

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Episode 34

The response on social media was enthusiastic.

A concept that has never been seen before in an existing male idol group. In addition, Days' official website changed with the release of the teaser.

The homepage, with a nostalgic design reminiscent of childhood, prompted fans to discuss ID's metamorphic power.

'It's a dress up game!'

Indeed, the incredible planning power of a famous idol family. Since the concept is a doll, is the company determined to provide content that fans can enjoy?

Babssa couldn't help but be impressed by the taste of capitalist mala that he experienced for the first time.

She knows how to read a little code because of her job, and she caught a situation where hidden content was developed to be released after a certain period of time.

Due to limited knowledge, I couldn't even find the hidden address, but if the intro is of this quality, the hidden pages must be huge.

It really seemed possible that a dress-up game for members would be provided, as some fans had hoped.

And the next morning.

Album specifications and pre-order notices appeared at the same time. The cover, which looked identical to the doll box that appeared in the music video teaser, stimulated fans' desire to purchase, and they soon made reservations.

- WANT ME album specifications ☞ 1 type of cover, 6 types of postcards, 6 types of paper doll cards, 12 types of photo cards, 7 types of first edition limited edition posters (including groups)

- Good job with ID~ Payment completed (card swiping meme)

- Why is the 17x25cm album so big? LOL

- It's just my opinion, but seeing as the front of the cover is transparent, wouldn't it be possible to put a postcard there? Then it's exactly the same as the doll box shown in the teaser.

└ This is crazy

- No... Poka is already crazy.

- Paper doll card? paper doll??? I was wondering if it was a children's paper doll.

However, ID's preparations did not end there. As soon as midnight the next day, Days' official website changed its appearance again.

Six empty picture frames hung next to the closet. There was a member's photo hanging on one of the dogs.

When you click on the frame, a frontal photo of Cheong with pink hair and a white T-shirt pops up.

If it weren't for the sticker on the face, it would be a good ID photo.

When I clicked on the activated arrow, several more photos taken with different outfits and different compositions were displayed.

After revealing one person a day, Monday came again. Episode 5 of Days' reality show was aired amidst fans' expectations.

* * *

[EP.5|Our hidden cameras have begun! : Lock the midnight sun in the recording studio | DASE HAPPY DAYS]

A thumbnail showing a surprised Baekya and members having fun holding a cake.

[Peaceful Days Practice Room]

[May 2nd. [1 hour before Baekya's birthday]

Sundays facing the mirror. The members were imitating the movements according to the choreographer's slogan.

[Choreographer: One, Two, Want me. Ta ta ta.]

The sound of six people's footsteps echoed through the space at different times.

The sound of sneakers hitting the floor can be heard occasionally. The members' eyes looking beyond the mirror are serious.

[Yooyeon: Bro, I have a question.]

[Choreographer: What is it?]

Yuyeon, who was following the choreography, raised her hand. The members all listen together to his questions.

The choreographer checks Yuyeon's posture and asks if she is confused about the movements she just learned, and if she understood what she understood correctly. The remaining members also looked back on the part and showed concentration.

The scene kept cutting out in the middle.

Since it was a choreography practice for an unreleased song, it seemed like the part with the sound source was cut out.

[Cheong: Can't we just go far to the right? I think they're going to bump into each other.]

[Baekya: I think Yulmu and I are too close.]

[Yulmu: Didn't you come here a lot on purpose? Because I want to get closer to you.]

Yulmu, who made eye contact with Baekya, bit her heart.

Baekya is now tired of the jokes he makes whenever he gets the chance. Gritting his teeth, he quietly clenched his fist. It was a warning to say just one more word.

However, Yulmu is in a better mood than usual today. Let me add one more word.

[Yulmu: My child has become so violent these days, ugh!]

[Minseong: So why do you keep scratching the child who is still?]

After getting hit, Yulmu fell to the floor, clutching his forearm.

I have long since used up the coupons I got by submitting Baekya's poker photos on her behalf. I saw Baek-ya sternly pushing Yulmu, who was lying down, to the other side as if he was rolling a ball.

The scene cuts off briefly.

[Now playing: No Games]

This time, the members were practicing choreography to their debut song. The sound of footsteps, as if one person was dancing, boasted perfect harmony.

- The sound of footsteps in the choreography video is always thrilling! This lighting, temperature and humidity... and this pleasure

- It's so amazing how the sounds fit together so well.

- Play choreography video! Jonber wins ㅠㅠ

- Yulmu and Baekya are really close friends haha.

[After a while, only Days remains in the practice room]

Nanjing sang White Night.

[Manager: It's midnight. The producer said he would like to see me for a moment.]

[White Night: Just me? why?]

[Manager: They said they wanted to record a few more ad-libs. Is this time okay?]

