

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Episode 39

"Can I go out? yo. this?"

"Yes, welcome."

"Hello~ I'm Cheongi Doll!"

Cheong smiled brightly and walked out of the box. A relaxed smile towards the camera.

It seemed like Days was planning to stick to the doll concept today.

- The doll tore through the box and came out!

- For a moment I thought it was a paper doll haha.

- So, are they waiting for their turn in there right now? It's cute ㅠ

The chat window went up horribly.

Meanwhile, a second doll appears. Byakuya stuck his head out, glanced at the camera, and walked out, covering his cheek.

"I, I am a white night doll… … ."

"Don't cover your face!"

As Cheong pulls Baekya's hand down, two shyly colored cheeks are revealed.

-Why is Peach walking..?

- The dog is really cuteㅠㅠㅠ

- Oh crazy, did you touch that cheek on your face?? Are your cheeks completely pink?

The order of appearance may have been determined by age, but Yuyeon, Yulmu, Jihan, and Minseong appeared in that order.

The members greet each other with applause as they step out of the box one by one. Before we knew it, Days was standing next to the younger man.

"Nice to meet you. Days everyone."

The younger man greeted me once more.

He said he was very grateful for inviting him to Days Dollhouse and handed him the cake box he had prepared. It looked similar to what Cheong ate in the music video.

"First of all, would you like to give a group greeting before we take our seats?"

"yes! One, two, three."

"For your days! hello. "It's Days!"

As always, Days' team chant begins with Minseong's chant. Everyone looked very nervous as it was their first time doing a live broadcast like this.

"Can I ask each of you to briefly introduce yourself? "There may be people like me who came to Days' house for the first time today."

The Edge members looked at each other when asked who would start first. Cheong and Yulmu exchanged glances a few times, and then Yulmu raised her hand first.

"I will do it first."

Starting with Yulmu, there was a brief introduction and then the turn returned to the younger man.

"Then shall we sit down now?"

The house is Days' house, but the owner appears to be younger.

- What's a little... strange? LOL

- Did Days go to the younger woman's house to play, not Days' dollhouse?

- It's so cute how nervous the kids are.

- But the kids' clothes... look very comfortable haha ​​especially Baekya.

The situation was roughly like this.

A younger man follows his owner to his friend's house to play. The setup was that while the two little girls who were playing with dolls left the room for a while to eat dinner, the younger man and Days were making moves.

"The house is really clean. Is it because this house has just been released?"

I was impressed as I looked around the place where the younger man was staged. Yulmu, who was right next to him, skillfully received the comment.

"We heard that a friend was coming to visit today, so we cleaned hard from the morning."

Yulmu wiped his forehead, pretending to wipe off the sweat with the back of his hand.


He took a deep breath and looked back at the members.

"hmm… So we couldn't change our clothes."

Baekya looked at his clothes once and then at Yulmu.

'Did you give him a separate script?'

As soon as I opened my mouth, comments poured out like clear water. Baek-ya thought that Yulmu was not a member of the entertainment industry for no reason. Yulmu suddenly spoke to him.

"Right, Byakuya doll?"


Byakuya's eyes widened.

'If you ask me all the time, what are you going to do? !'

The moment I pursed my lips in embarrassment, Yulmu spoke once more.

"We need to change our clothes quickly before the master comes back."

What a master!

His resentful eyes turned to Yulmu, asking why he was doing this to me.

Right before the live broadcast, all I received was that today's broadcast was based on a dollhouse concept.

When Baek Ya was told not to worry because the younger man would guide him well, he just sat there calmly. Byakuya was just wondering whether he would succeed or fail in his quest... .

At that time, the current situation and the quest merged into one in Byakuya's mind.

'The broadcast concept is dolls. The penalty for failing a quest is 100% of concept digestibility. If you add these two together… … .'

If you fail a quest, you become a doll?

The moment I realized the truth, goosebumps appeared all over my body.


It's not enough to die due to the characteristics of a sunfish, but now they're trying to take away human dignity!

Byakuya became contemplative and shouted at the vicious system window.

'Quest, what was the quest?! Overly immersed? 'Concept craftsman?'

Today, the sunfish navigation is quickly rediscovering the path it should take.

Beep beep.

Route re-search has been completed.

Baekya, who quickly changed routes, quickly took action to correct the sudden departure from earlier.

"Sir, I need to change my clothes quickly before my master comes back!"

Byakuya said, holding the bottom of his T-shirt and flapping it.

"this! I need to change these quickly... !"

Baek-ya said that the owner would think it was strange if he saw that he changed his clothes secretly for cleaning. He even stomped his feet in his sitting position.

- Overly immersive hahahahaha

- You are the owner of the stock?! What the hell did I just hear?

- I thought Baekya would be shy, but I was most immersed and now? Haha.

- Everyone except Yeonha and the coix doll are embarrassed right now haha.

- Ah!!!! so cute!!!

