
Journey begins now

Jordan_Parkes · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 2: Is this real?

Awaiting patiently with his soft hand held out I think of something to ask, anything, anything at all to stall just a little bit just wanting to know more about this man."You promise?" I blurted without thinking. Showing a smile so bright he said "Of course princess." With my body moving like it has a mind of its own I place my shivering hand in his. Grabbing a hold he gently tugs me alone the creek out from under the bridge. Stopping unable to move I look down at the ground then back at him as I said "I shouldn't be doing this." Gripping his hand tightly my legs start feeling numbly unable to stand I fall to my knees. Coming closer the young man spoke, "Princess I know you're scared, but we need to move." Grabbing my arm helping me to my feet. "Are you sure I'm the princess you are looking for?" I asked as he leads the way. Glancing over my shoulder I hear him speak with love "Of course you are." Smile beaming. Walking a bit we get to a small waterfall down the creek. To a cliff, I lean over the edge to see the waterfall in its amazing glory, but a frog forms in my throat that I try to swallow down. Yet cough instead.

It's about four stories down to the bottom I start having an oh shit moment as I shiver from my cold wet clothes as the breeze comes by me once again. Looking back over my shoulder for the last time to the bridge barely in sight. The young man lightly pulls on my hand getting my attention. "Princess we need to jump." He said softly. Turning back to him I question."Jump? What do you mean jump?" I said curiously with fear running through my being. Before we jump I asked."Wait? I don't even know your name please?" With a goofy smile painted on his face, he opened his mouth to answer, but noticed something in the distance. Holding my hand firmly as he yelled "Get down!" 

"Bang! Bang!" Is all I could make out to only think he's back the man is still after me. The young man making us jump over the cliff. Seconds later we landed on nothing? Thinking on what it could be I asked myself were floating, but no we wouldn't be where on a clear disk I think? I can feel something holding us up? The shock of us just in the air. The young man pulled me into his chest. Turning my cheek to his face I see the bright smile from a moment ago dissipate melt into the seriousness of protection ready to kill. His eyes that were like sapphires turns dark. His attitude changed his body language changed so swiftly.

Next thing I know the young man points his hand to the water sending blue lightning shocking the water knocking the man out crashing down into the water. Putting his hand down to the small of my back flinching at his hand. To look at me I saw panic for only a second when he asked. "Princess are you okay? Your not hurt are you?" I felt no pain, but looking over my body I see blood all over my left side. Come over me  I start to feel sick and then the pain started coming trying to hide it I said. "It stings, but I should be fine it's just a graze." Shrugging my shoulders a bit I show my side with blood covering my jacket. "Princess we need to get you out of here. And Quickly." He said firmly. Moving around he had nothing on his wrist till he tapped his wrist and something appeared. He spoke into it then a ship came down over us blowing my hair in my face that I didn't know came undone.

Quickly jumping in to it I'm hit by the warmth, but the pain was becoming too much to hold in. Flying off the ship had seats covering both sides still leaving a hall in the middle as I glace around  I hold my side hoping that would help as the young man helped me into a seat. Sitting down I try taking my jacket off, but hissing in pain gave an indication to the young man that it was worse than I was letting on. Looking to the young man moving around the ship to the cockpit grabbing a black metal box with a yellow plus on it. Putting it down next to me he opens it up to find multi-colored containers some in boxes and others in a tub form full of bandages, creams, and other ointments. He starts helping me with my jacket then kneeling down next to me lifted my shirt with no question. Feeling the heat creep up on my face I push him off of me to the floor.

"Wait a second." I squealed as I feel heat increase to my face as the pain gets worse as I breathe."You can't just do that without asking you know." I stammer trying to hide the redness.

"Princess? I'm trying to clean up your wound." He questioned as he scoots himself closer then turned to me making eye contact. Noticing the redness on my face he quickly apologized.n" I'm sorry I didn't know made you uncomfortable princess." As he turns just as red asking sheepishly "Can I see your side princess?" Nodding to him I lift my shirt and hissed at the pain as I peel it off showing myself to him. He gets to work cleaning it up. Not taking his eyes off it he looks so focused and peaceful I thought.  

