

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Episode 41

The accompaniment begins with a sparkling sound effect like the sound of starlight being sprinkled. Days picked up the microphone.

A cute ballad song that begins with six voices stacked in perfect harmony. The first part of Keyring, which caught the ear from the beginning along with the lyrics, was the group refrain.

Among fans, it was the song with the best response after the title song.

- My heart swells like cotton candy

Fold it nicely in your hand

I'm your key ring

A song with mellow lyrics and a sweet feeling at the same time.

In addition to Days' excellent live skills, there were many rumors in the chat window that they were just playing the sound source.

When the song ended, the younger man clapped his hands softly while holding the cue card.

"You're really good live."

The members, perhaps embarrassed by their senior's praise, nodded their heads in gratitude.

"I think the voices of the six people work really well together."

The younger man imprisoned Days in praise, asking how he could not be captivated by such cool and cute dolls.

After a while, he naturally led the conversation to the next topic.

"But if you look here, there's a toy. You're the ones inside, right?"

The dollhouse that was always next to the younger woman. It was a children's toy that was briefly shown when the broadcast began.

"Do you have me too?"

When the younger man asked while looking towards the staff, the artist sitting on the floor made a large circle with both arms.

"Well, I guess the adult cat here is probably me."

Before we knew it, Days had gathered together next to the younger man. Yulmu picked up the puppy lying in the bathtub while wearing a shower gown.

"Wow~ Does this look like me?"

A dog doll wrapped in a towel about as long as a finger. The chat window rose quickly as Yulmu waved to the side of her face.

Other members also picked up stuffed animals that they thought were themselves one by one. But Baek-man was empty-handed.

"I am… … ."

"doesn't exist?"

Jihan, holding a gray kitten, looked at the dollhouse together. But there were no dolls left.

At that time, Yuyeon picks up a small, round decoration from a brown picnic basket and hands it over.

"Are you here?"


A model of a peach the size of a fingernail falling onto Byakuya's palm.

"… … ."

"I guess it's dinner tonight. "I will save what was on the table."

Byakuya, who was looking down at his palm, quietly raised his head.


As soon as their eyes met, Yuyeon sensed danger with her animal senses. He swallowed dry saliva as he had only seen Yulmu get hurt every time, but had never experienced it himself.

"Is that why you said it was dinner? then… food?"

"do you want to die?"

Baekya, who was tightly clutching the peach model, raised his fist.

"for a moment!"

"uh. say."

"Are you going to hit me?"

- Aww, it's so cute!!! I like the chemistry between them the best haha.

- Do you two usually play like that? Haha.

- Are you going to hit me? Are you going to hit me? Yuyeon is completely made of Porori material.

- Are you crazy about dripping dinner? haha.

- I think the kids are teasing me more because Baekya's reaction is funny haha. Oh, I want to cry.

Sensing that the atmosphere of the midnight sun was unusual, he quickly took out a baby squirrel doll that he had hidden in his pocket.

"sorry. "I was just going to give it to him, but he told me to hide it."

"me? why?"

When it seemed like she couldn't handle it alone, Yuyeon quickly dragged Cheong into it.

"Are you an accomplice too?"

"What is an accomplice?"

"… "Are we on the same side?"

"Team~ Of course! Days is definitely a team!"

Alumni book answer one after another.

That's it. That's it.

Byakuya, who had lost his fighting power at the weak answer, waved his hands and turned around. Yuyeon and Cheong secretly sighed as the white night obediently retreated.

"Hey, do you want to act?"

"If I act like a fool, please take good care of me. But why are you saying my name? "A petty human being."

"Chi, chizoool? and. "Would you just say it's rude?"

"huh. "You're stupid."

This time the two people argued. Fortunately, the sound was small enough not to enter the microphone, but it was still picked up on the screen.

Minseong, who sensed something strange, got between the two and quickly knocked them down.

"Get off, get off."

While Young Ha and Days were having a natural conversation in front of the dollhouse, the staff completely cleared the table. This was to ensure smooth progress of the next corner.

"I think you made a good choice of dolls that fit each person's image."

The camera focused on the dolls held in Days' hands one by one.

- Minseong: Rabbit / Jihan&Yeonha: Cat / Yulmu: Puppy / Baekya: Squirrel (Peach) / Yuyeon: Deer / Cheong: Wolf

- White night is holding a peach again haha.

- I think so. A doll that comes back even if you throw it away haha.

- That was given to me by a younger person haha.

Byakuya looked down at the baby squirrel in his hands. Peaches instead of acorns in an acorn bag.

'Did you see a squirrel eating a peach? .'

For reference, the younger person took the acorns.

When Baekya raises his head to refocus, his eyes meet the younger man's.