Baekya nodded and said hello to the members saying he would come back.

Days waves and cheers. Upon arriving at the studio, Baekya had to go straight into the recording studio.

[Manager: Then, let me ask you a favor. I will come pick you up right away.]

[Composer: You can come slowly. At this point, I'm thinking of picking up a few more good ones.]

An unknown conversation takes place between two people. Inside the booth, Baekya, wearing a headset, was staring blankly through the glass. I was in bewilderment mode because I couldn't hear any conversation outside.

When Namgyeong leaves and the man presses the button, a green light comes on and noise from outside is heard through the headset.

[Composer: Baekya, I'll just give you a few ad-libs.]

[White Night: Yes.]

[Composer: Want me 2nd verse, can you upload one more song?]

The original note of that part is 3 octaves.

Baekya, who had been practicing the part requested by the composer several times while stretching her neck, nodded.

[Baekya: Yes, I will try.]

And he does it easily.

3 octaves re.

The composer also nodded with a satisfied face, as if he knew that Baekya would do it.

Button pressed once again.

[Composer: Good job. Should I upload one more? There is no need to overdo it.]

[White Night: No. I'll try.]

3 octaves. It was a vocal range that was not easy for even established singers to raise.

It was just a request made with the intention of taking some time as requested by the manager, but Baekya ended up doing it again. The composer seemed slightly surprised by the gently rising high notes.

He said, 'Huh? 'Is this what happens?' He was looking at the midnight sun with a face like that.

I knew it was a thing, but I felt like I realized it was going to be bigger than I thought. The man played the part he had just recorded one more time.

He was covering his mouth without realizing it.

[White Night: I… PD?]

A man who couldn't come out of shock for a lot longer than expected. He came to his senses late when he heard a voice calling me.

Then he asked if I could go up one octave just by chance.

[White Night: One more?]

This time Baekya looked embarrassed.

Is this because you are curious about how high my high notes go? In a short moment, various thoughts passed through my mind.

And then 3 octaves. Pull out High F all the way.

[Composer: That's ridiculous. It's a perfect High F… … .]

The man now looks openly mesmerized. The comment window where comments were posted in real time was also quiet, as if at a loss for words.

- Crazy...

- and.....

- Why do you keep going up when you're a man?

[Composer: Are you really good at it?]

[Producer unable to speak due to emotion]

That vocal range is possible with that tone. It was a scam.

Apparently, the Maginot Line was up to 3 octaves until recording. The confused man soon realizes that he has never ordered anything more than that.

Baek-ya, who doesn't know what's going on, just watches and waits. Baekya, who didn't know if the recording was finished, could only leave when he asked her to come out.

[White night: … Shall we do it again?]

[Composer: Huh? No, good job. Let's do a few more things this time.]

[White Night: Yes.]

[Composer: It makes Yeah sad, very sad. As soon as I heard it, the tip of my nose started to tingle.]

[White night: … … yes?]

Byakuya's composure was shaken for the first time by the difficult request. The man who thought it would end soon if things continued like this changed his method.

The members remaining in the practice room at that time were busy with other preparations.

[Yooyeon: Quickly hide, hide.]

[Cheong: It's past 12 o'clock! It's your birthday!]

[Jihan: Put out the fire?]

[Yulmu: Wait a minute! My hat and cone hat are gone!]

[Minseong: It's behind you. Come here quickly.]

The VJs, along with Days, were scattered and hiding in the corners of the practice room. Finally, Jihan turned off the light and went straight to his seat, leaving the practice room in darkness.

Meanwhile, a man finishes recording the manager who comes to pick up Baek Ya.

[Composer: Good job. White night, you can come out now.]

The sad song "Yeah" and animal sounds recorded in succession at the end completely took White Night out of his mind. Thanks to this, I didn't notice anything suspicious the entire time I was returning to the practice room.

[Baekya: I think composing music requires a really good brain.]

- That's ridiculous haha. Isn't there too much prejudice?

- No. 1 idol without sincere prejudice haha

- It's so cute. I thought you'd notice it from the sound of the sparrow.

-Why are you recording the sound of a lion roaring instead of the Animal Kingdom OST?

- Please release the Lion and Sparrow audio ㅠㅠ I want to give my baby a wake-up call for the lion barking! Ugh...

- It's not that the composer is a good person, it's just that it happened to you haha.

- The pure peach itself... Is this enough to entice you with candy?

- It's funnier because I worked so hard haha.

Baekya was chattering about what happened in the recording studio.

The conversation stopped briefly when Nankyung's cell phone rang. He told Baekya to go back to the practice room first and disappeared to answer the phone.

Peach heads to the practice room alone. But it is dark beyond the small glass window.

[White Night: Huh? Where has everyone gone?]