
Just Another Reincarnator in a Mad Multiverse.

That’s right folks! It’s another reincarnation with another system! As well as multiverse traveling! I’m just hitting all of the tropes I can! Anyway, joking aside. Our lovable MC is gonna die and then he’s gonna get a system before he reincarnates into a fictional world. You all know the gist of it. Follow along as he goes on his crazy adventure through the multiverse. *Disclaimer* I do not own any of the properties used in this fanfic.

TrueStrike · Phim ảnh
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Beggars Can’t Be Choosers.

I don't know what I was expecting to see, but it's certainly not what was in front of me.

After activating the golden coupon, there was a bright flash of light and then I found myself here. Wherever here was.

Perhaps I was expecting to see something like Diagon Alley mixed with open air ancient Persian bazaars. I don't know why. Maybe it's the child in me wanting to see something magical. Of course, there's probably magic here somewhere. It is called the Multiversal Bazaar.

No, what was in front of me was beyond anything I could've imagine. The sight reminded me of a movie I saw once in my past life. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets had that one scene showcasing a huge galactic bazaar. What I am seeing is like that movie but even bigger and more.

Just like in Valerian, this bazaar is huge. From where I'm standing, I can see the bazaar extends upward beyond the sky. Some buildings are taller than the tallest skyscrapers of my past life. Some shops I can see just floating about connected to nothing. I can't see it from here but I bet the bazaar extends downward as well.

As I started walking toward the bazaar, I beginning noting all of the different architectural designs throughout. From futuristic cyberpunks to simple cloth tents and wooden carts. There were shops that looked like it came straight out of a Lovecraftian story with designs that would make you go crazy if you stare at it too long. And then there were familiar modern looking designs that would fit right in the middle of New York City.

The closer I approached the bazaar, the more little details would jump out at me. The more I find myself trying to see if I can identify which universe it might've come out of. Some were more obvious than others.

Finally, I had arrived at what I assume to be the entrance to the bazaar. Before me, stood a simple looking building with the sign Visitor's Center. The building looked just like any regular visitor center you might find at any old state parks. A place where you check in, get a map of the area, or browse through the gift shop.

Opening the door and stepping through, I saw a lobby much larger than what the building might suggest from the outside. But despite its size, the place was empty. There were benches where people might've once sat while waiting to speak to the staff at the counters. There was a rope line where you would've lined up to wait your turn. Looking at the reception counter, also empty of staff, was a single bell and a sign that read "Ring for service".

And so, I approached the counter and rung the bell.



"Fuck! Where did you come from!? And why are you screaming!?"

Holy shit that scared the crap out of me. I was already slightly tense with how empty and quiet this place was. I was not ready for that jump scare.

"I screamed because you were screaming!" The strange girl that appeared behind the counter in a puff of smoke yelled.

"Well maybe next time, you should just walk in like a normal person instead of appearing out of no where. You could scare someone to death like that." I chastised the girl lightly.

"Normal is overrated. And I'm the receptionist in charge of greeting new people that shows up here at the Bazaar." The girl introduced herself.

"How do you know that I'm new?" I questioned

"Because you wouldn't be here if you weren't. Everyone who comes here will only see this visitor's center once. Either they don't get the chance to visit the Bazaar again or they simply go directly inside." The girl shrugged

"So, what do I do now?" I asked

"Well, you could just go straight into the Bazaar by going through those door over there." The girl said while pointing at a set of double doors to the side.

"Or, for the low price of 10,000 credits, you could take a guided tour through the Bazaar led by our professional tour guide who will show you everything you need to know about the Multiversal Bazaar." The receptionist touted while pulling out a colorful pamphlet from under the counter.

I don't really know if 10,000 credits is really a low amounts or not. A part of me wants to just rush on through and start shopping. How hard can it be? It's technically just a really large shopping mall right?

But, the cautious side of me is hesitant. I don't know what I'm going to find on the other side of those doors. What if I can't find anything I'm familiar with? Because let's be real, even I wouldn't dare say that I know every possible world out there.

