

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs


//TN: I will be removing the line dashes from the characters' names, so Han Baek-Ya → Han Baekya.

- The streamed radio show with DASE starts at 1 pm!! Please take note♡

- The frost idols of Imjingak are appearing today??

- I can watch our Siyunie exuding sunbae vibes ㅠㅠ

- When is DASE coming out?

The live chat was rapidly moving up. The number of viewers for the streamed radio show noticeably increased as they approached the second part.

[Siyun: Siyun's Begin Again. Part 2 will be with DASE, the ice princes from 'Frozen'. Those who want to stay for the 'Games'~ Stick with us now~ We'll be back after the commercials.]

With the announcement of DASE's appearance in the second part, Siyun's Begin Again for the first part came to an end. Siyun took off his headphones and exchanged words with the writer before breaking into a big smile.

His gaze drifted beyond the writer's shoulder. Siyun waved his hand.

- Why is our puppy suddenly smiling so beautifully? ㅜㅜ

- Looks like his hoobae group arrived.

- YunSweet's sunbae charisma is here (tears)

Soon, the camera angle changed, capturing the entire studio. DASE members, dressed casually, appeared one by one, entering the studio.

Siyun also got up to greet the members. As the nervous DASE members bowed in unison, Siyun also followed suit, bowing to greet them.

- Cute, so adorable~

- Siyun looks so awkward ㅋㅋㅋ So cute ( ˃̣̣̣̣o˂̣̣̣̣ )

- They might hit their heads like that ㅋㅋ

With the writer's mediation, the members finally took their seats. The members of Room 1 and Room 2 were divided into the left and right sides, with Siyun sitting in the center.

Thirty seconds before the start of the second part, the members wearing their headphones exchanged looks with each other with stiff expressions.

[Siyun: Siyun's Begin Again. We are with our first guests of the new year, ID's monster rookies born in winter, DASE. Nice to meet you~]

[Group: One, two, three. For your day! Hello, we are DASE!]

With the leader Minsung's count, the group's greeting slogan was shouted together. DASE's first radio broadcast has begun.

[Siyun: These roaring voices. I can already feel the spirit of the rookies. Today is your first radio broadcast since your debut, right?]

[Group: Yes, that's right.]

Upon Siyun's request for each member to take turns introducing themselves, Minsung took the start.

[Minsung: Hello. I am DASE's leader, Minsung.]

[Yulmu: I am Yulmu, the tallest member in DASE.]

[Chung: I am Chung, DASE's visual maknae!]

[Yuyeon: I am Yuyeon, DASE's center.]

[Jihan: I am Jihan, DASE's rapper.]

[Baekya: I am Baekya, the voice of DASE.]

The round of introduction went in a circle, and it came back to Siyun again. He laughed, saying that with so many members, it takes quite a while to say a word.

The following commentary included a brief guide on how to watch the streamed radio show, which was broadcasted simultaneously, and an introduction to the sponsorship. After completing his given task, Siyun expressed how much he had been looking forward to meeting DASE and sincerely welcomed them once again.

[Siyun: In fact, this is also my first time meeting you today. I've only heard rumors that there were some amazing friends making their debut this time, but we've never crossed paths in the company.]

[Minsung: That's right. We also really wanted to meet you, sunbae-nim.]

[Siyun: Thank you. Actually, when I was leaving the dorm today, our AIM members told me to brief them about you after meeting DASE. They might even be watching the broadcast right now.]

Startled by Siyun's words, DASE members turned towards the camera. Starting with Minsung, they bowed their heads like riding waves.

[Siyun: Coming from 5552-nim, "Are these the Imjingak legends I've been hearing about?" and from 1094-nim, "I love DASE's voices so much~"]

[Group: Thank you~]

[Siyun: Then, even on the streaming radio broadcast, there are tons of comments right now. From Song Jihyun-nim, "DASE is so handsome~". And from Kim Youngbo-nim, "I'm here to see the rookies' spirits. Total respect!"]

Siyun mentioned that DASE's debut stage was currently a hot topic on the internet and asked if they knew about it.

At that moment, Jihan and Siyun locked eyes. Jihan's shoulders slightly jerked, and he leaned closer to the microphone.

[Jihan: Yes. Many people around us have been talking about it, so we know about it. We are very grateful.]

His low-pitched voice was pleasant to listen to. However, the chat window quickly moved as anyone could see the nervousness. Despite his chic appearance, he showed a less composed attitude, leading to most viewers finding it cute.

[Siyun: Although I wasn't at the scene, I also saw it. I heard the temperature was 30 degrees below zero that day. Were you not cold? Baekya-ssi?]

[Baekya: Ah, yes. I warmed up my body quite intensely before going up on stage, so I didn't feel cold while I was doing it. But… to be honest, I don't quite remember what kinds of thoughts I had.]

The other members agreed with Baekya's words. Siyun found them adorable, saying it was their first debut stage, so they must have been very nervous.

Next was the corner, one of the segments of Begin Again.

Siyun mentioned that after confirming DASE's appearance, the number of comments they received in advance was so overwhelming that the writers had a bit of a hard time selecting the questions.

[Siyun: Among the comment posted, we chose the ones with many overlaps. First, the most asked question was the member's first impressions of each other. So, how was it? When you first met?]

Although it would have been nice to hear about all of them, due to time constraints, Siyun asked for just the most memorable member to be mentioned.

[Minsung: The most memorable member is undoubtedly Baekya.]

