
Trouble in Sabaody Archipelago

Nico Robin started to become numb, from one surprised after another, after meeting Shin. First, he sank 3 marine warships like it's nothing, he then knocked out the rest of the people the pirate ship without touching them and then she learned his background, which if one hears it will only associate it to a fairy tale. His bounty is the highest she have heard so far, and what's greatly shocking is what he did to Marijois. It was suppose to be the land of gods, the tenryubitto and the world government, yet according to rear admiral Momonga, which would not dare to lie with Shin being present, he trampled Marijois to the ground, and even killing quite a number of them. Killing one would get the whole navy after you, but he killed more, while calling them thrashes of the world.

Now, she was being carried like a princess by Shin, and already up in the sky. His personal trade mark of two majestic horns on his head, and two black raven wings at his back is at full splendor, being shown to the world. His dread-like aura after changing his form was released, and it was approaching the level of someone with a conqueror's haki. Nico Robin was not affected, so the full brunt was felt by Momonga, and the rest of the survivors from the 3 marine warship. Shin stared at Momonga like an insect, and spoke once more.

"I will let you live, Mr. Rear Admiral.. I do not slaughter on purpose, only when provoke and only if one of mine is threatened will I truly become a demon. Please make sure to let your superior know about this, else they get an idea.. you know what I mean?" (Shin)

"...Noted.." (Momonga)

"Oh! And one more thing, I do not like being associated with those garbage in Marijois, so I implore you to change my name on the bounty to Shin, that's my new name in this new life. And just a warning, if my name was not changed within a week, I will attack every Marine that I see.. hope you consider my request~" (Shin)

"(gritting his teeth) I'll make sure.. you have my word!" (Momonga)

"Awesome! Well~ we'll take our leave then, Mr. Rear Admiral. Hope you don't mind me bringing along Nico Robin. She's now under my protection, and an important part of my family (smirk)" (Shin)

Momonga could do nothing, as he knew that he was not Shin's match. He wasn't an idiot, even "trying" will be similar to throwing his life away. Before Momonga could sigh in relief after Shin left, he once again felt danger coming from above, he did not think twice, and disappeared from the pirate ship as far as possible then look up. He thought that the silver haired demon went against his promise to let him live, but before he could form that thought, he saw in front of him, the pirate ship he was previously on was cut into thousand of pieces along with it's crew. He look up again to the man that did this, and felt terror. If he did not leave immediately, he would have been shredded along with the ship. The man was really cruel, he spoke the truth about harming his family. Because of this pirate crew hurt Nico Robin, he did not plan on letting them be from the beginning, but he did not expected that this will be their end. Not even a body is left.

Momonga learned how terrifying this wanted man was. What he heard from his superiors were completely different from what he'd seen. The man is not only a terrifying devil fruit user who looked like a devil and could bring hell, but he's a high level swordsman too and there was that pitch black armored form he used to destroy the navy warship. He will report his findings and he's certain, this will bring headache to the rest his superiors.

Up in the sky, Shin met back with Scheherazade and the 2 sisters. They were high enough to not get affected on what's happening below and was watching Shin's action. Monet was shocked when Shin worn his pitch black armor, especially, when he held the massive spear. The spear was not normal, and when he disappeared, they were confused and unable to find him. Not until they noticed that Scheherazade looked up, they did the same, and found a black silhouette in the sky, now falling at great speed. They were worried about Shin, as falling from his height even to the sea surface would crush a mans body to pieces, and shin was several higher then them.

They saw that Shin split into 3 and each crashed landed on each of the Marine warship, causing explosion of wood and splinter, immediately sinking the 2 ships. Shin disappeared again, but they found him standing on one leg at the pirate ship. It happened too fast, and it still have not registered on the mind of the two sisters, but Scheherazade was only smiling, feeling proud of her husband. She was elated that he's stronger than she thought. Her only worry is that she would not be of too much use to him, but she immediately perish the thought, as she gave her entire trust to him as well as it was not her husband's characteristic to ignore his family, especially her and his soon to be wives. She could only giggle like a young maiden, and she was also enjoying the feeling, of being free, and only thinking of silly things that she was not able to do from "that" world.

Scheherazade and the two girls were on a flying carpet. Shin was curious about it from what he saw in the movies back on Earth. He also knew that this is Scheherazade's reality bending ability. She's able to make the things, phenomenon and characters in her tales into reality. He decided to ask Scheherazade about it later. He then introduced Nico Robin to the rest. Scheherazade smiled, as she knew that the girl that her husband brought should also be a potential sister of hers.

Nico Robin was curious about the 3 girls. First is the woman named Scheherazade, as he calls Shin "husband". She wonders if they're truly a couple, and her mind wondered to what if she's in her place, and Shin is..

