
Chapter Four - The Herald

What did she just say? She called me by my real name in front of Johnathan, that's just great.

Johnathan gazed upon me so sternly, it was frightening. Chills ran down my body with each passing second.

Suddenly, Johnathan burst into laughter and said, "Are you talking about my son? I see you must be playing role-playing games in class. I'll play along. Jason, go on and talk to her, I'll wait."

Honestly, the sudden change in attitude was more frightening. Someone has used yet no godly compulsion, so how did he just think it was a game between teacher and pupil?

I stepped out of the car and Mrs. Jones walked over to Johnathan's side, what I believed to be, to use godly compulsion. I stood on the side, anxious to find out who Mrs. Jones was. She approached me and created a telepathic link and illusion that changed her appearance only to me. Her appearance to everyone else should have remained the same, and the illusion altered even the words she would speak. That's another godly-caused phenomenon called the Haze.

In my sight, she changed into a slender man with red hair and eyes. His godly aura was dense enough that made my body want to run for the hills. This was on a different level from Aeolus. He put on a golden breastplate, helmet, and sheen, and wrist armour. His feet had wings and he carried a spectre with two snakes intertwined along it. I recognised who this was in an instant; it was the Herald of Olympus, Hermes, god of Messengers, Speed, and Travellers.

"Hello, father. Looking pretty adorable, if you ask me. Want me to adopt you?" Hermes said, grinning.

"Hermes? What are you doing here?"

"Manners, father. You're supposed to greet your elders before you start talking to them," said Hermes.

His grin said it all, my son is enjoying my suffering and will tease me till this ordeal ends.

I sighed and grit my teeth, "Hello, son. How have you been?"

He replied, "I'm doing great, thank you, how is the mortal life treating you?"

"It's been super," I replied sarcastically.

"Lovely! Anyway, father, I'm here unofficially as per the request of uncle Hades. He sent me to observe you on the false pretext of gathering souls and looking for a good fast-food chain to invest in. I think Fish & Chips would be good, in my opinion."

Hades is an opportunist, despite his main objective, he would always have an ulterior motive. In that case, it's money to help boost his status as the best god of wealth in the divine realm.

"Even if you used that pretext to come to Britain, why would the Herald of Olympus be allowed to gather souls outside his jurisdiction?" I asked.

"Father, have you forgotten? I am a Herald of the Council of Kings as well. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to come here without incurring the wrath of Heimdall. You know, he can actually see everything in both the mortal and divine realms."

"Hermes, my memories have been be tampered with and I don't remember much about the Council of Kings and what it was all about. I only remember my position, Odin's position, and the Egyptian throne position. I only knew that Thor was one of the Heralds because Aeolus told me about it last year."

Hermes paused. He's attitude changed the same way Aeolus did.

"I see. Well, they deliberately fragmented your memories so that you can rediscover your power and grow with what new things you learn as a mortal."

"I still have my powers!?" I asked.

"Technically, yes, but they have been suppressed by Odin's Authority and you have to unlock them as a mortal. Aspects of mortality have layered your powers." Hermes replied.

"What does that mean?"

"Figure it out! By the way, have understood what compassion worthy of being the KAK is?"

I had a revelation; I remembered what role Hermes played within the Council. We selected seven Heralds from the major deity regions, and we chose Hermes to be the Herald of Messengers and Counsel. He would be the one to declare all announcements of the Council to the divine realm and offer advice to Council members. However, why did Thor make the announcement about my abdication instead of Hermes?

"I know what you're thinking. Why did Thor make the announcement of your abdication if I'm the Herald of Messengers and Counsel? Well, it's because war is coming and the Herald of War was within in his rights to declare messages during war times." said Hermes.

"War is coming? Over what?"

"War over who should take your place as an official member of the Council of Kings. Ares, Hephaestus and Apollo have formed factions and are seeking endorsement from major gods. Hera doesn't qualify to officially take your throne. Uncle Hades and Poseidon have chosen to support only you." Hermes replied.

Hearing my brothers have chosen to stick by me gave me strength to do my part. I need to get better and regain my powers.

However, which gods are siding with who? Among the three, Apollo is the strongest, Hephaestus is the brightest, and Ares is the most cunning. All have attributes that qualify them for the position, but their weakness outweighs their strengths. Hephaestus is too timid, Ares is too short-tempered and ill-mannered, and Apollo is very narcissist.

I know what you're thinking, I'm less of a narcissist than my son. Did you know he has a pending sexual harassment and abuse cases in the divine realm? Many minor goddesses and nymphs have sued him and requested he be stripped of his rank and his power to be capped. Unfortunately, each case had insufficient proof to convict him, but I know my son and I know those goddesses and nymphs were telling the truth.

"Tell me, who are you for Hermes?"

"Whoever is going to inherit your throne at the upcoming the meeting." answered Hermes.

"Then you'll support me because I will reclaim my throne." I said.

Hermes paused and said, "that's fine by me, but it seems like Heimdall has caught me. I'll have to leave you now."

Hermes began to dissolve into mist, and I realised my protection was leaving as well.

"Wait! Who will protect me if you leave?"

"I never said I was here to protect. I only came to check on you. Be at ease, father, your protected is a Valkyrie sent by Odin to keep your enemies at bay. Her name is Göndul, also known as Cindy Ta-" And Hermes and the Haze had completely disappeared. I couldn't hear the Valkyries earth name, but I know Göndul. She's the fire Valkyrie and a fierce Valkyrie on the battlefield. She's also known as the Wand Wielder.