
Journey Of The Crimson Demon.

What dark essence lies within Insanity's core? From whence does evil's infernal power emerge? What nefarious depths birth the essence of good? Where doth power's diabolical might find its source? What secrets lurk within the elixir of immortality? And who, in the realms of the infernal, holds dominion over these enigmatic truths? ………………………… Such inquiries, woven within the fabric of our existence, are the very threads that set individuals apart, each distinct in their perceptions and interpretations. ________________________ Arkan, a weathered soul hailing from earthly realms, finds rebirth in a realm of fantasy and wonder. Devoid of innate cultivation aptitude and bereft of fortuitous aids such as celestial systems, ancient mentors within enchanted rings(Grandpas if you may), or divine techniques of godlike stature, how may Arkan ascend to the zenith of cultivation and surpass even its lofty confines? _________________________ Note:- Although no cheats, plot armor will be present. How can anyone reach the peak without any plot armor, because if that were to be the case then everyone would be at the top.  And yes, I will use simple English in the novel, and unlike my previous novels this one has an editor. Yeah I know he is my friend but he is a professional with English Honors and some other degree, I forgot. And maybe, well we changed 1 or 2 chapters to a bit shakspear English, why? We were just having fun. Don't worry, I have removed the very difficult words and given out an explanation and a meaning for those so called easy words.(This paragraph is not edited, my friend asked for extra party for this one. So yeah. No editing from here on. Have a heatstroke while reading this.) Mc will get some op items but not so op that it gives him invincibility. Mc is extremely ruthless.(Not in the starting chapters.) Those who have read my novel [God's Era: An Error System] will find this novel darker than the other.  The novel is slow paced. But it's immortal novel, so it's fast as well. I don't really know what I am trying to say but yeah, it's both fast paced and slow paced. Depends on the situation. No Romance(Maybe, but not really but maybe) Thank you. ______________________________ (For further inquiries please visit my Review, I will answer all questions within a day or 2 at most.)

legendary_awesome · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

[4] The Trials Begin: A Glimpse of Immortality…

Chapter 4:- The Trials Begin: A Glimpse of Immortality…

"Who amongst you is Syed Arkan Ali?" The disciple's clear melodic voice rippled throughout the village. All the people who had been kneeling looked towards Arkan, their eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and expectation. They had already guessed what was happening—the Ali family's Arkan must have been selected as an immortal disciple. Now their thoughts turned to how they could gain favor from the Ali family.

Arkan slowly stepped forward and replied, "Respected Immortal, it is me. My name is Syed Arkan Ali."

The disciple nodded his head indifferently and began walking towards Arkan. Arkan felt a surge of power and couldn't help but be awed by the disciple's presence. The disciple picked Arkan up by his collar, causing him to gasp, and then stepped on his long Azure Sword, ready to take flight.

"Then I will be taking him with me," the disciple announced, leaving behind an azure arc as he vanished into thin air.

In the air, Arkan couldn't resist the urge to open his eyes and take in the awe-inspiring scene before him. The sight that unfolded surpassed anything he had ever witnessed, even from the window seat of an airplane.

Before him stretched a majestic Blue River, its azure waters meandering for miles through the lush green forest. The river seemed to breathe life into the surrounding landscape, nourishing the vegetation and providing a home for countless creatures.

As Arkan observed, he noticed a harmonious dance of nature unfolding. Animals and demon beasts coexisted in this mystical realm, engaged in playful interactions and fierce battles. It was a world of untamed beauty, where predator and prey existed in a delicate balance.

In the distance, Arkan could spot small villages nestled among the trees. He could see children running and laughing, their innocence and joy radiating through the serene atmosphere. The villagers seemed to live in harmony with their surroundings, embracing the gifts bestowed upon them by this enchanting realm.

But it wasn't just the earthly scenery that captivated Arkan. Above him, the ever-changing clouds added an ethereal touch to the landscape. They rolled and swirled, casting playful shadows on the land below. The interplay of light and shadow created a dynamic canvas, transforming the scenery into a living masterpiece.