Nico Robin immediately stopped the thought. She was more surprised of herself. She only met the man just a moment ago, and she's now feeling attached. She liked the feeling as it was pure and new, but the fear in her heart is still there, and cannot help to worry that the same thing will happen like before. She stared at the man, fooling around with his 3 companions and she cannot help but smile, and have hope for her future. He's.. different. He's eyes does not contain any lies, and when he invited her earlier, she felt his true feelings to her. She decided to wait, and give him a chance, and give herself a chance as well to become happy. Right now, Nico Robin's fear and worry were becoming less and less, with Shin's protection and knew how strong he is, a confidence had form within her.

Shin noticed that Robin was looking at him and was smiling. She reach out and held Robin's hands, and pull her close to them. They had no worries, as the carpet they're on is big enough for several more people and was pretty stable like a bed. Robin's face has a shade of red, from being held in the hand by Shin. She plopped down next to Shin and the girls, and introduced herself, and they told her a bit about herself. She told them about her dream, and to her surprise, Shin knows about the "poneglyphs" and promised her that she would be able to read them soon. She was elated, and it's where she expose a part of her that she never shows to others, when talking about poneglyph and it's history. Shin and the other girls listened to her when she talk, and was also interested. Shin and Scheherazade sometimes commented to some of her ideas and theories which further made her happy, as the two have knowledge about history (Shin told Scheherazade a bit about the history of Once Piece world, especially about the Poneglyphs).

After some time, Shin decided to leave, but not before taking a bite. Nico Robin and Scheherazade should be hungry, heck, he's hungry, and could not even mention the look on Monet and Sugar, still looking malnourished. He noticed that they were just holding their hunger in. Poor girls, that's probably why they easily join Doflamingo, even though that sick bastard look suspicious and looked like a retard with his getup. Shin took out, from his Soul Storage, a crate filled with rolls of leafy vegetable with smoking hot chicken karaage in the middle. Each servings is even properly bundled with a paper holder, and the roll also have a symbol from it's original source. What Shin took out is a crate of "Sumire Karaage Roll" still fresh from the world of Shokugeki no Soma. He also took out canned Sprite for their beverage. Shin read it's description from Yggdrasil before he served them to the girls:

Create Sumire Kraage Roll

Servings: 25

Description: "A snack made by Sōma Yukihira and Ikumi Mito to help revive the Sumiredōri Shopping District from Mozuya's capital dominance. This dish can be served quickly and is best eaten fresh. It is a light and portable meal, which can be eaten on the go. -Replicated by the system, and recipe were replaced by high tier ingredients which is good for the body."

Effect: Once eaten, you won't feel hunger for 3 days. Repairs any damage external or internal and lift and calm the mind. (Complete restore, Permanent Will+1)

Canned Sprite

Servings: 25

Description: "A colorless, caffeine-free, lemon and lime-flavored soft drink -Replicated by the system, and recipe were replaced by high tier ingredients which is good for the body."

Effect: Body will be hydrated, and no need to drink for 3 days and lift up spirit (Permanent Spirit +1)

"(This food's awesome!) Girls, before we go, why don't we take a bite first? We haven't eaten yet since this morning, and I don't want any of you to be hungry while we have food to eat." (Shin)

"En!" (all)

After the create of Sumire Karaage Rolls were taken out, the smell spread through the surroundings. Shin, Scheherazade who were always calm couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva from the wonderful smell the food releases. The others are the same, and could not wait to take a bite. Shin handed each one a serving of the food, and started eating. After the first bite, each one of them closed their eyes, feeling bliss, and enjoying the taste of the food.

"(Mufu.. this food is wonderful. I can't help myself moaning from pleasure of eating this. Where did husband got this food?)" (Scheherazade)

"God, this is the best food I've ever taste! What do you all think?" (Shin)

"Can we have more of this, Shin. This- I can't describe and believe how this was made~" (Nico Robin)

"Un! Un! Yum~" (Sugar)

"(nod).." (Monet)

"Hahah! Slow down, see, there's still plenty. I know the food's great, but just a heads up, each of this servings, will satiate you and won't even need to eat for 3 days.. so.." (Shin)

"Eh? Is that even possible??" (Nico Robin)

"It is.. you see, the ingredients used for this food are not your normal ingredients. They're magical, and the best in taking care of the body. Look at Sugar and Monet~" (Shin)

Scheherazade and Nico Robin stared at the two, and found that their previous malnourished state is now gone, and had been replaced by smooth, glowing and healthy skin. The skin and bones has also been filled up and now looking beautiful. Even their hair became vibrant and had healthy shine on them. The only proof that they came from the slums and were suffering hunger previously was their tattered clothing. Scheherazade conjured a mirror, and stared at her reflection. With wide eyes, she could also see the changes on herself. Her face, her skin and hair were all vibrant.

