
Just a Simple Restaurant (Multiverse)

Cooking and Anime/Manga. The only three major things in Yuu Makoto. However, out of all three of them, Yuu could only manage to have the latter of the three. When a chance occurs for him to be able to attempt his dream, he takes it, only to discover that it wasn't all that it seems. Now linked to other universes, Yuu pushes forward, and with his simple restaurant, what could go wrong? "Goku-sama! Stop eating all the meat!"

LofiConic · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Chapter 5


Anyways, enjoy the new chapter!)

Komi Shouko was still pondering about the screen after getting home. Her morbid fascination about where it came from was still on her mind. She still didn't know what to do, but judging by the reaction of her parents and her brother, they couldn't see the floating screen. Taking a quick shower, Komi started fiddling with it, her toothbrush in her mouth. She tried poking it with a pencil, dropping a small amount of water on it, or even looking around for some sort of projector, thinking there was some sort of trick going on. Nothing happened. Everything simply phased through the screen and there was no source that it was coming from.

[Remaining Time: 00:00:37]

She still had 37 seconds left before she had to make a decision again. Komi still wasn't sure what to do.

[All your questions will be answered, should you choose to press yes.]

She could learn more about what it was by simply pressing yes, yet Komi wasn't sure why she was hesitating. This wasn't a simple trick, or something fake.

[Remaining Time: 00:00:19]

'Maybe...I should just decline?'

This was the right choice after all. When you see something that you don't know anything about, you simply avoid it. That was human nature.

[Remaining Time: 00:00:10]

'But then again...'

She knew that her lack of confidence or trying to make an attempt at something was one of the reasons why she couldn't make friends, not just the fact she couldn't talk.

[Remaining Time: 00:00:05]

'I've decided. I'm going to press yes.'

[Remaining Time: 00:00:04]

'Maybe this will also help me reach my goal.'

[Remaining Time: 00:00:03]

'Maybe this will backfire on me.'

[Remaining Time: 00:00:02]

'But still...'

[Remaining Time: 00:00:01]

'I want to take my first step towards my goal!'

[Congratulations, you have been one amongst many to be invited to the Uchu Taberu! Would you like to enter?


Komi pressed the Y on the screen, and with a flash of light, disappeared.


"Welcome, Komi Shouko, to the Uchu Taberu. How can I help you?"

While Yuu had a professional smile on the outside, the inside was a different matter.

'Holy crap. She's... beautiful.'

While not in her iconic school outfit, Komi in pajamas was something Yuu's brain was struggling to process. He was snapped outside of his train of thought however when a toothbrush hit the ground.

"Eto, Komi-sama? Are you there?"

Yuu was confused as Komi began vibrating on the spot. A look of pure panic was on her face as she began to swiftly look around, trying to figure out where she was.

"Ah, I see. Please come sit down Komi-sama. I promise I won't bite. As the screen most likely mentioned, I am willing to explain to you what this place is."

Komi clenched her left fists, trying to calm herself down, before taking a few steps closer to Yuu. As if teleporting, she then disappeared and reappeared in a chair. Yuu did not mind however and simply walked over to the entrance, picking up the fallen toothbrush, before setting it down gently on the table.

"I will be right back with something for you to drink while you calm your nerves down."

Komi only nodded.

Yuu walked into the kitchen, before grabbing a mug, and pouring milk into it, before placing it into the microwave. While Yuu did not like the microwave, as he thought it was a simply lazy way of cooking, he had to admit it did have its uses.

Yuu then pulled out a warm mug of milk, before walking back to Komi and placing it in front of her. Komi took a sip, before placing it back down.

"So then Komi-sama, how can I help you?

Komi opened her mouth, before vibrating again. Yuu simply chuckled.

"System, can you give her a screen that she can write on?"

In an instant, a text box popped up in front of her, causing her to jump a bit. Komi stared at the box before a digital-looking pencil appeared as well. She grabbed it before beginning to write.

{Who are you? And where am I?}

"My name is Yuu Makoto, and I am the owner of the Uchu Taberu, the multiverse's restaurant, and information center. You are currently in said Uchu Taberu."

Komi stared at Yuu for a while, before writing once more.

{How did I get here? What multiverse? Do you control the screens?}

"Hmm. Let's put it this way. Do you know about the multiverse theory? You live in a universe that has its own rules and its own story. The multiverse theory says that there are multiple universes that exist at the same time. In this case, your universe is about a girl name Komi Shouko, and her adventure as she tries to make 100 friends."

Komi flinches a bit, but Yuu continues onward.

"The Uchu Taberu is not tied down to any worlds or universes, so in order to get here, you end up getting teleported into here. As for the screens..."

As Yuu continued to explain more and more, Komi grew more and more confused, asking more questions. This continued for a while until Komi sighed, putting the pencil down, and taking another sip of milk, this time slowly.

"I understand how this might be a bit overwhelming and hard to believe, and I apologize for that Komi-sama."

{It is fine. I understand more about my situation now.}

"Of course, if you need anything, whether it is food, information, or advice, you can come let me know anytime. Of course, you will have to pay the price afterward. This is a business after all."

{Unfortunatly, I am not exactly hungry at the moment. Although I do have a favor to ask of you.}

"A favor already? Sate sate, you are pretty bold." Yuu teased.

Komi blushed before looking away.

