
Journey begins now

Jordan_Parkes · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: The end and a new beginning

Thoughts running through my head as I'm kicking myself in the butt talking to myself "of course out of all the days I'm late, I'm late for class." I rambled. Rushing through my house grabbing all I can, getting myself ready for class with my black T-shirt coming over me I tuck it into my blue jeans then grabbing my bag full of papers, notebooks, and colored pens. Putting my dark brown messy hair up in a scrunchy. Not even bothering to look in the mirror and lastly throwing my dark green jacket over my shoulder as I go out the door with toast in my mouth jelly getting all over it.

As my thoughts are still running through my head as I start up the car hearing the squeal of pain until it starts up with a weak roar of the engage. Getting myself in the parking lot to have no time, but to rush to the building finishing my toast whipping the jelly off with my sleeve, hearing the beep of my car as I lock it. Bursting through the doorway into the classroom as the bell chimes right at 8 o'clock. With my bag falling off my shoulder as I'm hunched over I huffed. "I'm here. I'm here. I'm sorry professor."

Gasping for air as I stumble to my seat with everything hanging off my shoulders I throw the bag on the desk propping it up to get myself ready for class. As class started I feel scolded by my classmates and the teacher as she glares at me. Looking at her I pout as I cross my arms across my chest leaning back against the chair. Looking out the window to see the world around the school. The beautiful green over the campus with the roads and the busy cars zooming by. Zoning in out through class I start to think about life meeting new people, seeing new things through college life isn't so bad. Yet I'm a nineteen-year-old girl looking for something bigger and better. Being stuck in a small community and being an orphan only helping where I can it's hard to think of something past that. Snapping myself out of my thoughts to listen to the lecture then going back to my thoughts and then snapping myself back out of it. Keeping up with the same routine for a long grueling two hours has passed as I hear the bell chime and then the teacher dismisses us I grab my things and head out the door. Until the teacher calls "Alana. Can I talk to you for a moment before you leave?" Asking me in her genital voice letting me know I'm in trouble in the nice way to put things. With a sigh, I look to the ground and rotating my body with my feet I turn my attention to her with a fake smile hoping she buying the good girl mentality. "Yes, Miss." I said then asked quickly after "What is it you need?" Looking into her eyes I can tell in hurting her as she scratches the back of her head with my bright smile melting away feeling bad for trying to be happy and bright unsure on what to say next or do she said: "I know this is your first day, but you need to be on time next time if your late two times it counts as an absence." Staring at her my feelings of guilt fills me as I said "Yes Miss. I just had a rough start to the day it won't happen again." Nodding to her I try to smile again. Her smile comes back I get a boost of positive energy as she grabs her things as we walk out the room "Thank you Alana." She said as she locks up the room. "I'm here if you need to talk to someone okay." She assured me with her smile going from ear to ear. "Thank you very much that means a lot." I said feeling myself with joy and trust as I walk down the hall as I wave to her. "Have a good day miss I'll see you tomorrow."

Looking at my schedule I find that I have a few hours to spend till my next class It's around 11 o'clock so it is about lunchtime anyway. Making my way to the lunchroom I find my favorite food a simple sandwich with avocado and turkey sliced thinly cut on ray bread. Finding the last one wrapped prepped just for me in all its glory. Hustling over to grab it and then paying for it to quickly rush to the table and sitting down unwrapping it I take it in my hands about to take a bit, but interrupted. 

"Alana." I hear. Glancing up to find a woman dresses in blue jeans and a red deep V neck top with copper hair shiny from the sun behind her. I put my sandwich down to the plate as I whispered "Later." Patting it I turn back to the woman trying to figure out who it is. 

"Hay Alana it's been a while ha?" She asked in her high pitched voice with a beaming smile on her face as freckles color her cheeks. In confusion and shock, a name pop into the mind without thinking the name flies out of my mouth as I asked precariously. "Ashlyn is that you?" Looking confused I couldn't wait so I take a bite of my lunch. She said "Oh yeah I changed a lot last time I saw you. Sorry if I freaked you out." With an awkward giggle, she glances away I nod and gave a directing wave of my hand as I mumbled with food still in my mouth "You can sit Ashley." With a smile on my face, she started beaming. "It's been about a year since I saw you last. You changed a lot too." Giggling a bit when she continued. "You've grown out your hair. It's very long and still brown, I see. what don't you change it up a bit. Also, the same jeans showing off your curves." With her smile still glowing. Her dark brown eyes like chocolate melting at the fact of us seeing each other the over-whelming feeling of love, hope, and confidence. "How have you been doing lately?" She asked playing with a strand of her hair. Taking another bite trying to chew it down. I take a sip of my water.

