy that no one could defeat , cursed and hexed not one realm had the strength to go against the enemy they faced . Had they ever imagined in the darkest of their nightmares that they would turn for help to someone who lived only to KILL. “ And Bring The DEVIL Himself To Fight The DEMON” ……… Will he save them all ? Or Will he be the reason for their doom? ……… A question that chilled their bones but the Dark Being grew with power and their was no stopping him . The gamble of the world begins!!!!! ……… “RISE FROM THE ASHES MY LORD “ ………. Read my book to know the story unfold in the most curious ways , filled with adventure , brutality , romance and everything you desire . Support me Thankyou

Temptress99 · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Familiar and Contract

Deep into the Tirad sea, a court was adjourned, and out came the two brothers with their father and the ministers of the court. The royal court had been called for a very serious discussion and everyone who came out of the court could be seen visibly shaken by whatsoever that happened in the court.

Inside the court, King Ponder was worried and had asked his two sons to leave the sea world at once and head to anywhere they could be safe. "I cannot let you two get involved with the dark being, it seems he is making his move to take over the sea kingdoms too. Till now whichever kingdom he had taken over is completely destroyed and none of their heirs had been left alive to see another day in the sea. I beg you two to go away find refuge anywhere, be safe, but live only then can you come back. All that matters now is that you both live, his army is on move and I will let him even hear of your names. Long live my children now Go".

Currently, Pup and Puff were going back to the island with small shells in their tentacle that contained their belongings. Out on the shore, Veronica had been waiting patiently for the two to return so she could tell them about what had happened back on the island and how she wanted to start her journey forward. Soon enough the two were seen slithering on the shore coming towards her but there was something seriously wrong with them.

"What's with the long faces, don't tell me you two fought on the way back."

Seeing how the two reacted to her comment, she knew straight away that this was something serious. When Pup stood there not uttering a single word Puff took it as a sign that it was his turn to speak. "We have been ordered by our father to leave our kingdom", Puff said with sadness in his voice.

Veronica was now concerned and wanted to know everything so she looked toward Puff indicating for him to tell her everything.

"Our kingdom is under attack from the Dark army, they are now targeting the sea kingdom and we being the heirs could not stay there, unless we have a death wish".

"We need to bond with someone strong enough to hold us both as familiars as alone we will die. Being twins our life is connected to each other and without a bond, we will certainly die on the land also because of our large bodies it will be easier to spot us, and hence we would turn into prey for the alpha predators. Now the worry we have at the moment is to find a powerful host as its already difficult to hold one familiar and on that, one as powerful like us how could we find someone strong to hold two?", Puff looked visibly worked up as his brain had been trying to figure out everything on its own.

"I think I might be able to help you but I myself don't know if this will work or not". Veronica's words had relieved the two and they started to follow her to their usual spot where they used to sit and talk. Once they reached there Veronica started to give them a detailed encounter of what happened to her, the tree, and the chest and how she became something known as 'the Life Bringer'.

Pup had no idea of how to gauge an individual's strength but Puff had read the basics in his training, " Already a mage that has elemental power is considered strong in comparison to the non-elemental mages, but you just mentioned that you can now hold two elemental powers and that too with an ability to bring dead back to life, that's wickedly awesome". Puff could not hold his excitement and Pup who when heard his brother speak was now looking at Veronica in admiration.

"I knew you were special, I knew. See Puff now we will become friends for life I told you she is special", Pup was acting like a proud father who had just discovered his kid's talent. Smiling ear to ear he had the most satisfactory grin.

"But there is a problem", Veronica was not looking a little stressed. "I don't know the procedure for making a contract, humans don't have contracts in the first place".

Puff started to laugh and Pup was rolling on the ground holding his belly.

Finally, after a whole of ten minutes Puff spoke still slightly giggling, "we know how its done, just let us know and we will get everything set".

"Ohh then I guess we should not waste any second lets get done with our contract." Veronica said, her voice laced with excitement.

Half an hour later the preperation were done. There was a mandala style drawing on the sand and a single triangle in the middle of it. The three of them stood at each corner of the triangle and at the centre of the triangle was a knife. The knife's blade was laced with specials herbs that were specifically used for the bond ritual. Once everything set Veronica was the first to go to the centre and make a single cut on her palm and placing the knife back with her blood on it. Next, Puff made the cut on its tentacle and placed the knife back with his blood on it. And the last to go was Pup, he did the same as others and returned to his initial position. Once this was done, Puff asked Veronica to picture a distinct mark or feature that would bind them.

Veronica looked at the two, Puff was a giant black two headed octopus while Pup was deep blue in color. After eyeing the two simultaneously she closed her eyes and said in loud and clear voice,

" I Veronica , daughter of Benedict and Martha Saunders, the Life Bringer, here upon accept my bond with Puff and Pup of Tirad sea Royal Kindom to be my Contracted Familiars".

With the words spoken the the lines of the drawing below glowed green and when done the lights with the drawing had disappeared. Now standing infront of her were two young boys that seemed to be in their late teenage and had jet black and deep blue hairs. They both had same features and appearances even their eye color that once was blue and black had changed to sea green and only factor to differenciate them was their hair color and their height. Puff was 8 feet tall whereas Pup was 7 feet 9 inch tall.

The two had distinct markings on their wrist of tentacles. Puff had black mark while Pup had dark blue mark. After seening each other now both said together, "you copied me".

Their voices had not changed and the words that came out made Beronica smile brightly.

It was time for the three of them to leave the island and set on their new adventure.

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