{It's nothing too big, of course, you don't have to agree.}

"What is your favor?"

Komi picked up her pencil before stopping. Hesitating, she slowly put it down and gently pushed the screen to the side.


'!' Yuu was in shock.

This was the first time Komi spoke at all during the entire time they were conversing.


Understanding dawned immediately on Yuu, yet he chose to continue to look confused.

'She's taking her first step already...sorry Tadano, I think I'm going to have to take the win here first.'

"P-please become my first friend!"

Komi stared at Yuu directly in the eyes. She was visibly shaking, and there was a look of fear in her eyes. Yet in those eyes were a small ember of courage.

"I see. That was your request?"

Komi looked down, biting her bottom lip. Of course, he would decline. He was a stranger after all, and they only met 30 minutes ago.

"I would love to be your first friend, Komi."

Komi's head shot upward, tears in her eyes. She did it. It wasn't something too difficult to do for others, and it was also something that shouldn't be creating tears, and yet.

Komi never felt so overjoyed before.


{I need to go back home now, but I promise I'll try to visit later.}

"That's no problem, simply say "Uchu Taberu" out loud with the intent on coming here and you will be teleported here."

{That's good to know.}

"Stay safe Komi."

{Goodbye Yuu.}

With a flash of light, Komi disappeared. Yuu sighed, before grinning.

"A lot has happened. Now then, system, how many more do I have to serve until I level up?"

[Level 1: 4/5 served]

"That didn't count? Also, shouldn't it be only 3?"

[Your relationship with Komi does not matter, as you did not serve her food. Only giving her milk does not count. On the other hand, since Beerus ate your food and was satisfied with it, you gained a point for that.]

"I see, this helps a lot. What about the other customer?"

[They are asleep, so we gave them a bit more time.]

"Speaking of sleep, I should go to sleep as well, it's been quite a day."

[Very well, I shall awake you when something happens.]

"Hmm, I feel like I should give you a name. Cliche, as it is, simply calling you system, is a bit weird."

[Then what would you like to call me?]

"How about Bob? Bob Uchiha?"

[...sir, you have a terrible naming sense.]

"What's wrong, you don't like it? Then what about Chris Kirigaya?"

[Sir, you are causing me to suffer, and I am just a screen.]

"Ben Gremory?"


"Pedro Ackerman?"


"Monkey D. Jeremiah?"


"Hmm, I thought those were pretty good."

[Just call me seven.]

"Why 7?"

[It not only represents good luck, but it is also the number of Great Old Ones and Outer Gods currently watching you.]

"WHAT?! I thought Chuthulu said that I won't see him ever again! There are 6 others as well?!"

[He was not lying. He is not amongst the 7 currently watching you. At most, he will check in on you from time to time, but you won't ever see him again. I am not sure about the others though.]

"T-then which 7 are watching me?"

[They are Cthylla, Nctosa, Nctolhu, Scathach, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, and Shub-Niggurath.]


Yuu simply sat down where Komi was once sitting, face pale.

"Seven, how screwed am I?"

[...to be honest, I am not 100% sure. I can at least give you a bit of background info on them.]

"Please do."

[Cthylla, Nctosa, and Nctolhu are the daughters of Cthulu, Nctosa and Nctolhu being twins. Scathach is the daughter of Hziulquoigmnzhah and Klosmiebhyx, but not the one from the legends in Celtic mythology. Nyarlathotep is...oh?]

"What's wrong?"

[It looks like a prank was played on her and he is now a she, and has lost quite a bit of her powers. She looks like one of those catgirls. She is being called Nyanlathotep as a tease now.]


[Moving on, Yog-Sothoth is Cthulu's grandfather and high on the power scale. Shub-Niggurath is basically the mother of a lot of the Great Old Ones.]

"Any idea why they are interested in me?"

[Cthylla, Nctosa, and Nctolhu are the daughters of Cthulu, so they might want to just drop by to see what you are. After all, Cthulu isn't known for simply letting a human go, even giving said person power.]


[Scathach might just be bored, and try to see if you interest her. She also wants a lover, but I highly doubt you need to worry about that.]

"Yeah, it's not like I'm going to end up with a Great Old One."

[Nyarlathotep will most likely just be trying to see if you can find a way to undo her curse. Apparently, Cthulu cast it, so she thinks you might have a hint.]

"Oh no."

[Yog-Sothoth might just drop by for tea. He likes tea. The one you should be most wary about is Shub-Niggurath.]

"Why is that?"

[Simply put, she's horny. Very horny. She will most likely come at you as a milf or something similar.]

"This...is not what I was expecting with Great Old Ones and Outer Gods."

[While humans deemed us as the scary things we are, we are in the end, still beings after all.]

"Why are you saying we?"

[Cthulu made me after all. I am considered an eldirich horror.]

"Alright, enough Seven. I get it."

[Don't worry too much, as Cthulu made it where they can not actually interact with you until you level up more.]

"I'm going to head to sleep. This is a lot to take in."

[Have a good sleep sir.]

"Night Seven."

Yuu simply dragged himself up the stairs, opened his door, and just jumped into bed. He had way too much to deal with today.

'Well, nothing bad will happen, so it's going to be okay, right?'

Yuu swore that he heard the sound of feminine giggling from somewhere, but simply closed his eyes and dozed off.