
King Among Kings

Due to his poor performance as King of the Olympus over the millennia, the other kings of other domains of gods have come to the conclusion that Zeus isn't fit to succeed after Odin who decided to abdicate the title of The KAK (King Among Kings). Zeus lacks one key aspect of a ruler, compassion. What he once did to his son, Apollo, is done to him and he is transmigrated to the mortal realm as a baby boy who has to grow up understanding the ways of mortals and prove his fit to be King Among Kings. However, this tale shows that mythology isn't what we thought to be. There is conspiracy, betrayal, lust, conquest of gods, death of gods and the occasional destruction of the mortal realm by a drunk god but this time both the divine and mortal realms in danger by the wickedness of one god who no one thought who never do this. Will Zeus be able to uncover a hidden truth that he has been so blind to see? Will he save the realms and become a true king among kings? Will he stop being promiscuous for once in his entire existence?

Khovi_Kun · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Three – First Day of School, Great

Here I was, a god, seated in a class with annoying pre-schoolers trying to writing the letter B for 30 minutes straight. The teachers were so patient, but I wasn't. I tried to escape the classroom a dozen times, but I kept on being caught. Curse these small legs. Hera, honey, if you can hear me, please send help because this is torture.

The teacher, Ms. Taylor, who kept stopping me from escaping looked very familiar, like I've seen her somewhere before. She was in her late 20s with brown long hair, luscious lips, hazel eyes, and a figure that would make any parent forget their kids. How is she even a preschool teacher and looks like that?

She was my type when I was still in my god form, I mean. She fixed her gaze on me every day when we were about to have nap time like she wanted to kill me. I definitely pretended to sleep every nap time. As a deity who's been stripped of his rank, I have a lot of enemies who would love to take this opportunity to end me.

Luckily, there was another teacher who would always be present when Ms. Taylor was around, Mrs. Jones. She was an old woman with white hair, crooked glasses, and a walk that would make you think she was about to die. Mrs. Jones made me feel safe and, for some reason, maybe because she reminded me of someone from the divine realm as well.

One day, as Johnathan was picking me up, Ms. Jones approached the car and every parent stared at her in awe. She fixed her gaze on Johnathan and I knew this was bad because Johnathan was quite the looker himself. Ms. Taylor couldn't be trusted because she had some sort of strange presence that followed her. Every time she walked, she looked mesmerising, and every time she spoke, her voice was enchanting, like a siren on Sirenum. Wait, like a siren? Oh no, I think I figured out why she looks familiar.

After Poseidon become King of the Oceans, he invited Hades and I to explore the different species of women that dwelt in the oceans. Hera wasn't for this little escapade and I knew she was probably going to stab me in my sleep, but I didn't care, this was an adventure with my brothers! Hades was distant the entire trip. He's not really a people person and his not really into casual relationships like that. However, they didn't tickle my fancy because most had gills in weird places, but Poseidon didn't discriminate.

It was until he introduced me to a few of the Nereids, daughters of the sea god Nereus. Her name was Thetis, and boy was she the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She had long silver hair, luscious lips, and a body that would make any god stare in awe. Thetis was so beautiful that even Poseidon wanted her and we almost fought over her. Until Themis, goddess of Justice, prophesied that the son she would bear would be mightier than his father. Poseidon and I weren't ready to have another father-son dispute. We've had our fair share of it for the millennium, thank you.

However, I used to visit Thetis from time to time as her husband, Peleus, King of the Myrmidons of Thessaly. I would sometimes think she knew it was me, but godly compulsion works wonders.

Ms. Taylor reminded me of Thetis in every way, but she looked more sadist and twisted every time I saw her.

She reached Johnathan with a handshake and said, "good afternoon, you must be Jason's father, correct?"

"Yes, I am. How may I help you?" Johnathan said, shaking her hand.

"Well, I would like to discuss Jason's academic performance," she said, stroking her hair behind her ear.

"His performance? Is it bad?"

"On the contrary, it's excellent, far beyond his age. I once saw him scribbling algebra in his book," she replied.

In my defense, I was trying to see if Phillip could understand basic math because he showed some potential during reading time. Now, I see that was very foolish of me. He's as dumb as a brick, or maybe he's still too young, I couldn't tell.

"I see. Jason is an exceptional child. I once saw him with the book, The Alchemist, in my study. You'll get used to it," Johnathan said, smiling.

"You'll have to help me with that, Mr. Edinham, if you don't mind?" Ms. Taylor replied, her voice more enchanting.

Johnathan paused. I believed he was going to reject the offer because I was present, but he just smiled and said, "Sure. Want to grab some coffee later?"

"Sure! Here's my landline," she said, writing her landline and home address on a piece of paper.

"I will call you. Goodbye," Johnathan replied.


Ms. Taylor briskly walked away giggling whereas Johnathan entered the car, looking unfazed by the encounter. He looked like he pretended to be interested in her for the sake of the conversation. I've decided that this man is definitely going to be my wingman when I come of age. Such great seduction with worthy of praise from the mighty Zeus. However, I still have my doubts about his conviction to be a playboy.

Johnathan looked like he was still in love with Judith. Who can blame him? She was a very stunning woman. I saw photos of her in photo albums in his study and when I look in the mirror, I really look like her. She was about 5' 6", with short blonde hair, big turquoise eyes, full lips, and a bust that was just unreal. Yeah, I know she's my mortal mother, but I always call a spade a spade. If I were to compare Ms. Taylor to Judith, Judith would be the better choice.

In the photo albums, I remember seeing photos of Johnathan and Judith as toddlers playing together. They must have been childhood friends that became lovers, and their relationship spanned over twenty years. In all the photos, Johnathan had a smile that could make you flush, unlike now where his expression is often plain. The man must have still been grieving for his wife.

"Don't worry. It's just coffee. No one will ever replace your mother," He said, as he started the car.

Bingo! I was right. His not over Judith, but why offer a coffee date with Ms. Taylor? He can easily get a teacher's review about me in the classroom. Did she cast a spell on him? Ms. Taylor is dangerous. I need to be vigilant, especially because my body is that of a four-year-old boy that can't really fight.

"Mr. Edinham! Please wait!" shouted Mrs. Jones, approaching the car from the side. It was painful to see her walk, and yet it didn't bother her.

"Yes. Can I help you?" Johnathan asked.

"I need to talk to Zeus, kindly park," said

Johnathan's eyes widened and he said, "Zeus? The King of Olympus?"