"Alright, I'll take the tour guide." I finally decided after much internal debates.

"Excellent! Go on and wait over there by the doors and the tour guide will come get you shortly." The receptionist said excitedly.

"Wait! What about the credits? How do I pay?" I questioned hastily.

"Oh no worries. It's already been deducted from your system. See ya!"


And she was gone.

Shaking my head, I proceeded to walk over to the double doors where the receptionist girl directed me to wait.


Within 10 minutes of waiting, the door opened revealing an old man. A familiar looking old man.

"Are you the kid needing a guide?" The old man looked toward me and asked.

"Yes sir." I replied respectfully, almost on reflects as that was how I was raised. Respect your elders and all that.

"Well come on kid, let me show you around." The old man waved me through.

"Excuse me, how should I address you?" I questioned politely since it would be rude to call him old man and stuff.

"You can just call me the Guide. That's what everyone here call me these days." The Guide said casually.

"Yes sir Mr. Stan Lee Sir." I quickly blurted out.

After that short exchange and a knowing smirk, the Guide motioned for me to follow him once more.

As we walked through the Bazaar, the Old man would point out certain features of the Bazaar or notable shops that we pass by or he would call out to me whenever I start to lag behind.

"Watch your steps kid. The bazaar is always on the move. Always be changing." He would point out as we traverse the Bazaar.

Scrambling to keep up, I made a hasty jump over a sudden opening in the ground as the Bazaar transitioned around me. One moment we were walking on clean white marble sidewalks to rotten wooden planks.

And then we were walking on metal walkways hanging from the side of tall futuristic looking buildings with flying cars zooming by above and below us.

"As you can see. The Bazaar draws from every corner of the multiverse. Anything can be found here." The Guide starts to explain as we made our way further into the bazaar.

"Every Universe has one or more shops here at the Bazaar that would sell anything one could find in that universe. Be it weapons, knowledge, or even special powers and skills." He continued on.

As the Guide continues, I follow closely a long while watching the shops and sceneries around me. Some shops would have weird and wacky names on their store fronts while some has fantastical items on display to draw in customers.

"If the Bazaar is always moving and changing, how does anyone ever find anything they want in here?" I asked.

"A very good question. The answer is very simple. The Bazaar knows what you need, whether you yourself knows it or not. There will always be a shop near you that will have what you need or what might interest you. You just need to pay attention." The Guide answered.

"But how does it know what I need?" I asked further pushing on, my curiosity piqued. Is the Bazaar sentient?

"It just does my boy. The Bazaar has been around since the beginning of the Multiverse. As long as the Multiverse has existed so has the Bazaar." The Guide said.

"Next! So the Bazaar will always know what you need. However, there are a few location that every shopper that comes here should know." The Guide continued on before I can further ask more questions.

Hurriedly, I rush to keep up with the excitable old guide. As we continued, the Bazaar changed once more around us. As the concrete floor gave ways to dirt and rocky mountain path. And neat brick buildings slid away to reveal a large volcano with plumes of smoke billowing out at the top.

At the end of the dirt path and up the side of the volcano, I can see a large modern building resting casually upon a cliff's edge. It looks as if the building was built seamlessly into the side of the volcano.

"Anything you are looking to buy, you can find them in their respective universe's shop here at the Bazaar. However, if money is not a concern and you are searching for the best quality equipments for your adventuring needs, you will find no better place anywhere else but here at The Celestial Forge."

With large flourishes of his arms, the old man begins introducing the large building in front of us. He's clearly have had a lot of practice giving this introduction seeing how easily he switched over to his used car dealer persona.

"When you need to get custom equipments to your exact specifications and needs, you come here. The Celestial Forge has crafting techniques from all across the multiverse. Whether you're looking for magical equipments to high techs to magitech, the Forge has it all. So long as you have the credits to pay of course." The old man continued on with his pitch.

I of course knows about the Celestial Forge. In my previous life, I've read a couple of fanfics that made used of the Celestial Forge as a power. So I know exactly what it's capable of.