"It has been a while I didn't recognize you at all your hair was brown last I remember and now it's copper." Putting the sandwich down I think that she wonders, but I wish I could be as confident as her shrugging my shoulders and stretch out my arms up in the air as I lean back into my seat I continue."Nothing much has happened after graduating high school I got a job I'm a toured and a babysitter and I got multiple scholarships and donations from other parents. So I just started going to college wanting to be an English teacher for high school kids out of all things, but being nineteen it's been hard because I'm so young and I want to do so much more. Living on my own isn't that great either. No one is giving me a chance and it's hard for people to take me seriously sometimes." Grabbing my lunch taking another bite we just talked. Talked about our lives with family, what our plans are, even the cute boys in our classes. For another hour possibly I couldn't tell I lost track of time until I got an alarm telling me. Looking down and the crumbs left from lunch I start cleaning up. Thanking my past self for setting the alarm I quickly get to my feet.  

"It's was nice to see you Ashlyn, but I need to get to class" Getting my stuff together. "What class do you have next?" She asked swiftly as she gets up from her chair and cleans up her things."Mathematics." I said blatantly. "My next free time is tomorrow if you would like to meet around this time," I said as I finish putting my things away thinking about how much we smiled and the great time we had. "Of course." She said with no hesitation. Hugging each other we say our goodbye and splitting our ways. I hate being that mean to leave her alone after all this time.

After the grueling day of classes. I headed out to my car quickly getting on the road singing to the radio as I drive down the road surrounded by trees to see a car in front of me slowing down to a stop blocking the road. Bringing my car to a screeching halt as the car is in the middle of the road. Thinking to myself what the heck. It's only a two-way road so it's not hard to block the road, but still. What are they doing? I then lay my hand on my horn waiting for something to happen.

"What are you doing?" I ask myself under my breath as I honk my horn. Yet nothing no reaction nothing's moving nothing at all it's like no one's in the car. Turning off my car  I get out and questionably walked over knocking on the window as I said "Hey what are you doing? Do you know you in the way?" Trying to get his or her attention yet nothing, nothing at all. Grunting "Fine I guess I'll wait." Questioning myself What's going on? Looking around and no one else is here. So who is this person? What are they doing and why are they blocking the road? 

Seconds later another car comes down the road, but it's a big black van, coming to a stop by the car. The door opens slams open and a man comes out in black and silver armor covering his face. Being hit in the face with fear I tremble as I notice that he has a machine gun in his arms. Stumbling to the ground I get to my car quickly trying to start it but it won't start. Why won't it start? I ask myself "Fucking Hell." I cursed out in frustration and panic. Why now of all times? I keep asking over and over. Panicking I start looking for my phone stumbling through the car to find it as I throw stuff around. Looking over to see him coming closer as I dig faster. Finding it I start to dial until I was interrupted. Feeling as light as a feather as I'm being thrown out of the car and to the gravel, I drop my phone to the ground.

I turn my head to him in anger and frustration with the barrel of the gun only inches from my face quickly diffused all the energy in my body. Crushing my phone with the impact of his boot he turned to me kneeling down to me as he calmly spoke in a deep voice."Is your name Alana Deli-Aswan?" He asked giving me no chance to respond. He grabs the collar of my jacket he starts dragging me closer to him. I kick and scream, pushing him away from the best I could. Looking away from him trying to not show the fear, but unable to stop shaking I grab his arm as I snapped at him "Let me go, you bastard!" Looking into his eyes he drops me. Dropping down I look back at him as I think. What was that? He quickly turned to me locking our eyes feeling cold as he grabs me again as he gets closer. Breathing down my neck as he asked again in a harsher tone as he spat. "Listen to me please are you Alana Deli-Aswan?" "Yes. Who wants to know?" I snapped back. Thinking of what I could do to get away he starts to drag me in the direction of his van. 

Finding an opening I kicking him in the back of his leg making him fall forward hitting his face on the side of the van. Having a second of a looser grip I was able to get up and run. All I did was run, run as fast as I could down the road somewhere going down the road I find a park bared by trees. I quickly scan my surroundings and run in. Running into the park I get past a few tables and some covered areas. I jumped behind a tree to take my breath. I notice all these people so many people that are just here minding their own business. Playing games at the picnic tables, having kids run around playing. Not having a care in the world.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Screaming broke out the gunshots started filling the air with the sound bang bang echoing through my body and through the park. Oh shit, I thought I immediately regret coming here as I see kids jumping under tables, parents jumping on top of their kids. Covering my head I see splintering bark falling from the trees. Worry came over me that tears start running down my face panicking as I tremble. Then a kid ran to me hugging my legs knocking me out of my state. Tears running down the little boy's face. I kneel down to him through the chaos around me and him snapped me out of my fear I hug him as I said "It's okay you are going to be alright." lifting him into my arms I find a table to my right. I rush the boy over and under the table. 

