

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Kỳ huyễn
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[ISSUE] DASE's Baekya before plastic surgery

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(Baekya's high school yearbook graduation picture.jpg)

His high school yearbook pictures were scooped up.


- The shape of his eyes is completely different so let's not shield it.

- Seems like he got plastic surgery

└ So what if he did? His face before surgery is even better than yours.

- Just looking at it, it seems like his eyeglass prescription is really high? Those kinds of glasses would downgrade anyone's face no matter how great their face is.

- And here I was wondering how it hasn't come up yet ㅋㅋㅋ

- Without those glasses, wouldn't he look the same as now? Congratulations on your graduation, our Peach ♡

- Those who are criticizing here, come back after looking at your own graduation photos ^^

- He looks like Bonobono wearing ugly glasses

//TN: Bonobono is a sea otter character from the Bonobono anime/manga

- Is he also graduating this year? Middle school graduation?

February was the graduation season.

With an average age of 19.666, DASE consisted of five high school students and one adult. Among them, three members were graduating this month. Jihan, Yulmu and Baekya.

"Still, I'm glad that the graduation dates didn't overlap."

The day before Baekya's graduation ceremony. Minsung was ironing a school uniform in the living room.

"Hyung, I can do it."

"I just wanted to do this. And it's the leader's role to do these things anyway."

Ironing the school uniform?

Baekya was momentarily at a loss for words since Minsung stated it like it was the most obvious thing.

"I've also been doing it for Yulmu and Jihan too, you know?"

As the eldest member of the group, Minsung said that he often took care of the members' uniforms even during their trainee days.

"Our leader's ironing skills are the best in Korea~"

Yulmu spoke as he came out carrying his and Jihan's school uniforms.

"Then, boss, please take good care of them."

"Ah, yes. Just leave it to me."

As Yulmu gave them out and Minsung received them, a playful banter went back and forth.

'Last time it was my sister who ironed it for me during graduation.'

Baekya felt like a lot had changed. He went to bed thinking he might be the only one going through a high school graduation ceremony twice.

And on the next morning.

Baekya had set off early with Namkyung to make it to school on time for the start of the ceremony. As he got closer to the school, something vivid caught his eye even from a distance.

"…What is that?"

Something strange was hanging above the school gate.

[CONGRA ★ Birth of a Star at Geumyong Boys' High School, DASE's Han Baekya ★TULATIONS]

Namkyung burst into laughter at the banner even more extravagant than the one for the graduation ceremony.

"Puhaha! What is that?!"

He snapped a picture with his phone camera, commenting that it was his first time seeing a school put up something like that.

Reporters began to gather after recognizing the car that had stopped in front of the school gate. Before he knew it, the car Baekya rode was surrounded by cameras.

"You can get off first. They're taking pictures, so I'll just park the car and come right back."

"Must I… have my pictures taken?"

"You're not seriously asking that, are you?"

Namkyung's expression turned serious for a moment.

Baekya awkwardly laughed, saying it was a joke, and quickly grabbed his coat. As soon as he opened the door, the intimidating sounds of shutters could be heard from all directions.

- Baekya-ssi, please look this way

- Let me take a few pictures!

- Baekya-ya, congratulations on your graduation! I love you!

There seemed to be quite a number of homepage masters among the reporters.

However, the newly debuted Peach, who had just crossed the one-month mark, wasn't yet accustomed to this kind of atmosphere. Baekya, who almost instinctively slammed the car door close again, quickly regained his composure.


As he greeted, Baekya, stepping out of the car, quickly slipped his arms into his coat in the cold gust of wind. The hood attached to his tteokbokki coat flayed for a moment, covering his head.

//Tteokbokki coat is a coat with long buttons that look like tteokbokki (Korean rice cakes)

- Aagh! So cute!

A joyful scream echoed amidst the rapid shutter sounds, making Baekya's eyes widen in surprise. The moment his eyes met with the screaming homma…

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap!

Her camera shutter rapidly clicked, making a loud continuous sound.

- Baekya-ya, please do the biting heart once!

Someone else shouted, this time from a different direction. In that instant, the status window appeared.

[A new (hidden) quest has arrived!]

[Q. A Nerd Who Became an Idol: Let's shake the hearts of the public with a new look! 0/200]

It had been a while since he encountered a hidden quest. True to form, the quest title was strange.