I had not considered that it would be here in the Bazaar though. I thought it would be a power that I would have to buy in a shop or something. But it makes total sense though that the Forge would be its own shop here in the Bazaar.

"Hey Mr. Guide sir, is it possible to acquire the Celestial Forge as a power from the Bazaar?" I hesitantly asked him. I hope it's possible because no matter how much it costs I would be set forever if I can acquire the Celestial Forge.

"Ambitious aren't you kid? The Celestial Forge isn't something you can simply acquire. Very few are chosen to be its Champion. To have access to the might of the Forge. It would require great luck and karma." The Guide answered me patiently. I bet I wasn't the first to asked such questions nor will I be the last.

After explaining to me further about everything I can and can't get from the Celestial Forge, we moved on with the tour. He then showed me the other Celestial stores, saying that these will also be important to know about. Like the Menagerie, which was a large pet store that sells animals and creatures found all across the multiverse.

Finally, having shown me everything important in the Bazaar, we made our way back to the Visitor's Center where we had started.

"Alright young man, tour's over. I've shown you everything you need. Any final questions?"

"No, I think I've got everything." I replied confidently, eager to get back out there and see what I can buy.

"Alrighty then. One final business to take care of before you set off and spend all of your credits." The Guide said while motioning me to follow him toward the counter.

"Yes?" I followed him up to the receptionist's counter as he made his way to the back.


"I'm back! How was the tour dear customer?" The receptionist I met earlier popped back in.

"It was good. I had learned a lot." I answered. This time, I was prepared and wasn't surprised when she appeared.

"Good good. Now, before you go. I am required to inform you that your system has not yet unlocked it's shop functionality. And you need to have it unlock before you go shopping." The young receptionist explained.

"Ok and how do I unlock it?" I asked.

"It's super easy, barely an inconvenient. For a small price of 10,000 credits I can unlock the shop function for your system right here." The girl replied with exuberance.

"Or…" she continued on, stretching the o out,"…you could also spend 50,000 credits for an all access VIP membership pass to the Multiversal Bazaar allowing you the ability to come and go to the Bazaar whenever you want." The girl explained as she made her sales pitch, pulling out yet another colorful pamphlet from under the counter.

"Why do I feel like you just slapped that VIP membership crap on just to get me to spend 50,000 credits?" I questioned her.

"Noooo…" The girl tried to deny with little success.

Turning to the Guide standing next to her, "What's the difference between the two options?" I asked not trusting the clearly unreliable receptionist.

"Hmm, well as the name implied, the all access pass will allow you to come and go to the Bazaar whenever you want. Whenever you need something you can come back here and buy it. Whereas unlocking the shop function, at its base, will only give you access to the shops associated with your universe." The guide explained.

"If you want access to the other universes' shops you will have to pay additional credits. Similarly to your world's cable televisions where you need to pay for additional channels." The guide continued.

"Why would anyone not choose the all access pass then? It's only slightly more expensive." I asked.

"You might've also noticed that it's quite empty in here. Believe it or not but the opportunity to come to the Bazaar is not often offered to Reincarnators. Every Reincarnators' system shop acquire goods from the Bazaar. As well as when those Reincarnators sell their items, it is sold here to the Bazaar. But not every Reincarnator gets the choice to come to the Bazaar. Often time, the shop is already included into their system." The Guide answered.

"The small minorities of Reincarnators that do make their way here, most already has enough credits that it's more convenient for them to continues with their own system shop." He finished.

Damn! Those lucky bastards. Here I am scrounging for any amount of credits I can get my hands on. Trying to live frugally with my measly 200,000 credits.

Damn it. I really need that all access pass. But 50,000 credits is no small amount.

With access to just Marvel Universes' goods and powers, I can still do a lot with that. There are many powerful omega class mutant powers I can probably save up to buy. Or I can buy powerful magical equipments and artifacts too.