"Simply beautiful.. Scheherazade, Nico Robin, Monet, and you too, Sugar, you all became prettier~" (Shin)

"Ehh? How.. this, this is incredible!" (Scheherazade)

"(chuckle) Shin, you glib tongue. You don't have to flatter us. I know sister Scheherazade is beautiful but me.." (Nico Robin)

"En.." (Monet)

"(sigh) Robin, Monet.. have both of you looked in the mirror lately? Don't you know that you're both one of the most beautiful girls I've seen. No need to degrade yourself. You're also on par with my Scheherazade." (Shin)

"Husband is right. Be conscious of yourself and how you look. Your both beautiful, and husband here might tear the eyes of those who would look or say that you're ugly~" (Scheherazade)

"(blush) If.. if you say so Shin. Then I'll believe you. If you see me beautiful, then I'm happy.." (Nico Robin)

"I as well, Shin-sama.." (Monet)

"Excellent! That's the first step in becoming great. Believing yourselves. If you don't have any belief in yourself, weather it's your look, or capabilities, you won't be able to move forward. Remember, all my family member will become great in the future. We'll all become famous~! or maybe infamous, meh, it's the same~" (Shin)

Everyone laugh at Shin's joke, but their conversation indeed opened a wider path for both Nico Robin and Monet, who was still feeling apprehensive and down. Shin saw that their aura's also gain a brighter gleam, and the dark shades were bit by bit, fading. Shin also explained about their beverage, and once again, surprised the rest. They're happy though, of Shin, sharing the wonderful food to them. They all knew that the food he shared were even fit to be eaten by Gods.

After their meal, they decided to continue their journey. Shin made Scheherazade to keep the carpet materialized, as it will be easier for him to carry all of them when he flew at a very fast speed.

On their journey, every island that they passed, Shin would take a detour, and when he came back to the girls, he would have a devil fruit or two in his hands, which he added to his collection. It was easy for Shin to find these fruits, as they reek of miasmic curse, similar to fireworks, so it's hard for him to missed one. Nico Robin no longer was surprised, but still sighed at how capable Shin is. Devil fruit was supposed to be Rare, for God's sake! Yet Shin is getting them like picking cabbages in the side of the street!

Soon, the group reached Sabaody Archipelago. It's the final island in Paradise, close to the Red Line. Though it is called an archipelago, it is actually a massive mangrove forest growing out from the middle of the ocean with each tree of the forest serving as an "island" on which people live. Since it is just a group of trees and not an island like those found in the Grand Line, it has no magnetic pull for which to affect a Log Pose. Here is also the place were world noble's frequent and the place where they mostly get their slaves.

Various sizes of bubbles floats up from the groves when Shin and the girls approached the island. Shin started searching if there were any of the ex-slaves from Marijois that decided to join him by following this instruction to meet here in Sabaody Archipelago. He left a trace of his energy on each of the slaves, and right now, his brow is furrowed. He became confused, because he felt that there were several slaves in Sabaody, however, they're all separated. Scheherazade immediately noticed the change in Shin's face.

"What's wrong Shin, is there a problem?" (Scheherazade)

"I'm not sure. I feel that the people that I was expecting to meet are here, but they're all too spread out. I told them to go to a particular grove to wait for a few days but.. " (Shin)

"If what you say is true, then they might have been.." (Scheherazade)

"Right.. there's one in grove 1. That's where the auction house is. There's two in grove 12, along with multiple auras surrounding one while the other is in the outer perimeter of those multiple auras. One is in the place where everyone should meet and then, the last one is in grove 60, it's a marine base.. I guess they caught unwanted attention and were captured." (Shin)

"The other in grove 12, base on what you said, should be following the group.. " (Scheherazade)

"Yes, that one's probably waiting for an opportunity to help the other. I better hurry, and get them out of here. After all, I am the one who gave them hope of a family.. I shouldn't have suggested the meeting place to be here where it's so close to the marine headquarters as well as where slave traders run rampant.." (Shin)

"Don't blame yourself over this. What's best is to get to them fast, in case they're in deep trouble." (Scheherazade)

"Hmmn.. Leave it to me, you all stay up where they can't see you. An admiral might appear, and those people can reach you even in the air." (Shin)

"No! We're now a single family. The people who are in trouble will soon be one of ours, and we can't just let you handle everything. We'll help!" (All)

Shin look into each of the girls and sighed. They're decision has been made, and with the look in their eyes, he knows that they won't be able to change their mind.

"Shin.. we know that we're not as strong as you, but we should still be able to help you in some way." (Nico Robin)

"Un! We want to help!" (Monet)

"(sigh).. I know that you had to face danger eventually, but I always wanted for you all to be safe. I also understand your feelings on this.. In that case, I'll allow you to help, but you'll have to listen to what I say no matter what.." (Shin)

"En!" (All)