
Just A Took!

What if Bilbo wasn't the only Hobbit that joined Thorin and his mighty companions because this is a story about young modern girl from our world end up in a body of almost dead took boy... boy? She was a she! Now let us begin with this crazy adventure with now two Hobbits from different, but same Clans!

WitchcraftCali · Phim ảnh
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Prologue: Human To Hobbit

My life started like everyone else in this big blue planet named Earth, which usually is waking up at 4 am for a messy work that doesn't pay so well and dealing with co-worker that argues with you or gossip.

"Brooke come one we gotta leave before the line become bigger", Said one of my co-worker that I get along with. Her name Sylvia beautiful Sylvia, she was one those co-worker that everyone get along with and I'm one of her trusted co-worker/friend... Yeah she become one of my close friend at work.

"Coming Slyvia coming", I said with a happy smile on my face because Friday is finally here and the new pumpkin spice coffee is finally servicing at the close Cafe near our work place.

Outside cars were passing by so quickly and wasn't stopping for any j walkers that loves not following the rules like us... yah I know it isn't safe but we are almost late to get a cup of coffee!

Then it happened so fast before my eyes, everything turns into one of those crime scenes on TV shows or movies when someone end up rode kill, that what happened to me. I was the only rode kill because my stupid brain decided to j walked and a huge car crashed into me and I was definitely dead super dead.

The afterlife was definitely boring super boring because you have to wait in an odd line which usually strange. Anyways I decided to wait in front of an odd looking gentleman who was very much nervous and he turns around to see me. He smiles and everything changes color before my eyes and he said I wish you happiness. My eyes widen in shock because nobody ever wish me happiness at all and tears were falling from my side face. "Thank you", I said


"Elwood sweet seed please wake up please don't leave mama", spoke a unfamiliar voice

'Elwood? who the heck is that seriously that's an one old name... ' I thought before slowly opening my eyes because I felt the heat from the hot sun which wasn't supposed to happened because I'm well dead super dead dead like in the ground dead. When I finally opened my eyes, I know everything was going to different because in front of me was an older strange woman with the many curles on top of her head and clear light green eyes stare at me with worried and happiness and tears were falling from her face.

"Don't cry", I softly said and realized that it wasn't my voice at all because mines were more feminine deep, not a little boy... shit don't tell me I got reborn in a guy body instead my usually female self... what to do!!!

"Elwood", said someone familiar next to me and when I did turns my head to side, I already know who the person was because if you haven't seen the hobbit movies yah you are going to start wishing you did. Right in front of me was Bilbo Baggins... THE BIBLO HOBBIT BAGGINS!!! I really wanted to freak out but didn't and I smile at the other little boy next to me.

"Hi Bil", I said and couldn't help myself to feel so much happiness toward the other hobbit... wait a min IM A HOBBIT!!!? DAM IT I WANT DWARF AHHHHHHHHHHHH