

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Episode 38

"I really like the music video because it has a refreshing and bright feel overall."

Of course, the game was good, but Minseong expressed his thoughts by saying that he thought this song was a little more suitable for our age group.

One person who strongly sympathizes with him. Yulmu raised his hand and added his words.

"Actually, I felt refreshing as soon as the video first started. "Our peach appears from under the blanket and the juice is, ugh."

Yulmu pretended to touch her face, saying that it was still sticky from the juice that had splattered at that time. The members burst out laughing at Yulmu's appearance.


Baekya, who was the only one who couldn't smile and raised his eyebrows, picked up a wet tissue that was lying outside the screen.

"ruler! Wipe it quickly."

A long, torn-out piece of tissue paper is held in Yulmu's hand.


However, verse 2 continues without stopping at verse 1.

"Did you see it? The peaches at our house are this sweet. "100% sweetness, wow!"

But in the end, the little hand couldn't hold back and stretched out. Baekya got up from his seat and rushed towards Yulmu, covering his mouth.

Yeon-yeon, who leaned back and naturally cleared the way, continued.

"When Yulmu came out wearing a shower gown, I was really surprised because I thought he was taking off his top."

Even while the two people were fighting, one side continued to express their feelings. Since it was a scene we saw all the time, there was an atmosphere where people didn't think it was a big deal.

"Yulmu is in good health."

In fact, he is said to have played on the basketball team until his first year in high school.

"How was Cheong?"

"I loved it too! "Especially because we have the same clothes and hair."

Cheong, who is an only child, always thought it would be nice to have a brother, but while preparing this album, he felt like he had a twin brother, so he said he had a lot of fun filming it.

"What about Jihan?"

"First of all, I think I should say thank you to the camera director because I think he took such beautiful pictures."

He added that the scene of Minseong and Yuyeon playing chess was especially cinematic.

Cheong responded to Jihan's answer.

"that's right! Among the movies I saw, there was one about a champion winning a chess game, and they looked like actors from that movie."

"okay? "Isn't that the absolute best compliment?"

"You're welcome."

Meanwhile, Yulmu and Baekya signed a peace agreement.



"No, come and sit here."

Byakuya returned to its original position in about 5 minutes. Minseong also asked him how he felt after watching the music video.

"More than anything else, I'm most curious about the fans' reactions. "I hope you like it."

In addition, I don't know when the reaction video will be uploaded, but I hope you will enjoy watching this video.

Of course, this was a needless worry that I didn't have to worry about.

- Days, you are the future of K-pop

- A song that boasts authentic ID vocals. Vocal Bermuda Triangle in the second half

└ Minseong, Yulmu, Baekya

└ I'm stuck here and can't get out..

- 4th gear treble is crazy

- Craftsman of the introduction of the midnight sun. No rebuttal

- I'll keep that dollhouse as is... So please sell it to me...

- I was born with a sticker on my face from the womb.

- I'm trying to bury my bones in this music video. Jihan, you are my country

-Why is Baekya so pretty? I want to chew it, really crunch it.

- Is this refreshing restaurant paradise?

- Days face says amen

└ I'm not doing anything, I'm just wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. How can I look like that..?

└ If idols come out like this, aren't they just raw?

- Well... the music video hasn't finished for 3 hours. It's something new every time I see it, so I keep watching it

- All the people's luck went to ID.

- The clothes in Yulmu's closet look very similar to the clothes in the public home dressing room.

The comments were growing at an alarming rate as soon as the music video was released.

* * *

[DASE web game promotion 'Dase's Dressing Room' opens]

Days' extraordinary comeback scale became a hot topic.

A music video released at midnight and a flash game on the official website. This was becoming such a hot topic on social media that even if you weren't a fan of Days, you should give it a try.


[Issue] Days' comeback that turns the current stone overturned (feat. Days Dressing Room)

Upvotes 340 Dislikes 33 (+552)


Where have you heard this before?

hit. These are the kids who danced in synchronized dance at Imjingak at the end of last year wearing just one shirt haha.

Isn't Biting Heart the group that has him?


Baeksoha. It is also known as the heart shot by Baekya, and the biting heart charm that all idols must experience at least once.

There have been many aegyo bibles over the years, but it is true that they have been around for a while.

However, this group is where the person who wrote the <Revised Edition of the Special Aegyo Bible> is a member.

They made a comeback yesterday, and everything from the concept to the promotions was top-notch.