Arkan marveled at the sheer magnificence of it all. Every element of nature seemed to be in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of colors, sounds, and emotions. It was a sight that transcended the mundane and transported him to a realm of pure wonder and awe.

As he continued to gaze, a profound sense of peace washed over Arkan. In this breathtaking panorama, he felt a profound connection to the world around him. He understood the intricate interconnectedness of all living beings, the delicate balance that sustained the ecosystem.

It was in this moment that Arkan realized the true power and significance of becoming an immortal disciple. Through his journey, he would not only tap into his own potential but also learn to protect and preserve this remarkable world he had been granted a glimpse of.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Arkan closed his eyes once again, savoring the memory of the breathtaking scene etched into his mind. He knew that this experience would serve as a guiding light, fueling his determination to become a true outer disciple of the Azure Sword Sect.

Arkan understood that the trials ahead would be arduous, demanding unwavering dedication and resilience. But he was willing to embrace the challenges, knowing that the reward would be far greater than he could ever imagine. With the memory of the awe-inspiring panorama ingrained in his heart, he embarked on the next phase of his journey, eager to learn, grow, and protect the beauty of this realm he had come to cherish.

Arkan landed on his buttocks, but to his surprise, he didn't feel any pain. His mind was captivated by the breathtaking scenery that unfolded before him. Streams of water flowed through a ravine filled with lush plants and rugged rocks. The air in the sect felt so refreshing that Arkan couldn't help but take deep breaths, feeling a warm sensation spreading through his body. It was as if his very being was being rejuvenated by the spiritual power contained in the air.

Arkan recalled the information the old librarian had shared with him about mortals living up to 500 to 600 years without cultivation. In an environment like this, he believed one could easily live up to 900 to 1,000 years. The realization only deepened his resolve to become an immortal disciple.

As Arkan marveled at his surroundings, a commanding voice interrupted his thoughts. "Alright, I see that everyone is present. Let me introduce myself. I am an outer elder of this sect, and I am here to test all 50 of you this time. I will determine if you have what it takes to become an immortal, just like me."

The elder's words hung in the air, and silence settled over the group. Then, he continued, "Now, I will randomly select one of you to come forward and assess your potential. If your potential is sufficient, you will become a true outer disciple of the Azure Sword Sect and embark on your journey as an immortal."

One by one, the elder began announcing the results. "Failed, next." "Failed, next." The air grew heavy with disappointment as more and more children failed the test. Arkan watched with a mix of anxiety and determination.

Finally, it was Arkan's turn. He nervously walked toward the elder, his heart pounding in his chest. The elder placed his hand on Arkan's head, and a surge of energy flowed through him. Arkan held his breath, hoping for a positive outcome.

"Failed, next," the elder declared with an emotionless voice, as if delivering a verdict. Two disciples quickly came forward and escorted Arkan to the group of failures. Arkan's heart sank, and a wave of disappointment washed over him. But he refused to let it extinguish his spirit.

The testing continued, and more children were assigned to the group of failures. Arkan observed the reactions of his fellow candidates, some of whom burst into tears, while others wore expressions of determination and resilience. The disciples escorted the crying children back to their homes, leaving Arkan and the remaining candidates behind.

The elder turned to the successful candidates and said, "Follow me. I will show you around and help you with the basics." With that, he led them away, leaving the rest of the candidates waiting anxiously.

Addressing the remaining children, the elder spoke, "Talent is but a part of the cultivation journey. Wait here. Another elder will come to take you to your next trial. I hope you all can pass and become our true outer disciples." And with those words, the elder disappeared, leaving the candidates in anticipation.

Days passed, and four days later, another elder in a black uniform arrived. He waved his hand, and an invisible force enveloped the remaining children. With gentle precision, the elder transported them to another mountain peak.

"Now, listen carefully to the rules of the third trial," the elder commanded, his voice resonating with authority. "You see that bell over there? Your task is to ring it three times. You have one week to complete this trial. I hope you all can pass."

Arkan's gaze followed the elder's gesture, and his lips twitched in frustration. To reach the bell, he would have to descend one mountain and then climb another. The challenge seemed immense, but Arkan refused to be discouraged.

After all, every challenge had a way out, and he was sure that this one did too. 

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