
Join My Curse, Lone Ghost

Yihyun, a lonely high school student who struggles with isolation and self-doubt, born by the life of his mother, hated by father and lived alone, The Establishment of the mysterious symbol appearing on teenagers’ phones, sparking intrigue and curiosity in the community., Human-Eating Monsters appeared

YihyunCheonsu · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Troublesome Day Pt 2

As Yihyun sprinted home, the echoes of his laughter lingered in the corridors, a haunting reminder of his defiance.

Bursting through the door, he slammed it shut behind him and collapsed against it, breathless and exhilarated.

The rush of adrenaline still pulsed through his veins, fueling a manic grin that stretched across his face.

Despite the ache in his muscles and the weight of his troubles, a sense of satisfaction welled up within him, a defiant spark in the midst of darkness.

Leaning against the door, Yihyun closed his eyes, his breaths gradually slowing to a steady rhythm, he couldn't shake the nagging doubt that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness.

"Did I mess up... again?"

Yihyun muttered under his breath, the words heavy with self-doubt and uncertainty.

A voice, soft yet familiar, echoed in the recesses of his mind, offering a semblance of solace in the midst of his turmoil.

"Big time. Well, try to lay low for a while. Maybe they'll forget about this"

Yihyun whispered to himself, the sound of his own voice a soothing balm to his troubled thoughts.

Turning inward, Yihyun sought refuge in the comforting presence of his imaginary friend, a silent companion born from the depths of his loneliness.

Their conversations, though one-sided, provided a semblance of normalcy in a world fraught with chaos and uncertainty. It was a lifeline, a tether to sanity amidst the storm of his own mind.

"Don't forget to buy food for the following months and get permission to stay home"

Yihyun said to himself, Smiling slightly

"Yeah... I'll do that"

--At Another Family

Inside a normal family house, a middle-aged man was watching TV on his couch, his brows furrowed in concern as he listened to the news anchor's somber voice.

"The Mysterious Murders in the streets is huge news nowadays, the result of the forensic team appeared"

Thereporter in the TV news spoke, capturing the man's attention.

"The corpses were thought to be killed with a dull knife, but they were killed with..."

The reporter's voice trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished, as if even the news anchor struggled to articulate the grisly details.

The man leaned forward, his interest piqued, his mind racing with morbid curiosity about the nature of the crimes haunting his city.

The TV screen flickered, showing images of forensic investigators meticulously combing through crime scenes, their faces shrouded in concentration as they gathered evidence.

"The forensic report reveals a disturbing twist,"

The reporter continued, her tone grave.

"The victims were not killed with conventional weapons. Instead, the wounds suggest that the assailant used their own nails and teeth to inflict fatal injuries."

The man's eyes widened in shock, a chill creeping down his spine as he processed the horrifying revelation.

The idea of someone resorting to such primitive and savage methods sent shivers through his body.

As the reporter delved deeper into the details of the murders, describing the brutal nature of the attacks and the lack of any identifiable suspects, the man couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over him.

In a city gripped by fear and uncertainty, the idea of a killer lurking in the shadows, capable of such barbaric acts, sent a wave of paranoia rippling through the community.

As the news segment continued, explaining the gruesome details of the murders, leaving the man with a sense of lingering dread, he felt a cold sensation creeping up his spine while sitting on his couch.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as a primal fear gripped him, his gaze darting nervously around the dimly lit room.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed in the corner of the living room, its shape vaguely humanoid yet twisted and grotesque.

Before the man could react, the creature lunged forward with lightning speed, its jagged teeth sinking into his flesh with a sickening crunch.

Pain seared through his body as he cried out in terror, futilely struggling against the monstrous assailant.

With each agonizing bite, he felt his strength draining away, his vision blurring as darkness closed in around him.

In his final moments, the man could only watch helplessly as the creature tore into his flesh, devouring him with ravenous hunger.

The echoes of his screams faded into the night as the monster feasted upon its prey, leaving behind nothing but a chilling silence in its wake.

As the monster finished consuming the corpse, it stood up, its form shifting and contorting until it resembled that of a high schooler named Lee Jae Yun.

The once grotesque creature now appeared as an ordinary teenager, its features eerily calm as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

Lee Jae Yun glanced around the room, his eyes devoid of remorse or emotion as he surveyed the aftermath of his grisly deed.

With a flicker of his gaze towards the television still broadcasting the news report, he smirked, a cold satisfaction curling the corners of his lips.

Without a second glance at the lifeless body sprawled on the floor, Lee Jae Yun calmly made his way towards the door, blending seamlessly into the darkness of the night.

As he disappeared into the shadows, a sense of unease lingered in the air, a silent reminder of the horrors lurking just beneath the surface of the seemingly ordinary world.

---A Month Ago, Seoul ---

At a public highschool in Seoul,

In the bustling world inside the high school, Lee Jae Yun stood as a beacon of sociability, his outgoing nature and infectious charm drawing friends to him like moths to a flame.

Among his inner circle was Yunmi, his beloved girlfriend, their bond a testament to the depth of their connection.

Amidst the ebb and flow of their high school days, Jun Hee, a recent transfer student whose charisma rivaled Jae Yun's, approached him with an invitation that stirred a flutter of nerves within him.

"Hey, Jae Yun, got any plans this week?"

Jun Hee inquired, his voice carrying a note of anticipation.

Caught off guard by the unexpected invitation, Jae Yun's mind raced to find an excuse, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Uh, Jun Hee? Why do you ask? Yeah, I'm free,"

Jae Yun replied, his attention divided.

