

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs



Baekya collapsed on the floor as soon as the staff members left. He buried his face in his knees but couldn't hide his reddened ears.

"What's wrong? You did well~ It was so cute. Aang!"

Yulmu sat down next to Baekya and put his arm around Baekya's shoulder. The comforting words definitely sounded like they were making fun of him. Baekya shook his shoulders trying to shrug off the arm around him.

"Go away."

The moment Yulmu turned his head away, biting his lips to hold back the laughter that could explode at any moment, Baekya could feel his body tremble with suppressed laughter.

Baekya, raising his head, glared at Yulmu.

"You, fuc-…"

"Na Yulmu. Get away from Baekya right now."

The leader's restraining order was quickly issued. Chung and Yuyeon, who stood by, rushed over and separated Yulmu from Baekya.

"Don't mess with our Peach's feelings!"

"Don't make fun of the Hamster!"

Chung, Yuyeon, and Minsung looked at Baekya with faces that sought approval.

'Ha… My head hurts.'

Jihan, sitting on the sofa, shook his head as he looked at the five members.

They were cutely playing around.

For the record, the broadcasting station they came to for today's music show was the only station where even rookies could have assigned rooms due to the plenty of waiting rooms they had.

After briefly meeting with the staff, Namkyung gathered the members, saying it was time to prepare for the stage.

DASE, while following him to the back of the set, Violet's and NICE's stage was over, and the remaining boy groups were in full swing.




They were the group that debuted a few months ahead of DASE, but because there was no significant difference in debut time, they recently became a group that was linked as DASE's rival.

Today, due to the broadcasting station's circumstances, DASE's performance order got pushed back unexpectedly. As a result, even though they debuted later, DASE was able to perform after BB9.

"Their choreography is pretty cool."

DASE watched the performance from the sidelines. Yuyeon's eyes, in particular, were sparkling. It was because the performance was so stunning that their introduction of 'group dance idols' was not just for show.

For a moment, they watched the stage with a serious expression. When the song ended, BB9 took their pose as they were gasping for breath.

Initially, the camera captured the entire stage, but it quickly switched to a close-up of one member's face. The member noticed and showed a brief moment of surprise before breaking into a smile. It was a smile that made anyone watching feel good.

"Oh~ The Ending Fairy~"

Yulmu, upon seeing the ending fairy, became delighted as if he was doing it himself. He then proposed to the other members that they should also do something if they get picked as the Ending Fairy.

"How about the last person caught on screen does something?"

"Okay! I'm totally confident."

Chung was the first to agree that the idea was good.

The term 'Ending Fairy' referred to the singer who appeared at the very end of the music show stage, and it was part of the performance that had become a small sensation among fans these days.

Senior artists with accumulated years of experience often did something fun or unexpected during this time, either running away from the stage or striking an unexpected pose, which garnered cheers from the audience.

The other members also seemed to like Yulmu's idea.

"It should be fine as long as it's not too exaggerated."

Finally, upon getting the leader's approval, Yuyeon casually presented his opinion.

"Should we do a wink? What do you think?"

Observing them, Namkyung nodded, saying it should be fine since other groups also do similar things.

Baekya also nodded, hoping he won't be the one who would be captured.

- The best thing I've done since I was born = Choosing a peach on my 1st birthday (Baekya Wink.gif)

//TN: On a child's 1st birthday, it's a custom to place various objects for a child to choose and what they pick up will predict their future.

- This Peach is quite skilled at being playful (Baekya Biting Heart.gif)

- I was out exploring around Tamna and I picked this up and everybody said it was a peach… so what is this peach? ㅠㅠ (Baekya Wink.gif)

//TN: Tamna was an ancient kingdom based on Jeju Island before it was absorbed by the Korean Joseon Dynasty and became Jeju Island. The people of Tamna used to make a living by diving for abalones and cultivating fruits like persimmons and peaches.

└ That's DASE's Baekya♡ It's a very delicious peach, so please try it out once.

- Even though it's winter, I see a lot of people looking for peaches in Tamna… (Baekya.jpg)

- The sweetest brand of peaches these days (DASE.jpg)

* * *

ID's first rookie boy group in eight years showed remarkable progress. As a result, the atmosphere within the company was buzzing with excitement.

The public response far exceeded expectations, so it was no surprise that DASE's comeback schedule was moved up. The planning team became busy again.

"I heard that you guys are going to start preparing for your comeback soon."

Namkyung delivered the news after visiting the planning office. DASE was surprised to hear that the A&R team had roughly finished selecting songs and that the group would start recording the next song as soon as the concept was finalized.


Jihan's eyes slightly widened.

"We only just started doing music shows, though?"

Baekya also had a bewildered expression, but the response that came back was nonchalant.

"You might be entering the work process earlier because you are rookies, but most other teams do it like this too."

It meant that many singers immediately start preparing for their next album after the first comeback week of doing music shows.

Unless it was a digital single, the smallest album was a mini-album with at least five songs. Especially in the case of full-length albums, there were many more songs to record, so it would take even longer.

"I think it's going to be a mini-album. Even if you start now, after these promotions end, it's still going to take a couple of months to finish."

It was a discussion about how even with preparations, there would still be a gap in their activities before the comeback. Hearing Namkyung's response, the members were stunned with blank expressions.