'In the first place, why am I considered a nerd!'

In the brief moment Baekya hesitated, another request came in. It was the same voice eagerly asking for the 'biting heart' move.

Baekya pressed for now.

'Since I have to do it anyway, it'd be good to get Star Points from it.'

"Yuh- yes!"

Baekya quickly formed a small circle with his hands. As time passed, the crowd around Baekya grew larger and more intense, with about half of them being fans and the other half being ordinary people.

He was completely surrounded.


When he bit the heart, screams erupted from all directions.


The numbers quickly went up.

Upon another request from the opposite side of the crowd, Baekya bit the heart again.



The number doubled in no time.

'This is quite fun…?'

He felt like he could complete the quest right here with just one more gesture.

'I've done it twice already, so once more won't hurt.'

Baekya changed direction and opened his mouth wide to make the third heart gesture. But in that instant, he locked eyes with familiar faces.


It was Jaehyun and Yukyung.

"Hey, Kim Yukyung. Is that the Baekya I know?"

"Kyaaah! Baekya oppang~ You're sooo cute~"

With the unexpected appearance of his best friends, the heart machine became jammed with overload. So, the third heart became slightly skewed.


- Baekya's friends were so funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They kept making Baekya do the biting heart ㅋㅋㅋ Thank you, sob sob. (Video)

└ What's the source?

└ It's from his friend's InHeart.

- DASE #Yulmu #Jihan Graduation ceremony, high-definition (School Uniform Photo.jpg)

- Geumyong High School Graduation Ceremony Class Banner (Banner.jpg)

└ I heard they still haven't taken it down ㅋㅋ

- Gold Dragon posted a picture taken with Baekya on the school's bulletin board

//TN: Geumyong means gold dragon. Geum = Gold, Yong = Dragon

└ Gold Dragon = Geumyong's principal

└ Geumyong High School's best output ㅋㅋㅋ

- It's so nice to see the kids take care of each other at their graduation ceremoniesㅠㅠ Congratulations on your graduation, guys ♡

- Baekya + Tteokbokki coat + Biting heart = Paradise (Baekya's graduation ceremony.jpg)

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[ISSUE] DASE's reality show filming real? (Additional)

Likes 560 Dislikes 57 (+309)

There has been some talk of a reality show shoot for the kids after the 'No Games' promotions, but seeing that eyewitness accounts keep coming up, it must be true!

Roughly organized in order of when the sightings were posted (could be inaccurate)

1. Yongin Amusement Park

2. Yangpyeong Camping Ground

3. Yongsan DGV (Minsung/Baekya/Jihan)

//TN: A movie theatre, reference to CGV Yongsan movie theatre in Seoul

4. Hanam Shopping Mall Sports Center (Yulmu/Yuyeon/Chung)

5. ID Office building's in-house Café

6. Paju English Village (new!)

- I saw some idols today. I'm a part-timer at Neverland and after work, on my way back to my dorm, there were some guys standing in front of cameras. I was curious, so I snuck there pretending to be staff, and whoa, they were so handsome. It seemed like they were filming something in the haunted house, and their screams were so heart-wrenching.

- I went to the amusement park today and saw some celebrities! They were super handsome, but I don't know their names ㅠㅠ Are they rookies?

- At Neverland, there was a really fair and small person crouching on the ground, and I almost tripped over them… His friend kept calling him 'Hey, Pillow'. Why were you there like that, cutie-ssi ㅜㅜ

//TN: 'Pillow' in Korean is 'Bekae/Begae' and 'Hey, Pillow' was 'Bekae-ya' in the Korean raws which also sounds like Baekya's name when pronounced quickly.

- There was a filming of some variety show at Yangpyeong Camping Ground. He seemed to be a rookie idol and he came to our tent to borrow some kimchi. He's handsome even in men's eyes. He was also really tall.

- The women of our family went crazy because of the idols here, haha. I was also curious to see a celebrity in real life, and they were on a different level when I saw them in person… It's like they're different species #YangpyeongCampingGround (Camping Ground.jpg)

- I had to suddenly fill in for a closing shift today and thank you to this crazy world. As such an unlucky fan, this was the first time in my life to be awakened this quickly.

There was seriously not even one customer today, so I was just eating popcorn when I suddenly saw a halo in the distance.