ID said that AIM's military retirement would soon begin and that he was putting his life on the line for the next boy group.. It was more sincere than you could imagine.

There are a total of 6 songs including the included songs, and the music video is no joke.

But the best thing is the public homepage promotion.

As soon as midnight, it turned into a doll dressing game, turning fans into stylists overnight.

(Public homepage capture.jpg)

If you select one of those frames, the corresponding member will appear. Decorate the member to your liking and share it on social media to complete your participation in the event.

There is also a saying that clothes that get a good response are actually worn on stage, so the enthusiasm of fans right now is no joke.

Even though I'm 2 years old, I'm not a fan, but I'm decorating at Days' costume room^^

Please take a look at the members' coordination I designed.

(Beret White Night.jpg)

(Lip Piercing Cheong.jpg)

(Crop T-shirt Yuyeon.jpg)


- I thought you were a really learned pervert after seeing Crop T-shirt in a tweet, but you turned out to be a teacher..? I respect you

- Does anyone know who the lip piercing character is? Why are you making a fuss about my taste when talking about 3 heads of body?

- (See-through + Harness Yulmu.jpg) I need to see this in real life before I die.

- Real-time fan status: I'm going crazy after discovering a perverted power hidden inside me that I didn't even know about.

└ Is this really my story...

└ The me I've been hiding~ Of~

- I tried it because there was so much buzz on social media, and it was fun. It was a fun time.

└ Continuing to be ranked 1st in Silt since yesterday

- The characters were chosen well. It was really similar? I wonder where it was developed

└ JeXto ID Collaboration

- But the person who coordinated well did a really good job. Isn't it better than the parent group's stylist who talks a lot?

- These days, I see all the girls doing this during break time haha.

└ Fun haha ​​a lot of boys do it too

- I heard you're doing a live performance today, aren't you going to wear it there?

* * *

[A new quest has arrived!]

[Q. Concept craftsman in this area (1): Show off your ability to digest concepts by being overly immersive!

※ In case of failure, concept digestibility is 100%]

A main quest that has been around for a long time. But Byakuya had to stare into space for a long time.

'What does this mean?'

Wouldn't it be better if the concept digestibility is 100% in case of failure?

My brows furrowed without me realizing it. Then Cheong, who was next to me, looked around, wondering what was so serious.

"What's there?"

"uh? no. "Because the picture is cool."

Days had just visited a hotel in Incheon for their comeback live broadcast.

Luxurious artwork adorns sophisticated interiors. Byakuya turned to talking, roughly pointing to a large picture hanging on the wall.

"But are we really broadcasting like this?"

"Yup. "They say you don't need to change."

Byakuya looked down at his body.

Of course, I thought there would be a prepared outfit, so I wore whatever I could get my hands on... . If she had known this would happen, she should have been more careful about what she wore.

A large T-shirt and knee-length training shorts were Baekya's practice room-only attire.

'… … 'Your face is full of makeup, but why on earth are you wearing clothes?'

I felt anxious for no reason.

And the midnight sun's instincts were usually right.

"5 seconds left!"

The assistant director's voice announcing the imminent live broadcast. The younger man straightened his posture and looked at the camera in front of him. He was a high-quality talent specially brought in by ID to host the last episode of DASE HAPPY DAYS today.

A toy two-story house with a red roof placed next to the younger person. There were small stuffed animals inside, and it looked like a recreation of a scene from the WANT ME music video.

White arch gate decorated with flowers next to the stairs leading to the second floor. There is a cute sign hanging above it.


The camera focused on a brown cat doll standing under a rose arch, holding a microphone.

A red light comes on over the camera at 7 o'clock sharp. The broadcast finally started.

"Hello everyone. He is a younger member of AIM who will host Days' YouTube original reality show, a live broadcast commemorating their comeback. Nice to meet you."

The inst version of Days' comeback title, WANT ME, played softly beneath the younger man's voice.

"It's an honor to be able to participate in Days' first comeback and the end of their first reality show."

The younger man smiled slightly.

The chat window expands rapidly as the broadcast begins. Perhaps because of the younger person's appearance, there were quite a few AIM fans.

"Days emerged as a hot rookie by creating a huge buzz upon his debut."

The younger singer opened the show by saying that today we will take a closer look at what kind of new music and style they have returned with.

"To do that, we need to meet Days first, right?"

When he looks to the side, the camera moves along with him.

A large yellow doll box placed to one side. Instead of a transparent film, there was a holographic silver foil curtain, and Cheong stuck his head out through it.