
Season 1 (CH25):

Without a thought he bum rushed the alpha, jumping out the shadows he hit it in the head being able to shock it with the surprise attack. The alpha not expecting the hit took the full force, since Ryan was putting his all behind the punched he watched as the alpha went flying through the trees.

Not wanting to give it a chance he went into the shadows and followed it, seeing it land he jumped out again kicking it, though it seemed that the alpha gained some clarity as he did so. Its claws slashed at his leg not going deep but their were faint cuts, he groaned a little before jumping back into the shadows.

He watched as the alpha got up looking around for him, it growled keeping its body low while backing into a tree, Ryan smirked while climbing that very tree. When he saw that it had fully back into it he jumped down right on to its head, with as much force as possible he dived towards its head.

The alpha sniffed the air, it was able to smell him but not able to actually see him confusing it some, at that moment Ryan landed on its head smashing it into the ground. When he went into the shadows this time he walked away heading home, that little fight was just to see how he would fair against the alpha, he had no actual wish to mess with it.

That wasn't his territory, for one he isn't even a werewolf so he didn't need to deal with it, that was Scott and Derek's problem also the Argent's, it hasn't actually messed with him. It was his fault for being in the woods attracting its attention this time, so he actually hoped this wouldn't attract its attention to him.

Then he would have to kill it, and he knew that he would be able to kill it since that fight just showed him how he was able to kill it with ease. He would make sure to check on the clone more to make sure his mom was alright, although he didn't know if the alpha would follow him he would still keep an eye out.

When he finally made it home it was a little past eleven o'clock unknowingly he had been out for some hours, surprised he went straight to his room to shower. Walking inside he stood in the middle looking at the bed, at the moment Allison was on it, she was looking at his books while seemingly waiting for him to show up.

He coughed after a moment, he knew she didn't even notice him walking inside so it didn't matter if he made a noise, "What are you doing here? And did you break into my window?" He asked while walking over to his window to see that the lock on it was actually broken, so his words were right.

"Umm well it was locked, and you haven't been letting me in lately, what was I suppose to do? You have been avoiding me ever since that talk we had in your backyard about Scott. I just don't understand." She said while getting out of bed and looking at him as he turned to her.

"What is there not to understand?!" He almost yelled looking at her, he was still upset about the whole Lydia thing and now here she was, "You and Lydia just seem me as some back up for the two of you, I mean come on you sleep in my bed almost every night but you go off and date Scott. How am I suppose to feel?

Should I just keep letting it happen? Do you even care how it makes me feel? I caught feelings for you, which doesn't come easy for me, with all the flirting we did why wouldn't I, but other then sleeping in my bed cuddling with me all you could do was talk about Scott.

Do you even see me? Or am I just here for convenience, why not sneak into Scott's window and sleep with him every night?" He said riled up while looking at her.

He turned pacing the room for a moment before ripping the picture he drew of her off the wall, taking it he walked over to her and handed it to her, "Take this and go, I a officially done with all of this crap. You and Lydia just need to stay away from me, now get out."

It took everything inside of him not to rush up and hug her looking at her heartbroken expression, she had tears in her eyes but they weren't falling though it did make her look adorable. He couldn't do it though and stopped looking at her turning he turned his back on her.

"Ryan I--- Can I just--- Let Me---" She tried to explain but apparently she couldn't get the words together, he could hear the shock in her voice though from his outburst.

Ryan didn't say anything just waiting for her to leave, eventually he heard the window lift and could feel that she left the room, he walked over closing it while leaning against the window sill. Walking back over to his bed he decided he would get a new window lock tomorrow, rubbing his eyes he laid back on the bed.

"So that was intense." He heard his mom say from the doorway behind him.

He didn't move but covered his eyes with his arms, "Yeah, had basically the same kind of talk with Lydia, though she said she couldn't leave Jackson since it was hard considering how long they have been together."

He felt the bed dip and her fingers brush through his hair, "Look it is just high school no need to be so into your feelings, who knows if you will have these a couple of months later. You are only in your Sophomore year so there is no way it is love." She explained.

He nodded his head, "I know that mom, but you know how I was before them."

"Yeah that is true. Before them you really didn't talk to anyone, instead you were always holed up in here working on your drawings or reading manga. Just don't put to much thought into it okay? You never know when one door closes another one opens up." She said while standing up.

"Thanks for the fortune cookie advice mom." He said as the door closed behind her.

Letting out a sigh he laid there thinking, in one night things changed around him again, and he didn't understand why instead of feeling happy about it he actually wasn't. Instead he felt like he was losing something, going off his crazy emotions he decided to write and draw, it was what he needed to calm down at the moment.

Ryan got lost in his drawing after that, he ignored everything else around him, he wasn't even feeling tired at the moment instead he was feeling free. He didn't realize it until he was at chapter fifty but he was writing the story of his life, although it wasn't finished since he stopped at this moment it basically went from the begging of the year until this moment.

Feeling funny he also started to draw it, although the characters had some likeness to the actual people he kept it different enough that it wouldn't attract attention. Since it was his own life he wasn't going to make money off of it, instead he started publishing it on one of the book websites he found, it was one that he had used before to read his stories.

Sitting back he watched it for awhile, he only published twenty-five chapters but he could see it growing in followers and views, satisfied he got up to go to bed. He decided to use this to vent his feelings and life, from that moment on deciding to put out chapters as his life went on more and more.

Not like anyone would believe it anyway, and unless someone from his school read it and paid close attention then no one would find out. They would also need to know that it was him, but he made it seem as though he was someone on the outside looking in so they wouldn't know about him.

Before going to bed that night he saw that he had some messages from Allison and Lydia, though he ignored them, he wasn't ready to even be in the same room as them let alone read a message from them. Closing his eyes he decided that tomorrow was going to be better, he did answer the message he saw from Erica.

At least he still had her as a friend, he wouldn't need to worry about being alone completely, she would still be in his life for awhile or until she decided not to be. There was also the fact that she would listen to his problems without complaint, he decided to tell her about it tomorrow, since she listened the first time he was happy to tell her how it turned out.

With that thought he went to sleep.