But…in the long run, direct access to the Bazaar would be so much better. Over time, the value of that pass would appreciate so much more than having just the basic system shop. And there's no guarantee that I would get another coupon to come back to the Bazaar.

Opening my status just makes me even more sad. Slightly over 190,000 credits. A paltry amount.


"I'll take the all access pass." I finally said between gritted teeth.

"Is that your final choice dear customer?" The receptionist teased.

"Just do it already before I change my mind." I snapped.

"Alright alright. Someone is grumpy. It's done. Your system now has an all access capability to the Multiversal Bazaar. You can now come and go at your pleasure." The receptionist said.

"A very good choice kid. This investment will pay off for you many years down the road. And with that you're good to go. Have fun in the Bazaar." The Guide congratulated me.

It does make me feel a bit better knowing that he was right. This investment will pay off greatly.


Finally, after bidding the two staff members of the Visitor Center goodbyes, I entered the Bazaar once more.

Keeping in mind what I learned from the Guide today, I start looking around.

I was just walking around aimlessly for a while, just checking out all of the different shops and store fronts. I took my time to truly appreciate the variety of shops around me. Each one, unique in looks and feels.

I have not yet decided on what my "build" is so to speak. I know that the future in the Marvel universe will only get worse and worse. I need powers to dictate my own fate rather than trusting solely on the Avengers to solve every problems.

Do I go for magic? Technology? Mutant powers?

I remembered that the Bazaar knows what I need most or what will interest me, I just need to pay attention.

I've been wandering without aim nor thoughts for a while now. Playing the tourist. Looking around me with a more critical eye, one particular shop stood out to me. It piqued my interest not because of some flashy design but in how mundane the store looked compared to its neighbors.

From the outside it does not look too wild or fantastical. No obvious sign of magics or high techs. The store front was simple in design, such that it would fit in any modern Earth cities with ease. A simple neon sign hung above the door, "Marvelous Trinkets" it read.


A bell, hung upon the door rung out as I entered the shop. Walking into the shop, it was like I had entered a whole different world. Outside the door, where I had entered from, was a wondrous and fantastical bazaar fill with magic and unknown wonders. In here, it's like I walked back into my old world.

The shop interior was like a mix of pawn shop and one of those gift shop you find dotted about New York City. You know, those shops that sells "I love NYC" T-shirts and merchandises. Fill with all sorts of memorabilia for tourists to buy to remember their trips to the city.

This little gift shops though seems to have, among various trinkets and memorabilia, random things from the Marvel Universe. Browsing around I see sling rings for sales next to fridge magnets of NYC. On the shelves with mugs and shot glasses sits a couple Arc Reactors as if it's the most natural place for them.

And then, something crazy really caught my eyes. Walking up to the front glass display case that also act as the checkout counter, I approach the man manning the register.

"Hey, aren't you the Collector? What are you doing here?" I questioned the familiar looking man. He looks just like the character shown in Guardian of the Galaxy from the MCU. As well as looking like the actor who played that character.

"Shhhh! I work here boy. Part time. Only on the weekend." The Collector answered quickly.

"I see…" looking down at the display case, "…holy shit! Are those Infinity Stones?"

I cannot believe it, but here they were. All 6 Infinity Stones displayed casually next to common mood rings and other "precious" stones that naïve tourists get tricked into buying all the time. And for only 10 credits per stone! What!?

"Are those real Infinity Stones? Why are they so cheap?!" I looked up at the Collector.

"They're real alright. Genuine Infinity Stone guaranteed. As for why they're so "cheap" as you say. Tell me boy, do you know what dictate prices here in the Bazaar?" The Collector confirmed the authenticity of the stones.

"Uh supply and demand? Power level?" I tried answering.

"Supply is not an issue here in the Bazaar. Everything will always ever be in-stock. If you can't find something, it's not because there are no stocks but because it's not for sales. No, what truly drive prices here is demand and usability." The Collector clarified.

"Take these Infinity Stones for example. Powerful artifacts born from the singularity at the start of your Universe. Each stones governing a fundamental aspect of your Universe. So then why would their price be set as it is? Simple, there is no great demands for them and their usability is very low." The collector continued.