"Then, I'll be looking around the house for a bit, so would you like to change quickly?"

"yes! thank you!"

Baekya looked back at Yulmu. He didn't proceed quickly, but the eyes were piercing him as he asked what he was doing.

'… Why is he acting like that all of a sudden?'

Yulmu, who was rarely embarrassed, rolled her eyes and reached for the prepared box.

"I took a picture of you all in the morning, just in case."

When I opened the box, there were Polaroid photos of the members inside. What's a little different from the real thing is that the members in the photo are 3 heads tall?

These were the 3D characters of the members that can be seen in <Days' Costume Room>, which is available on the public website.

The younger man picked up a photo. It was a picture of Minseong's character wearing a rabbit ears headband.

"The photo and the real thing are exactly the same. Then, I will help you and give it to each person."

Polaroids held in each person's hand. The eyes of several members who checked the photo were shaking.

Of course, fans couldn't see it, but some sharp-witted people were confident that the Polaroid that the younger woman handed out was not just a photo.

- Isn't that the photo of the dressing room we posted on Twitter?

After looking at the photo, White Night's neck trembled loudly.

'this… 'What's all this?'

Still, he didn't show any sign of dislike, perhaps because he was aware that it was being broadcast. A voice that seemed to be thinking about something and then spoke out carefully.

"excuse me… … . "I don't remember wearing clothes like this."

Yuyeon, who was next to him, nodded and agreed.

"me too."

But the younger man was stubborn.

"Then go quickly. "I'll be waiting here."

The younger man pointed to the dressing room in the back.

"Just find the outfit in the picture, change into it, and come back here."

He even tells me with a friendly smile that the locker room is on the other side.

- Isn't that Day's house over there?

- The academic consensus is that the younger person is the landlord and Days was rented out.

Unlike the embarrassing Days, the chat window was cheerful.

'You said you didn't need to change clothes for this.'

Byakuya looked down at the Polaroid in his hand with a serious face.

[Coordination Name: Peach / Stylist: Boksong]

Green beret, pink trucker jacket, pink pants. A gorgeous necklace with pearls and chains around the neck.

It seemed like the fan really liked peaches.

But this is not all. Looking closely, 3D Baekya was also wearing ivory jewel earrings. Real Byakuya covered his mouth without realizing it.

'Can I really pull off this incredible coordination?'

I didn't know that if I wasn't careful, I might end up floating around the internet for the rest of my life.

Baekya, confused, looked to the side with a face full of worry. Like me, there was Yuyeon looking down at the Polaroid with a serious expression on her face.

"… how about you?"

When Yuyeon raised her head, our eyes met.

"well. "Do you want to see it?"

A photo was thrust out in front of Byakuya.

[Coordination Name: Half Left / Stylist: Thanos]

If you use Tano, isn't he the strongest villain who can wipe out half the world's population with a single finger snap?

As befits the work of the world's greatest villain, 3D Yuyeon's clothes seemed to lack a lot of fabric. The abdomen looks cold.

It looks like the villain just snapped his fingers. I guess no one could stop it.

"… … Crop tee?"

The length of the body of the T-shirt was quite short. Even from the character's perspective, a portion of his flesh-colored stomach is visible above his pants.

Byakuya thought.

'I'm such a happy guy.'

No matter how burdensome the color pink is, I am the perfect outfit, so fighting!

Baekya patted Yuyeon on the shoulder and headed to the dressing room.

"What are you doing now?"

Minseong, who had already found all his clothes, put them on his arm and gently pulled Baekya's wrist. He seemed curious about the other members' outfits.

"uh? I saw this over there earlier. "I could see it right away."

Minseong pointed to one side with his finger. Byakuya pursed his lips and nodded once.

"huh. thank you."

"It will suit you well."

Minseong passed by, stroking Baekya's head.

Yuyeon entered next. Minseong also took a quick look at his photo. He let out a short exclamation and then left for the locker room, telling him where the clothes were.

- Is Minseong the costume room NPC? Tell everyone you meet haha.

- Jihan! Jihan just picked out a choker! I guess the kids really come out wearing the exact same outfit from the costume room ㅜㅜ

- I'm really curious about the kids' clothes.

- I love you, younger♡

The number of live viewers nearly doubled as word spread on social media that Days had gone to wear clothes from a clothing store coordinated by fans.

A younger man sitting alone next to six empty chairs was looking at the chat window and answering questions from fans.

"Where did Days go? "She went to change for a moment."

The younger man glanced back toward the locker room, saying it was time to come out. Just then the door opened and Cheong came running out.

"I'm first place!"

Cheong, who noisily returned to his seat, ran in front of the younger man and held out a Polaroid.

"I'm exactly the same!"

The younger man, who was looking at the photo and the photo alternately, gave a small exclamation.

"oh. "I thought it came out of a photo."

[Coordination name: No. 1 in the world / Stylist: Sahakru, etc.]