Sensing Jae Yun's hesitation, Jun Hee clarified his intentions with a wry smile.

"Would you like to come over to my place?" Jun Hee Asked.

Jae Yun's initial confusion gave way to a sheepish grin as he stammered out a response.

"Oh, um, that's... I mean, I have a girlfriend, so..."

Jae Yun trailed off, his words faltering, thinking he meant something romantic to do in the house together.

Jun Hee's patient sigh betrayed a hint of exasperation as he clarified his intentions

"I meant, would you and your friends like to come over? I'm throwing a party"

Jun Hee clarified with his words.

Realization dawned on Jae Yun, his eyes lighting up with excitement also followed by embarassment

"Oh! A party? On you?" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm bubbling to the surface, ignoring the embarassed face he has

With a casual nod, Jun Hee confirmed Jae Yun's suspicions.

"Yes, my parents are out for the weekend, so it's all set"

Jun Hee confirmed.

Eager to share the news with his friends, Jae Yun made a mental note to spread the word "Great! I'll round up the gang then. Just shoot me the address"

he replied, his anticipation building with each passing moment.

When Jun Hee extended an invitation to a party, Jae Yun's excitement bubbled over, each heartbeat resonating with anticipation.

Little did he know that behind Jun Hee's warm smile lurked a darkness that would shatter their world.

As Jun Hee's party unfolded, laughter and music filled the air, masking the underlying tension that hung like a shroud over the unsuspecting guests.

When someone finally attempted to leave and discovered the locked doors, a ripple of unease spread through the crowd.

"...You've had got a bit more time on this earth, but you chose to shorten it"

Jun Hee's voice cut through the jovial atmosphere, his words dripping with malice as he revealed his true intentions. He killed the one who tried to exit

"Jun Hee, what the hell are you doing?"

Jae Yun demanded, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive as he shielded Yunmi from harm.

A sinister smirk twisted Jun Hee's features as he assessed Jae Yun with an unsettling gaze.

"You, seem like a perfect fit for me to host"

Jun Hee said, his tone laced with eerie satisfaction.

Jae Yun's heart sank as the reality of the situation dawned on him, but he refused to let fear paralyze him

"Just... stay back. Take me if you must, but let Yunmi go"

Jae Yun pleaded, his voice trembling with desperation.

"Very well. But first, let's switch bodies"

Jun Hee replied, his words sending a chill down Jae Yun's spine as the transformation began.

Minutes stretched into agonizing eternity as Jae Yun underwent the horrific metamorphosis, his screams mingling with the cacophony of chaos that engulfed the room.

Finally, as Jun Hee's lifeless body crumpled to the floor, the grotesque transformation was complete, leaving Jae Yun's body twisted and contorted in its wake.

"J-Jae Yun?" Yunmi's voice trembled with hope as she reached out, her heart pounding with uncertainty.

But her hope turned to horror as a primal hunger consumed Jae Yun, his humanity stripped away as he succumbed to the insatiable cravings of the monster within.

Yunmi's heart pounded with a mix of terror and desperation, hoping against hope that the monstrous figure before her was still her beloved Jae Yun.

As she felt a searing pain tear through her chest, reality crashed down on her like a cruel wave.

Her world shattered as Jae Yun's form morphed into something unrecognizable, his once gentle hands now cruel claws rending her flesh.

With each agonizing moment, she felt the life drain from her body, her screams drowned out by the grotesque sounds of Jae Yun devouring her, consumed by a hunger beyond comprehension.

As the days turned into a haunting week, Lee Jae Yun found himself uprooted from his former life, thrust into the anonymity of a new school in Busan. Meanwhile, the disappearance of his friends sent ripples of unease throughout their community, their absence marked by unanswered questions and growing dread.

Yet, amidst the whispers and speculation, Lee Jae Yun remained untouched by suspicion, his dark secret buried beneath a facade of normalcy.

----- Current Day ----

Yihyun sighed heavily as he lugged the groceries and provisions into his empty home, the weight of his solitary existence bearing down on him.

With each step, he felt the burden of his responsibilities, both tangible and intangible, pressing against his weary frame.

After stowing away the supplies, he shuffled over to the mailbox, his movements sluggish and mechanical. There, amidst the bills and advertisements, lay the familiar envelope containing the money his father sent him without fail each month.

With a resigned nod, Yihyun pocketed the meager sum before retreating indoors, the click of the lock sealing him once again within the confines of his solitude.

"I can't even see Ah Yerin...for a few months" Yihyun Said To Himself

"You and your little crush...You know you'll never get her" Yihyun said to himself

"Shut up....I'll maybe...become friends with her and you know...more" Yihyun smiled, saying it to himself

"Yeah right, in your dreams....and stop holding the pillow like it's her, It's creepy dude.." Yihyun said to himself, smirking

"Shut up...I'll do what i want" Yihyun said to himself, smiling slightly

As the days crept by, Yihyun found himself engulfed in a monotonous routine, both at home and at school.

The silence of his empty house mirrored the quiet hallways of his educational institution, where the only sounds were the shuffling of feet and the occasional murmur of conversation.

Yet, amidst the stillness, a strange phenomenon began to emerge, the mysterious symbol he had glimpsed on a fellow student's phone gained traction, spreading like wildfire through the community.

What had once been an obscure emblem now captured the attention of many, drawing them into its enigmatic allure.

People began to flock to it, viewing it as a mark of belonging, a symbol of camaraderie in an increasingly fragmented world.

The once-ordinary symbol had transformed into a beacon, guiding individuals toward a newfound sense of identity and purpose.