"First of all the stones has no power outside of their Universe of Origin. And that mean each set of stones can only be use in one Universe. They wouldn't work at all if you take them to another universe, nor will they function if you take them to a parallel one. Because only one set of stones can function per Universe." The Collector said, finishing his explanation.

Damn, so even if I buys these stones, they're useless. Nothing but fancy looking rocks. Unless…

"What would happen if there are two set of these stone in a Universe, and then that Universe's original set were destroyed?" I asked the Collector. A crazy idea popped into my head.

"In that situation, the remaining set becomes the sole set for that Universe. All of their powers will simply transfer over to the second set without issues." The Collector answered.

Sweet! If I buy a second set of stones and everything fails and Thanos still snapped half of existence into dust, things will still be ok. Because Thanos will still use his stones to destroy the stones, therefore my set will immediately becomes the only set left. So no need to run around through time searching for the stones.

"Alright, I'll buy a set of the stones if you throw in one of those Replica Infinity Gauntlet too." I bargained while pointing at the rack of Infinity Gauntlets.

"5 credits for the toy gauntlet." The Collector countered.

"Come on, I'm already buying the 6 stones. 2 credits for the toy gauntlet." I fired back.

"4 credits. Take it or leave it." The Collector countered again.

"How about we meet in the middle at 3 credits and we both feel like we won?" I offered.

"Fine. 60 credits for the stones and 3 credits for the toy gauntlet." The Collector conceded.

Nice. Now I have a replica Infinity Gauntlet to display in my treasure vault too. And mine will be way better than Odin since I got some real Infinity Stones as well.

After paying for the stones and gauntlet, I bid the Collector goodbyes and left the store.

I didn't buy anything else from the trinket shop because they were either too expensive or not immediately useful to me to justify the expense. I could've bought an arc reactor for 100,000 credits. But, I can't really do anything worthwhile currently with a single arc reactor that I don't even know how to work.

Wandering around the Bazaar again for many hours, I still haven't found anything I want to actually buy. No that's not true, I saw lots of things I wanted to buy. But everything was either not what I need right now or too expensive to buy.

"Hey Karen, are there currently any tasks available for me to do that will pay lots and lots of credits?" I asked Karen, hoping for a solution to my money problem.

"Sorry sir, but currently there are no available tasks." Karen answered slashing away my final hope for a easy solution.

Well, it's not entirely true that I can't afford anything. During the tour earlier, the Guide did explain to me two ways for me to acquire more credits if I can't afford something. There is a mercenary guild, one might call it, that allows you to take tasks throughout the multiverse for credits. And finally, you can always borrow credits from the Bazaar.

Currently, I don't have any amazing capabilities to complete and high paying tasks so that route is off the table for the time being. So I'm left with the choice of buying nothing or borrowing money to buy something.

I know what I need right now. The problem is finding a power that would fulfilling as many of them as possible without going too much into debt. I need something that would help me get stronger. Strong enough to contend with all of the craziness that will happen in the future. And if I have to go into debt, I'll need something that will help generate large amount of wealth too to pay it off. Preferably without me needing to spend all of my time running around the multiverse completing menial tasks.

As I continued to walk through the Bazaar, thinking deeply on how to reasonably achieve my objectives, I see an odd sight. Well, more odd than the many other weird and odd looking shops that I've walked by today.

This particular one, doesn't look like a shop. Looks more like an abandoned building. Built from old red bricks with dark moss growing all along the side. Some windows are actually boarded up while one side has a hole through the wall. No sign out front to show what this shop is.

The door creaks as I pushed it open. Walking in, I see shelves all along the walls. Some have colorful vials on display. Others have what looks like large crystals. All shining in different colors.

First, I decided to check out the colorful vials displayed on some of the shelves. Picking one up, it had a label that read, "Interdiction. Stability: 26%". Picking up the other vials was all the same. They all have a label with one or two word description and a stability values. Some as low as 0.5%.