Huffing in the pain and boredom I asked "So you didn't answer my questions from before." Looking at him still working not taking his eyes off the wound as he places a cleaning agent upon it. "Which question? You had many questions, princess." Feeling the strain of the chemical on my wound I jump.

"Your name?" I hinted. "I'm Leo."  He said swiftly. Looking around I ask "Then who's flying this thing and where are we going, Leo?" Leo didn't say anything, but I then hear another voice coming from the cockpit. "I'm Abbi. And we can't tell you, princess. You're just going to need to wait." Waving her hand as that's all I could see. "Why can't you tell me?" I asked looking down at Leo again. "Because we were told not to tell you, princess." Leo said then shortly after that he said "You're done." Lowering my shirt slowly Leo started to ask. "So you really don't have any clue on what's going on? Do you?" Cleaning up the mess of the packages and bandages he gets to his feet putting the box away then sits in the chair across from me. Taking a deep breath I started to speak "All I know is that a man is coming for me and he's from this Zalian troops from what you said and you're looking for me and that you are calling me princess. And for some reason, you think I'm a princess"  Leaning to the edge of my chair I continue " I don't know who you people are and what's happening, but I demand that you tell me." Moving around Leo scratches the back of his head as he sighed.

"Princess. Ummm I'm not sure how to tell you this, but I'm just going to come out and say it." Taking in a big breath he starts. "I'll just say it how it is. When you were an infant your mom risked her life to save you and as many people as she could. She was a brave woman that sent you away because you had some sort of power, but not sure what it is. Your older brother Merkel wants that power for himself doing anything to get it. You have been lost for so long, on our side we've been looking and decipher your mom's map she left with your location hidden away on this world. We found out that you were here living your life."

Getting in front of you kneeling down,  bowing deeply he said "I'm sorry we couldn't find you sooner princess please forgive us."Taking aback I shake my head and shake my hands in front of me."Wait for a minute wait." Trying to wrap my head around this. Asking confusedly "What do you mean? Am I a lost princess? I was told I was born here in Washington in the city of Vancouver. So how could my parents raise me here and how could they not say anything? So why? Was everything a lie?" Rubbing my eyes tears filling up. 

"Is my life a lie? Why are you going through all this over me? I'm just a college student and Incident people were brought into this they could be hurt and it would be all my fault I couldn't protect them. Because I didn't know any of this." Tears falling down my face as I thought of the little boy  came into my head as I continued "I'm sorry I'm so sorry." Putting my head down to my legs I start to cry. 

Being cut off he said, "Princess please don't cry it's not your fault you didn't know." Holding my hands he looks up at me reaching to my face grabbing my chin making my tearing messy face look at him with his warm smile. As he said "The worry that you have for other people means that you are going to be a wonderful princess and someday a wonderful queen. I am here for your protection and as a friend."

Drying my tears Leo gets to his feet he then holds out his hand and said "Do you trust me to protect you and the legacy that follows suit." With no hesitation, I grab his hand and pull him into a hug brushing my lip to his ear "Thank you, Leo." I said with a smile. Panicking he struggles to get out my arms squirming as he said "Princess you can't do this is unladylike." then releasing him he drops to the floor right on his butt I start to giggle as I see the redness all over his face. 

"Sorry to interrupt the lovely time, but we're here princess," Abbi yells with a cocky town. Getting to my feet standing tall I walk behind Abbi grabbing her seat to see a sea of green covering mountains and hills with a wonderful purple orange sunset with stars slowly appearing. Gasping in the wonder and beauty. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it? It never gets old." She smiled looking over her shoulder. Coming down to a hill it cracks open like two caged doors opened up into a metal wonderland we entire as people gather in their ragged dark clothing surrounding us as we land. 

Coming from behind Leo said. "We've been looking for you princess for so long. We all need you to help us take your brother down. And to save your world and your people from his power." Turning to Leo with the pride beaming from him I smile and said softly "I don't think I'm ready, but I will do my best. Can I depend on you?" With a smile on Leo's face, he nodded. The doors open to the people who stare me down. Using all my might to show no fear to present myself with the pride and confidence I still ask myself. Is this the right thing to do?