

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs


Boksoong, who was watching the video with a proud look on her face, shut her mouth once more.

A cold face and an unfriendly demeanour. The fact that the cold handsome man was like a cute baby bird when he opened his mouth made the fans go crazy.

In this similar category was Yuyeon, who exuded softer vibes due to his dimples, and the cold Jihan, who was chic and sophisticated yet subtly clumsy.

Yulmu, with vibes like a handsome college student from the physical education major, liked to joke around due to his high energy. And Minsung, who had all the parents' approval to become the son-in-law, was generally serious in most matters because he was the leader, but in the eyes of the fans, he was just a stern rabbit.

There was no need to say more about Baekya. He was the cutest little punk who only ever did the cutest things. Starting with the unheard 'heart bite,' you would think that his personality was full of aegyo with how easily he seemed to give out his affections everywhere. However, that wasn't the case. He was the perfect introvert. The fact that his usual self was timid and shy was a huge selling point.


'Can an idol group be this perfect?'

Boksoong continued to watch the video, thinking that whoever these idols were, they were really good.


[Café 'No Games' closed!]

[Time to settle the check]


With customers gone and the cafe empty, Minsung brought a small safe in front of the DASE members gathered around a large table.


[Chung (Boss): You all did great! Good job!]

[Baekya: Did we make around 30 drinks?]

[Jihan: I think it's lot more than that. I think I pulled over 50 shots of espresso alone.]

[Yuyeon: It's more than 30 drinks, isn't it? I think I served quite a bit.]

[Yulmu: Let's settle it!]


At Yulmu's urging, Minsung opened the safe. It was full of small notes they had received throughout the day in exchange for money. There was also a small bag of chocolates from whoever put them there.

Dozens of notes were spread out on to the middle of the table. Among them, Minsung picked up one and read it out loud.


[Minsung: Congratulations on your debut, DASE. We are even more grateful for your hard work.]


Starting with Minsung, the other members also picked up notes one by one.


[Yulmu: We wish DASE  a successful comeback! Fighting! Let's go for the Rookie of the Year Award~!]

[Chung: I heard a rumor that DASE was grinding coffee beans on the first floor. I came to have a taste. But this… what's with this taste?]


DASE burst out laughing at Chung's note. Yuyeon and Yulmu spoke in unison, 'That person must have drunk your Americhoco.'


[Jihan: I'm really looking forward to your comeback. Fighting!]

[Yuyeon: There are rumors that the concept of this new song is amazing. Totally looking forward to it!]

[Baekya: Please don't get hurt and stay active for a long time! We will always be on DASE's side. ID's youngest kids, let's go!]


It was touching. Boksoong's heart was deeply moved, but the members seemed equally overwhelmed. They all appeared with complex expressions, reading the notes one by one.

However, at that moment, two people entered the café. They were AIM's Siyun and Yeonha.


[Siyun: Excuse me… Are you still open?]

[Yeonha: We came to buy some coffee~]

[Baekya: Huh? Sunbae-nim…?]


DASE members were taken aback by the appearance of their immediate seniors. After a moment of confusion, they all greeted in unison.


Likewise, AIM also bowed at a 90-degree angle.


[Siyun: We stopped by because we heard there's a café opened for today only. Are you closed already?]

[Chung: Yes. We're done for the da-]

[Minsung: No! We can still make something. What would you like?]


Poke. Minsung cut in, jabbing Chung in the side.


[Chung: Ouch!]


Perhaps Minsung didn't control his strength as Chung clutched his waist with a pained expression. The puppet boss was powerless in the face of the real boss.


[Yeonha: I'll have an iced latte.]

[Jihan: Uhm, sunbae-nim. Aside from Americano, we can't-]

[Baekya: Hey! Don't you just add milk instead of water? Just say yes.]

[Jihan: …Is that so?]


The manufacturing team whispered among themselves about the order that was seemingly impossible to them. However, the other party was their immediate senior. Baekya and Jihan quickly tried to change their stance to make the impossible become possible.

However, Siyun's ears were quite sharp.


[Siyun: Oh, there's only Americano? They have it written here, Yeonha-ya.]

[Yeonha: I'm sorry. I had no idea. Hmm… then, I'll have peach iced tea.]

[Siyun: I'll have a warm Americano.]


Siyun held out his card.

Despite Minsung's refusal to take any money, Siyun tried to pay again.

However, Yeonha who was next to him nudged him on the arm. He looked at the notepad and the ballpoint pen in front of the cash register. There were instructions for DASE's reality show shooting and payment process.


[Yeonha: Can we also do that too?]

[Minsung: Yes, of course!]


While the manufacturing team worked diligently to prepare the drinks, Siyun and Yeonha began writing on the notes. Despite Yulmu's insistence to bring the drinks to their table if they got seated, the two waited by the pickup counter with the serving members. This allowed the small talk to flow naturally.


[Yeonha: I was actually watching the radio show that day. Baekya-ssi's heart bite? That was so cute. Do you have any other hearts?]

[Baekya: Kohup! Kegh- cough!]

[Minsung: Are you okay? Why the sudden cough… Here, have some water.]