Moreover, there was a significant issue that the company couldn't resist, which was the fans' request for them to make plans for their own content.

"And I heard your reality show has been decided. Congratulations!"

Namkyung beamed as he announced the big news.

It was the first solo program for DASE. Even though it would only be uploaded on their official YouTube account, having a program dedicated to DASE with all six members as protagonists was a joyful event in itself.

"In the future, with comeback preparations and filming the reality show, you'll be really busy. Can you handle it?"

"Of carrot!"

//TN: In Korean, Chung mispronounced a part of the word "Of course" as "Carrot".

Chung, excited, rushed towards Namkyung and hugged him. Namkyung also seemed happy with the gesture. However, perhaps embarrassed by the attention he was receiving, he began to uselessly grumble that it was gross when a guy does this.

"Oh, and you guys should prepare your passports in advance."

He said that anyone under the age of 18 would need a legal guardian's consent, adding that he wanted the documents to be ready in advance. While explaining, Namkyung averted his eyes as he said that he had not memorized all the birthdates yet.

Instantly, a mischievous look crossed Yulmu's face.

"What~ You mean you don't know our birthdays? But I know your birthday, hyung."

"It- it's not like that…"

Flustered, Namkyung stammered. However, there was someone else here who seemed equally flustered.

'I'm in trouble.'

It was bound to be revealed someday, but Baekya had hoped to handle it before then. It seemed like the heavens were not on Baekya's side.

"First of all, Minsung and Chung, you guys had passports, right?"

Namkyung quickly changed the subject, and the two nodded. As a second-year high school student, Yuyeon's birthday had not passed yet, so he needed the documents. Jihan was also happy to oblige and cooperate.

"My birthday hasn't reached yet, so I think I should also do it."

"Hey, what about me if you just tell it so easily?"

Although Yulmu was telling him off for a moment, he was no match for Jihan.

"His birthday is only a few days apart from mine."

With that, Yulmu was also settled. Now, only Baekya remained.

"I think you had an early birthday, Baekya. Is that right?"

"Well, I'm in my third year of high school…"

However, Baekya seemed uncomfortable as he answered. Hearing his voice grow smaller and smaller, Namkyung was prompted to approach him.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, it's not that…"

As he spoke, Baekya kept glancing hesitantly at Yuyeon and Chung.


Tilting his head, Yuyeon pointed to himself with his finger.

Baekya's lips clammed up, and he quickly tugged on Namkyung's arm. Namkyung bowed his waist to align with Baekya's height.

The two people whispered for a moment. Then, Namkyung straightened up.

"It was early?"

With a questioning look that asked why Baekya had to whisper it to him, Namkyung looked back and forth between the anxious Baekya and the oblivious youngest members until he finally realized what was going on.

"Ah~ The kids call you hyung, don't they? Now that I think about it, it is a little vague."

Namkyung also scratched his head with a troubled look. Mentioning that Baekya was in his third year of high school during the initial introduction was the source of trouble.

When the members first met, it was impossible to explain in detail that he had started school a little earlier than most other kids due to his family circumstances. Even Baekya himself didn't think of going there.

So, to summarize.

Minsung being the oldest remains unchanged. Then were Jihan and Yulmu, born the year after, being the same age and both born in November. After that comes Baekya, Yuyeon, and Chung. That was the order of their age.

"Anyway, it's true you're in your third year of high school, and among the youngest members, your birthday is the earliest. Isn't it fine to leave it like this?"

Namkyung stepped in to take charge of the situation.

'I, I guess that's true…?'

The sunfish had a rather shameless side.

"What do you all think? It's best to acknowledge and move on when things like this come up in conversation."

Namkyung turned to ask Yuyeon and Chung instead of the hesitant Baekya. Contrary to what he had feared, Yuyeon didn't seem to mind.

"It doesn't matter to me. There's nothing to make a fuss about. By the way, what month were you born?"

Yuyeon asked absentmindedly. However, from the perspective of an observer, it felt like there was an awkward atmosphere. Except for Yuyeon himself, they were convinced that he must have felt slightly uncomfortable about it.


Baekya couldn't bring himself to not answer when asked. He replied in a barely audible voice.


At that moment, a question mark seemed to float above the heads of the other members.

Was March considered an early birthday?

But then, there was a belated addition.

"…according to the lunar calendar."

And it was by the lunar calendar too at that.

"…Hey, don't people celebrate their birthdays by the solar calendar these days? Besides, a lunar calendar birthday is even later. At that point, isn't it just an early school admiss-, ugh."

There was no malice coming from Yulmu. He had no intention of making the situation worse. He simply lacked awareness.

Jihan, stabbing his friend in the side with all his might, warned him with clenched teeth.

"Take a hint."

There was no swearing, but his glare was so murderous it could tear someone apart at a moment's notice.

Same age. And turns out it's a lunar birthday.

All the Koreans in the room understood the meaning. However, there was also an American present…


The only foreigner present couldn't fully grasp the meaning of the word 'early'.

"What's a lunar calendar?"

Chung's bright question was followed by Minsung's calm explanation. While this was happening, on the other side, the members were busy diving more into Baekya's birthday.

[Lunar calendar: March 21st > Solar calendar: May 3rd]


The date that came out turned out to be a full month later than Yuyeon's birthday.

"Wait a minute."

Yuyeon raised his hand.

Time out.