
Kenpachi in One Piece World

Kenpachi in another world, read more to see what kind of adventure and enemies he will face.

drragoon · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Marine Headquarters

From a far, two individuals looked ragged and drowsy looking at each other's eyes before slowly collapsing onto the hard and solid cobblestone footpaths next to one another.




The injured Smoker swiftly came with sea-stone shackles towards them and arresting the two wounded monsters.

He slowly drags the two onto a navy warship with an image of a blue twin headed wrench lifting two arching moustaches painted onto fore topsail and main topsail, ontop of the main topsail is a flag labeled 'Marine' bolded in black, gunports are loaded around the sides of the large warship and a triple headed cannon on the forecastle.


[Navy Warship Prison Cell]

The journey towards GrandLine has been long and strenuous for the marines on a particular warship.

It was even more tiresome and worrisome when two monsters locked away in a prison cell together cuffed on the feet and wrists with sea-stone shackles are still lively or careless as ever.

An injured Kenpachi lying against the stiff walls made of metal that he could easily break, cross legged and chewing on some sea monster bones. His Zanpakuto was never to be seen for a few days.


He said with a hoarsed and baritone voice, "Oi Demon Hideo…"


Somewhere nearby, a wounded homeless looking man with a red scarf was sleeping lying against layered wooden walls made of oak on the other side of Kenpachi. His two blades were also never to be seen for a few days.

"My daughter… zzzzzz"

Demon Hideo and Kenpachi were recuperating their strengths within a special prison cell made for devil fruit users.

The cell was not spacious at all.

"I wonder if there are more entertaining opponents like Demon Hideo!" Kenpachi said with a loud laughter reverberating throughout the whole warship shaking the roots of it.

The petty officer marine that was babysitting them two had suddenly turned blank and collapsed on the ground.

"Calm down Kenpachi-san…" Hideo slowly opened his eyes with a slight frown to Kenpachi's obnoxiously loud voice.

"Tch… It's so boring inside here, maybe I should just destroy this whole ship altogether…" Kenpachi was looking at Demon Hideo with a threatening glare.

Demon Hideo glared back causing the air between them to distort reality and have somewhat distorted the warships internal structure.

"I'm not from this place and I have never seen a human as strong as you, it makes me feel delighted, HAHAHA!" Kenpachi didn't have his eyepatch to cover up his overwhelming spiritual pressure which had exuded throughout the warships journey to GrandLine.

It shook the souls of every individual ragingly except Demon Hideo who seemed bothered by what his daughter is going through as of now.

"Oi Kenpachi-san… Why does your power feel so overbearing at times?" Demon Hideo said in a quiet and peaceful tone.

"Heh, It's because I want attention from strong fighters, I want to fight all of them, do you understand how boring it is to not use your power?" Kenpachi sneered.

"I also haven't fought with anyone as strong as you…" Hideo gazes towards a picture of his daughter imprinted onto his necklace.

"I still have yet figured out where the Celestial Dragons kept my daughter at… It's INFURIATING!"

Bloodlust leaked out like a raging current, a gnashing of teeth ready to unveil a deep, dark repressed bubbling feeling building up inside of him, and bloodshot eyes that are about to pop out or explode.

"Heh, I will join if I get to fight more stronger warriors" Kenpachi remarked.

"Yo-u will help me?" Demon Hideo looked back whilst his aura started dissipating.


The two agreed to one another to help each other seek out for their goals, one is to find their daughter that was captured by Celestial Dragons and the other is to find fearless opponents that can at least hold a candle to them.

'I guess it is nice here, I definitely don't want to go back to Soul Society, everyone just doesn't want to fight for some reason even though they are so strong, Tch' Kenpachi thought.

Hideo and Kenpachi have conversed with other, there are similar traits between the two. A prominent trait between Hideo and Kenpachi is that they are quite dense when it comes to directions. It is quite evident as Hideo who tries searching for his daughter is still stuck in East Blue and Kenpachi is, just Kenpachi who arrived in a different dimension and thought it was Hueco Mundo.

"Aye Kenpachi-san, I've overheard some marines talking above us about where they are heading towards" Hideo was perking his ears for hours on ends throughout this voyage.

"Where are they heading towards Hideo?" Kenpachi looked at Hideo with a pleasant surprise.

"They are heading towards Impel Down to lock us up there forever..."

"Tch, lock me up? That is a joke, Heh"

Both Hideo and Kenpachi shrugged their shoulders in laughter knowing such a thing is humour at its finest for them.

"Lets wait till they arrive there and then you and I can enjoy ourselves leveling up Impel Down, what do you think?"

"HAHAHAHAH, that sounds amazing, can't wait to fight this Warden Magellan or Shiryu of the Rain"

"Then I guess we can wait till they arrive there, I heard Shiryu has a similar temperament as yours Kenpachi"

"Interesting, heh"


"Captain Smoker, we have arrived at Marine Headquarters" A petty officer saluted towards Smoker who was dozing off towards the distance.

"Alright, I will go and try to meet up Fleet Admiral Sengoku and talk about the two dangerous monsters within my warship" Smoker flew towards a grandiose modern Japanese building with tilted roofs.


"I would like to meet up with Fleet Admiral Sengoku to talk about an important issue" Smoker was looking towards Vice-Admiral Momonga with utmost respect.

"He had been waiting for you to come here to inform about the raging news that had been circulated throughout the world" Momonga was stroking his moustache.

Momonga led Smoker to a lobby housing Vice-Admirals, Admirals and Fleet Admiral Sengoku himself sitting further back by himself.

"I would like to report important news to everyone here" Smoker with a downcast and yet, serious expression displayed In front of the entrance of the lobby with a military posture.

"Smoker-kun, you don't have to be so stiff in front of us" Kizaru frolickingly said.

"Did you capture the two monsters that split Loguetown in half? BAHAHAH" Garp laughed while eating his chips.

"Garp-san, you don't have to be so loud" Kuzan lazily sat on the coach dozing off.

Suddenly, raging current of spiritual pressure courses through Marine Headquarter's lobby.

All the individuals within the lobby felt a cold sweat running across their backs especially Smoker.

"This... pressure... I've never felt something so violent besides Rocks... no... this is more oppressive"

Everybody was scanning their vicinity using their observation haki and were met with two overwhelmingly oppressive individuals residing in a warship.

"This is more interesting than I thought~" Kizaru playfully said.

"All criminals will be met with my fist" Sakazuki stood up and ran outside to meet with these two individuals.

"WAIT!" Sengoku screamed but to no avail.


"Hey Kenpachi, you feel the strength of those individuals in Marine Headquarters?"

"HAHAHAH... I do..."

Slowly, Kenpachi stood up, he then tried to sense his Zanpakuto which was situated inside one of the storage rooms of the warship. He destroys the cell and flash-steps towards the storage room to get his Zanpakuto and fight.

"Since I don't know how strong they are, I will just leave it on" Kenpachi grinned towards one certain individual rushing towards them.

Kenpachi flash-steps in front of Sakazuki which shocked the man greatly.

Sakazuki moved away and then slowly pump his whole arms with scorching magma.

"SHOW ME EVERYTHING YOU HAVE WARRIOR!" Kenpachi smiles demonically.

Demon Hideo was grabbing onto his two blades sitting aloof on top of the warship watching this ordeal.

Sorry guys... I got caught up with some work I have to do.

drragooncreators' thoughts