"The doll is a gift, so please take it and treat it with respect."

"… yes? yes thank you."

Byakuya's hand holding the squirrel wandered in the air.

"Give it to me."

Then, a hand suddenly popped out from the side. Yuyeon took her doll.

He wiggled on White Night's jacket for a moment, then neatly stuffed the squirrel into his chest pocket.

"also. "I thought it would be perfect to put it here."

At the same time, Yuyeon subtly includes her doll as well.

"me too! "I want to put mine in too!"

Cheong got up from his seat and rushed over to join them. Thanks to this, attaching dolls to midnight sun clothes is starting to spread like a trend.

"what's this… … ."

The members' alter egos were hanging on top of the jackets, with only their heads sticking out. Only Baekya's face was in tears.

"are you okay. Pretty."

"If it's pretty, would you like to take your cat?"

"… … ."

There is no answer.


Ji-han, avoiding eye contact, talked to Yul-mu and escaped the crisis.

'I'll just stay there and pretend it's hot and take it off.'

Meanwhile, the younger person is working on the next corner. He was holding a tablet.

"Since we are currently conducting a live broadcast, I would like to take questions in the comments."

"It's so good~"

Yulmu was doing a great job as an assistant MC next to the younger man.

"Then, Mr. Yulmu, would you please read one first?"

The younger man held out the tablet a little more toward Yulmu. The other members were splitting into groups of two or three using the extra tablets in front of them.

"Oh my gosh. Comments are too fast!"

Cheong's eyes were spinning as the speech bubble disappeared at the speed of light before he could even read it.

When Yuyeon, who was watching the video together, touches the screen and pulls down the chat window, the chat window that was continuously refreshing stops for a moment.

"I have to look at it like this."

Even now, articles posted in real time are gradually piling up.

Yulmu, who was reading fans' comments in the same way, raised his hand as if he had found a question he liked.

"Can I read it?"

"yes. read."

"Komi, what was the most fun reality shoot you did? "He asked."

Although we are doing a live show to commemorate our comeback, the question is about the core of the program. The production crew was silently impressed by Yulmu's sense.

"Honestly, I enjoyed them all, but if I had to pick just one, the most memorable one was the indoor theme park we went to with Yuyeon and Cheong."

Cheong and Yuyeon also agreed with his answer. He said it was really fun that day.

"We need to bring other members too."

"no? are you okay."

Jihan flatly refused.

The E group, like a runaway locomotive that never stops, was already famous for the anecdote in which they took over all the equipment there in two hours and exhausted the VJs who went with them.

"After we finished filming that day, we gathered together at the dorm and took the MBTI test, and it was even more interesting because the results were combined with the broadcast."

Minseong also agreed, saying that aside from wanting to go to the theme park, he was also impressed by that part.

"One of my fans asked me if my roommates were divided into E and I, but that wasn't the case."

Jihan, who was quietly looking at the chat window, answered.

"So how are you using your room now?"

As the younger man naturally led to the next question, Jihan continued.

"We divided it into rock, paper, scissors. "Me, Baekya, and Yuyeon are roommates, and Minseong, Yulmu, and Cheong are sharing a room."

- Minseong and Yuyeon won in hell?

- The E thrown between E and I hahaha.

Comments expressing condolences for Minseong and Yuyeon quickly surfaced.

The second question also seemed to be slowly coming to an end. But then Cheong raised his hand.

"I have a question! Me! "I found it!"

The younger man looked at Cheong and motioned for him to read the questions.

"Who is the sexiest member among the members?"

"… … "Why are you asking that question?"

Byakuya, unable to hide his embarrassment, muttered softly.

"A dirty person? It's good."

The younger man had fun. He even actively suggested that we elect him through voting.

"I'm only singling out one person. "The sexiest member of the team."

One, two, three!

As the younger member counted to three, the members' fingers became intertwined.

"Yooyeon, two votes. Two votes for Mr. Jihan. Byakuya... Two votes?"


Byakuya and the younger man's heads tilted simultaneously.

'Why does my name appear there?'

Byakuya followed the finger pointed at him with a stupid expression on his face.

Criminal 1: Na Yul-mu.

"I'm afraid our Baekya will be disappointed that she didn't receive even a single vote~"

Criminal 2: Han Yu-yeon.

"What am I…" Uh, you've gotten better at dancing these days, right? That's why I chose it."

The thieves were desperate to explain, but in reality, they were just trying to play around and the situation escalated.

Yeonha thought Baekya was a cute character, but she seemed to have a more unexpected charm than meets the eye, so she called the three people to the front.

"We can't help but see these three sexy people dancing again."

Why would the production crew clear the table in the middle of the live performance? I put it away to do something like this.