"No way. These are Cauldron Vials." I said aloud.

Then if these are Cauldron Vials, then those crystals over there must be the shards. I'm in a store for Worm?

For those who don't know, Worm is a grim dark superhero Web novel from my previous life. In my previous life, I've consumed many Worm fanfics. I had heard that a sequel were released, but unfortunately I was unable to read it before my untimely demise. In my opinion, some of the powers in Worm could rival even the likes of Marvel or DC.

Perhaps there's something here that would solve my power dilemma. Maybe a tinker power. Maybe even Hero's tinker power.

"Hello dear customer. Are you in need of assistance?" A voice asked from behind me.

Turning around, I find myself face to face with a pale skinned woman with black wavy hair. She was dressed in a tailored black suit with a white dress shirt and black tie. Upon her head, she is wearing her iconic fedora.

Oh shit. I know this woman, Contessa or otherwise known as Fortuna in her cape identity. She's the bogeyman of the Worm-verse. The woman you don't want to see because that means she's probably there to silence you, permanently.

"Uh maybe…" I wanted to send her away or maybe leave the store now. But then a crazy thought hit me.

"Do you perhaps sell non-vial or non-shard powers here too?" I asked the scary fedora lady hesitantly.

With a curt nod, Contessa led me to a pedestal with an electronic tablet on it.

"Here, a catalog of additional merchandises available for sales." She introduced succinctly.

Yes! Here they are! Not actually a part of the canon Worm-verse but are nonetheless loosely connected to it, the CYOAs. Hallelujah, there is the completely broken and unbalanced v1 of the Worm CYOA.

Everything is here, with the exception of Kaleidoscope. No matter, I know what I want now.

"I want to purchase this power right here. Inspired Inventor for 10,000,000 credits. Now, what kind of financing option does the Bazaar offers?" I said, my mind made up.

"We have a long term loan with very low and affordable interest rates of 5% for 100 years. With monthly payments as low as 8,749 credits/mo." Contessa explained as she pulled out a colorful pamphlet from inside her suit.

"Or you could opt for the short-term loan with a 10 years deadline. At an interest rate of 20% a year. With no monthly payment, You may pay the entire loan off at any point in one lump sum payment within the 10 years period." She continued to explain while pointing at various information and colorful charts on the pamphlet.

Goddamn! That's highway robbery. 20% interest per year. If I wait 10 years to pay, I'd have to pay 30,000,000 credits.

"Fuck! Give me the short-term loan." I decided with great reluctance. I swear on my life that this will be the last time I am ever in such a situation that I am force to take such a disadvantaged loan.

I have a plan, and I need Inspired Inventor to make it work. Even if I had to pay ten times that amount, I'm confident that I can do it. But that doesn't mean I am happy to spend that kind of money either.

"Everything has been submitted. You've been issued a loan of 10,000,000 credits by the Bazaar. You have 10 years to pay of the entire sum plus interest. Payment can be made at anytime, simply have your system submit the payment whenever you're ready." Contessa informed me.

"Ok and what about the power. Did I get it?" I asked impatiently.

"Yes, your system has already purchased it." Contessa replied.

Opening my status, I can see that I indeed now have Inspired Inventor. Good. With this I'm done here.

After thanking Contessa, I quickly left the store.

Today have been an eventful day. Finally unlocking my system. Getting a starter pack. And the opportunity to go to such a wondrous place as the Multiversal Bazaar. I've done almost everything I've set out to do today. Now, it's time to go.

"Alright Karen, I'm done shopping for today. Let's go home."

Hey guys! Here’s a new chapter. My longest written chapter yet at over 5000 words.

I’m sure with some creative editing I could’ve split this into 3-4 shorter chapters. But I didn’t want to do that. I wanted you guys to experience my Bazaar all in one go.

And this chapter was kicking my ass! I had this awesome and grand image of what the Bazaar would look like in my mind. But to put that into words. To write it down, was so hard.

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy what I’ve done.

TrueStrikecreators' thoughts