[Siyun: Baekya-ssi~ Why is that?]

[Minsung: He was the last member to join. And when we first met him in the practice room, he had his cheeks all puffed up while eating something.]

[Chung: Yeah! Like a hamster!]

Chung interjected in response to Minsung's words. Siyun smoothly continued, stating that 'it seemed like Chung-ssi's choice was also Baekya', asking for his response.

[Chung: That day I was very sad, but when I went to the practice room, like a surprise, there was a hamster! Sir! He's small so I thought he was younger than me, but turns out he's my 'hyung', which was disappointing.]

//TN: It's not apparent in English but Chung was accidentally speaking a little bit informally but then fixed his speech.

[Baekya: ...]

[Siyun: Baekya-ssi, what were you eating at that time? In fact, I think eating is actually prohibited in our practice rooms.]

[Baekya: I-I'm sorry. I was so distracted that day that I couldn't have a meal. But then I happened to find a Chocopie in my pocket…]

Baekya's response caused the comments in the chat window to move at a frightening speed. The comments were filled with exclamations and cries, saying how cute Baekya looked and how even the things he ate suited that image.

After reading a few short comments, Siyun proceeded to ask the remaining members the same question. The results were unanimous; all the members picked Baekya as the most memorable. Meanwhile, Baekya also chose Yuyeon and Chung. His reason was that their hair was the most colorful.

[Siyun: Then, let's move on to the next question. Many are curious about the stories as to how the members ended up joining ID! How did it happen?]

[Yulmu: A friend of mine asked me to accompany him for ID's open audition, so I went along and got accepted. The judges who were present at the time asked me if I would like to sing a song while I was there. I was very lucky.]

[Siyun: Ah~ So, you got in through an open audition, which boasts a very low acceptance rate! Is there anyone else who got in through open auditions?]

[Yuyeon: Chung and I are also from open auditions.]

[Chung: That's right. But why you? You were already in ID from the beginning.]

Chung's eccentric ramblings caused the chat window to quickly be filled with question marks. However, the atmosphere calmed down as Siyun cleared things up.

- So, he lived abroad, no wonder! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- I guess from Chung's point of view, Yuyeon looks like ID's son!

- Even if you look at him while riding the KTX, Yuyeon really has the ID visuals

//TN: KTX = Korea Train Express

Yuyeon had loved to dance since he was little, so he had asked his parents to take him to an audition.

Chung's story was similar. He was Korean-American from California who came to Korea alone because he wanted to be a singer.

Siyun then asked Minsung.

[Siyun: How about you, Minsung-ssi?]

[Minsung: My grandmother's house is in Gimcheon, and this place is famous for grapes.]

Every year, a grape festival was held in Gimcheon, North Gyeongsang Province. Minsung sang at the grape festival, following his parents and relatives there. At that time, a casting manager who happened to be visiting his hometown noticed him and gave him a business card.

Siyun and other members burst into laughter at the anecdote about his casting, which was revealed for the first time.

[Siyun: Then, what about you, Jihan-ssi?]

[Jihan: The company contacted me first after seeing the picture I took with my friend. They said that if I come here, I could learn to rap for free…]

The chat window quickly filled up again.

- Tricked, he was tricked. That poor innocent kid… Thank you ID ^^

- But it's not like it was wrong? They don't take money from trainees.

- In short, he got in with his looks

- Certainly, ID goes crazy for looks like Yuyeon's or Jihan's.

Jihan then expressed his gratitude to ID, saying that thanks to them contacting him first, he could freely learn his favorite songs and debut with his members.

At this moment, the chat window was plastered with 'You've been exploited' and 'He's such an angel'.

[Siyun: Then, lastly, Baekya-ssi. I'm really curious about your casting story.]

[Baekya: I was eating Pi**chu at the snack bar in front of my school.]

[Chung: What, Pi**chu? You ate it?!]

Baekya's words were interrupted by Chung's shout, who, for some reason, looked very shocked.

- Pi**chu is so tasty, drool

- Wow, it's been so long since I heard of Pi**chu ㅋㅋㅋ

- Pi**chu is all about the seasoning sauce, it's life.

- Why, why? Cali boy~ What's the big deal?

Siyun also asked what was going on with slightly widened eyes, and a question was directed back at him.

[Chung: Why are you eating Pi**chu? Sir?]

[Baekya: Huh? Because they sell those a lot at snack bars…?]

[Chung: Savages!]

Baekya was also stunned by Chung's astonishment.

The other members, on the other hand, understood the situation and burst out laughing. All the staff in the studio, except for Baekya and Chung, were also laughing. Even the listeners who were tuning in to the broadcast were laughing along with them.

- Savage: Fierce, ferocious, a barbarian

//TN: The English word 'savage' was explained in Korean

- I think the Pi**chu in hoobae-nim's mind and our Pi**chu are a bit different.

- Ah, this is crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They're both so cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying right now ㅜㅜ

- Did our peach get cast after catching and eating a Pi**chu? (Sobbing)

- Well, in the first place, it's not like that Pi**chu is alive, right…? ㅋㅋㅋ

//TN: It's hard to translate formal and informal speeches into English, but Chung tends to speak pretty informally even to his older members, and in Korean he keeps forgetting to add the sentence suffix "-yo" at the end of his sentences, which is the more formal way of speaking.

So, the parts in his speeches, that I translated into "Sir" at the end of the sentence are actually the parts where he almost forgot to add "-yo".