[Siyun: Are you alright?]


All eyes were on Baekya now. The 'attention-shy' brave guardian of all ISFJs was now in cold sweat. His expression said that he was begging for someone to take the attention away from him.


[Baekya: I'm f-fine. I just swallowed my saliva wrong…]

[Yeonha: That's a relief. I thought I might have said something unnecessary again.]


Though it was true, it wasn't something Baekya could express. This was just how social interactions worked.


[Yulmu: Ey~ sunbae-nim, that's not true at all. He's actually in the process of  developing a new heart for the comeback.]

[Baekya: …When did I?!]

[Yulmu: "When did I?" Now, I'll count to three and you'll have a new heart. One~ two~]

[Baekya: Seriously! You come here.]

[Yulmu: Uwack! Hey, that thing in your hand. Put it down! Put it down first!]

[Baekya: Yeah. You're getting a beating.]

[Yeonha: Hahaha! How cute. (Laughs)]

[Siyun: I told you, right? They have a good atmosphere.]


Yulmu would usually only tiptoe by the line, but it seems that he had crossed that line today. In the end, Yulmu, who was caught by Baekya, was able to break free only after a few punches from Baekya.

After that, they had conversations about mundane topics such as how are the preparations for the comeback going, diet management, and exercise. They payment of AIM's drinks were only opened after they had left.


[If you're having a hard time or need anything, you can call the number below. Adorable DASE are always welcomed! (Phone number) -Aim's Siyun, Yeonha]


Boksoong clapped her hands as she watched the video.


"I'm all for this camaraderie."


Of course, she wasn't the only one who thought so. Most of the fans watching the video were moved by AIM's kind-heartedness.

Judging by the full makeup, it seems that the agency had requested for a few available members to show their faces for a moment.

Still, the note was personally written by the members themselves. They even included their personal phone numbers, which were, of course, not disclosed on the show. The fans welcomed this friendship wholeheartedly, saying that it was always welcome.


[Next episode!]

[May 3rd, in DASE's practice room]


The scene of DASE members dancing to their debut song 'No Games' quickly passed by. The scene changed, showing them learning something new.


[Earnestly learning a new choreography]

[DASE's comeback is approaching?!]


Baekya was recording inside the studio.


[Composer: Baekya-ya, can you go higher by another octave?]

[Baekya: Yes. I will try.]

[Composer: This time, make the 'yeah' part sound sad, really, really sad. Make it so sad that it feels like your nose tingles as soon as you hear it.]


Baekya's eyes wavered at the composer's strange request, but he still followed the instructions.

The scene shifted, showing the members busy in the practice room.


[After a while]

[DASE: Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday dear Baekya~]

[A surprise gift prepared by the members]

[Please wait a little longer♡]


Even the preview was perfect. Boksoong felt full, even though she hadn't eaten. And that night, at midnight, DASE's surprise teaser was released.


* * *


[DASE 데이즈 'WANT ME' MV Teaser #1]

A toy factory.

With a cheerful pluck sound, the machines started working. DASE appears as the conveyor belt turns.

//TN: "Pluck sound" is a music term for certain EDM melodic sounds it seems.

They have pink hair, white short-sleeved tees, and ripped jeans.

DASE, standing expressionlessly, each had glittery stickers on their faces.

When the robotic arm-like machine pressed the 'PACKING' button, a green light came on and a box fell on the members. The colourful letters <WANT ME> stood out on the transparent plastic.





21 seconds.

The video was short but impactful.

- Wow, they come up with the best concepts.

- Which perverts came up with the idea of putting stickers on the kids faces?


- These truly insane pervert bastards should tone down with the concepts, all right?!! All six of them with pink hair, and the white tees and jeans already make you go crazy, but stickers on their faces? Doll concept??? ID is basically threatening murder with this, you know.

- They look like sextuplets when they're like that.

- How did Baekya suddenly become so damn handsome? I mean, he has always been attractive, but this face is unbelievable right now; (Baekya screenshot.jpg)

└ Han Baekya... Please preserve this pink-hair

- ID's sentiments are really to my taste… How do these crazy people come up with a concept so suitable to otaku's tastes?

- DASE's official homepage changed just now!

└ Huh, for real. It's so colorful.

- It feels like the starting screen of a dress-up game. Especially the mannequin's torso.

- We only know when it comes out, but couldn't this be an extension of their debut concept? The title of the debut song was 'No Games' and this time's concept is 'dolls.' So, this comeback is about playing with dolls?

//TN: The Korean title of 'No Games', is 'noli(놀이)' and it can be translated to 'A Game' or 'To Play'.

└ Then, with a game-like intro like that, don't tell me…

└ So, it's like we take DASE and play with them like they're dolls? Is ID actually that much of a f*cking pervert? This is insane.

└ Conan appears

- I might be wrong, but if it's really about playing with dolls then it'd mean we can pick DASE's clothes.

- DASE, please have the comeback quickly. I'm actually about to faint. (A fainting meme.jpg)

- Bae-bae-bae-baekya with heart cubic stickers on his face…! This sparrow is my demise…