It was so bright that I had to look up. And then some 2D manhwa character was standing in front of my eyes. I was like, huh, what's going on? Did I maybe fall asleep standing up? Did I perhaps faint? I was imagining all sorts of things, but the painting spoke up, 'Excuse me', and called out to me.

I've been smiling for three years now, but I've never seen a celebrity before so please understand. No but, if it were you guys, could you stay composed if your bias suddenly appeared in front of you ㅠ

Anyway, my babies came to watch Harry Potter and asked if there were any seats availableㅠ Obviously, there was plenty ㅠㅠㅠ Our kids bought chili hotdogs, nachos, and coke ㅜㅜ DGV, thank you, I'll pledge my loyalty to you. (DASE's Autograph.jpg)

- I left my blind date 10 minutes after getting introduced. Reasons below.

└ Today was our first meeting, and out of the blue, this person suggested going to a sports center. By the way, I really dislike sweating. I suggested that we simply go to a café or somewhere to talk, but he said we should go there no matter what. He said he wanted to provide a special first meeting or something like that. So, in the end, we went. I had to do pitching as soon as we entered. I'm just repeating what happened in writing and it's seriously already making me so annoyed. (continued)

└ So, I was thinking of throwing away the whole blind date and just going home, when something fell on my head. I was already annoyed so I was like, 'What the hell was that', as I picked it up, and the thing was some spongy microphone cover. I was pissed and looked up only to see an angel looking down at me apologizing. Annoyance? Anger? None of those were present. Just seeing that face made it all melt away (continued)

└ All I could think about was how to give this back to the Angel-nim, but then Angel No. 2 appeared from behind me. He apologized and asked if I was hurt anywhere and said that he could give it back to his member for me. And then he apologized once again while smiling.

I was like, oh shit what's with that face?? What's with that build??? I never knew such tan skin could be so sexy. Ah, so what happened to the blind date guy? I couldn't care less ^^

└ (Additional) I remembered how he mentioned his 'member', so I looked it up just in case, and looks like they were DASE members. Hohoho♡ Angel No. 1 seems to be Yuyeon, and Angel No. 2 seems to be Yulmu~

- My friend goes to ID, and the kids were working as part-timers at the company's café today… I'm so jealous… Why can't I be an ID staff ㅠㅠ

- Peach iced tea made by a Peach with 100% sweetness #DelMont #DeliciousPeach (Takeout Cup.jpg)

- Iced Chocolate Americano made by the company's maknae… I remember ordering Iced Americano, though, Chung-nim ㅠ

- Min Barista's coffee was the best! (Although honestly, it'd taste like honey even if he just gave me bottled water)

- Some idols came to the English Village for a shoot. But they looked so similar to each other that I couldn't tell who was who. Were they twins? The staff called one of them 'Peach'… It seems like idols these days have quite unique stage names.

- This is the private support coffee truck I visited today. It was at the music video filming location in Paju. A friend contacted me in a hurry, so we quickly prepared and went there :)

As expected, the most popular menu was Iced Americano. The Coffee King made it delicious with lots of love.

The singers were also very handsome! (At first, I thought it was the same person several times because their clothes were the same, haha.) I think the music video will be really cool! I'll support them until the day they make a comeback~ Fighting!


- Twins? What crazy concept is this?!

└ The same clothes? Could it be a school uniform?

- Omgomg, DASE's reality show

- Isn't the Neverland eyewitness story on the same day as their last 'No Games' music show shooting? Did the kids go film the reality show immediately after the music show???

- I love it so f*cking much ㅠㅠㅠㅠ ID is finally doing some work now.

- The blind date person became a fangirl~

- An MV shoot! Kyaaah DASE is going to have a comeback!!!!

- If it's Paju then was it in English Village? Is it a medieval concept again?

- Coffee made by the kids… What was past me doing not applying to ID…

- Do they call Baekya 'Peach' even at the companyㅋㅋㅋ? Ah, he's so cute that I want to bite him.

- I have a lot of kimchi too, guys…! My mom's kimchi is delicious!!!!

- Neverland's Haunted houseㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ah, I can't wait to see it.

- The reality show hasn't been officially announced yet, right?

- If they're filming the music video then the kids are going to come out soon! Quickly give me my softie.