"Cover your head mister. Everything will be okay. Stay here you'll be safe." I said smiling at him before I turn to the man covered in armor then look back at the boy. Wrapping the tears off his face I turn back. Thoughts running through my mind thinking of what I could do then it hit me. Jumping to my feet "Other here! Come get me." I yelled sticking my tough out at him and waving my hands. Sensing the annoyance I squeaked as I turned and started running. 

A little way down a small path emerges from the trees I spotted a sign imprinted with the words hiking. With a light bulb turning on I glace over my shoulder to see the man little ways down "Hay! Over here!" Whistling at him I run down the hiking paths going up a hill I start to lose steam gasping for air I hunch over to my knees and glace over to see the path behind me only able to hear the bang! Bang! Echoing shortly behind. Stumbling back to my feet I find a small bridge over a little creek at the bottom of the hill. Taking a moment it's no more than 3 ft above the creek. Without a second thought, I jump over the ledge into the creek. Landing into the creek stumbling to my hands and knees into the rocks. Being drenched in cold water and feeling the burning needles in my knees and arm I quickly get back up and under the bridge melting into the bushes as I kneel down by a fern in the cold damp mud. As I start to shiver I start to calm down and steady my breathing.

Hoping and praying that he doesn't find me starting to panic from my thoughts wandering off into tangents to the little boy that was crying and the kids and their family's screaming. The guilt felt like I was punched in the stomach my lips quivering from the thought of what he could do to the boy. There screams echoing in my head still hearing them in the distance sniffling and tears threatening to fall. Covering my ears hoping for the best. Trying to get away I was hoping no one got hurt. "Is the little boy okay?" I asked myself under my breath.

Tears start to creep up within me. The fear, panic, and worry start welling up with every fiber of my being it start to hurt. Then to hear footsteps on the bridge above me I cover my mouth with both hands hoping it's not him to only see a runner just goes over. Having the silence of the creek running by my feet and over the rocks helping soothe my mind. A soft and steady voice comes up. "Alana? Is that you princess?" Glancing around to my left then the right. In a jump and squeak, I get to my feet, slipping back into a mud pack behind me. About to scream the young man covers my mouth and catches me in his strong arms helping me back to my feet. Looking into his Sapphire blue eyes with his warm embrace holding me firm, but lovingly. The young man with one hand on my mouth and the other on my waist looking into his eyes with his blond silky hair falls framing his cheek bones with the bottom half of his face covered. Leaning in close he whispered softly by my ear.

"Alana? When I move my hand can you not scream?" He questioned. Only able to nod my head as he let me go. Taking a step back he bows deeply as his hair falls in his face. Feeling the heat coming to my face with a small tinge of pink coming over me. I have to admit he's easy on the eyes, but what does he want he's dressed a little different from the man that's hunting me, but his broad shoulders covered in the same silver armor and a rugged piece of fabric was wrapped around his neck like a scarf to cover his face. Pulling down his mask I see his strong jawline and his soft smile and he spoke "I'm sorry princess I didn't mean to scare you." Glancing back up at me. Snapping myself out of my train of thought. I hold my right hand up to my chest and pull my sleeve to my face trying to hide the heat from my face. Shaking my head I asked firmly.

"What's Going on? And how do you know my name? Do you know why this is happening? Also, why did you call me princess?" Asking so many questions he looked concerned and very confused. Straightening himself as he pulls on his jacket a bit as he speaks in a calm loving tone."You don't know? You're next in line for the throne princess and I need to get you somewhere safe." He calmly said taking a step forward as quickly as he took a step closer I took a step back holding both hands to my chest unsure of what to say next. Looking to the ground and back at him we lock eyes I snipped.

"I'm not a princess. I'm just a college student that babysits little kids for money. All I want is to be a teacher. I'm nothing! I'm a nobody!" Shaking with fear I light breeze comes under the bridge making me shiver. His hand held out he said, "I know you're scared, but please trust me." Looking into his eye I can hear and feel him pleading for me to trust him. "How can I trust you?" I spat. The young man signed scratching the back of his head as he looks down. Pacing the ground he said "Princess I'm sorry, but I promise I will explain everything. Do you really think now is a good time to ask all these questions when the Zalian troops are after you? You would also be dead now if I was a Zalian trooper, but I'm not and I don't have any weapons on me." Taking his word for it as he showed his empty pockets as he lifts his shirt. I nod with nothing to say back at him. Putting his hand out.

"You can trust me, princess." He said awaiting my response.


This is a story that I've been wanting to write for very long time even through middle School to high school so please take it easy on me I'm still learning. it's about a college student that had a shake up in life learning how it is to learn that she's adopted she's from another world she's a princess. with the struggles that she goes through and the way she overcomes it.

Jordan_Parkescreators' thoughts