

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs


[DASE 데이즈 '놀이(No Games)' Teaser #1]

Under the blue sky, Min-Sung's face was adorned with a crown filled with jewels.

'His blonde hair and the crown are the most gorgeous but they're not showing anything else except his face.'

His visuals were out of this world. The college student, entranced, tapped on the thumbnail. Then, a drumbeat played along with the video.

The first thing that appeared was Min-Sung's face, staring directly into the camera. The corners of his mouth playfully curled up. However, he wasn't wearing the crown from the thumbnail.

As the screen changed, a European-style castle came into view. The members were gathered around an antique round table in a vintage-style room.

Their faces, observing each other as they played a game of card, was captured one by one.


The full shot of Min-Sung wearing the crown in the thumbnail appeared, and the screen turned black.


The logo appeared, signaling the end of the 30-second video.


Were all teasers usually like this?

The college student was in a daze.

Those 30 seconds passed by in an instant. However, the drumbeat continued to echo in her ears, and the syllable she heard right before the video ended stuck in her mind.

'Dase? Are they rookies?'

Before she knew it, the college student was looking up DASE on a portal site. But there was very little information available. She clicked on a few blog posts, but they were mostly scattered articles that were scraped together.

Quickly losing interest, the college student decided to do what she initially planned.

'Let's watch the vlog.'

The next day.

[DASE 데이즈 '놀이(No Games)' Teaser #2]


The college student has had a busy day.

Before going to bed, she turned on YouTube as she always did at the end of the day, and coincidentally, there was a sequel to the video she watched yesterday.

The protagonist of the still fancy thumbnail was Baek-Ya, who was wearing a frilly shirt that could have been worn during the medieval era.

The composition showed him sitting on the window ledge of an old castle, looking down below.

"It's shorter this time."

The video was 28 seconds.

In fact, the video she had watched yesterday was only 30 seconds long, but towards the end, the logo appeared for 10 seconds… The college student thought it was distasteful but decided to fall for it one more time.

This time too, the drumbeat played along with the video.

A large, swaying chandelier. Beneath it, Yu-Yeon sat widely stretched out on a fancy antique chair, holding a crown in one hand.

A disheveled blonde hair and a gaze staring at the ceiling. At the end of his gaze, a transparent thread, reflecting the light, connected to the outside of the window.

The corner of his mouth slightly raised. And the scene changes. Yul-Mu, Ji-Han, Chung, and Baek-Ya could be seen running around inside the castle.

Then comes a cut to Min-Sung, seemingly searching for something through closets and doors. The scene transitions again, and a brief group choreography is shown.



The scene of Baek-Ya seen in the thumbnail passed by. His hand holding the scissors cuts the thread, and the screen turns black.



The video ended as the logo appeared.

'I want to watch it one more time…!'

Why was that? For sure, she didn't think much about it, but was it perhaps because the song sounded good?

The college student hit the replay button. And it didn't take her long to figure out the reason.



She paused the screen.

The man sitting on the window ledge in the thumbnail was staring at her. The college student quickly took a screenshot.

Opening the messenger, the college student searched among her numerous contacts and found 'Si-Yun's Wife'. She strongly believed that her friend, who has been crazy about AIM's Si-Yun since high school, would know more about this.

[Me: Professor, do you perhaps know who this is?]

[Me: (Photo)]

[Si-Yun's Wife: What the ㅋㅋㅋ? Why aren't you asleep at this hour?]

[Si-Yun's Wife: Who is he?]

The college student kneeled on her bed. Reverently waiting for her friend's report, the results of identification finally arrived.

[Si-Yun's Wife: Ah, it's him.]

[Si-Yun's Wife: The junior group of my babies]

[Me: So, what's his name!!!!]

[Si-Yun's Wife: He's cute.]

[Si-Yun's Wife: I think his name was Baek-Ya?]


Another person has joined the idol fandom where it is said to have an entrance but no exit.

* * *

As the end of the year approached, ID Entertainment was no different from a battlefield. As if to prove that, Dong-Man, who was reduced to a human folding screen as soon as he appeared, could only look back and forth as he stood at the entrance.

He happened to visit the Planning Office, but he didn't even dare to greet anyone.

"Excuse me…!"

He mustered up the courage to raise his voice, but to his surprise, no one paid attention. It was embarrassing to have his hand ignored in thin air.

Dong-Man casually turned around and pretended to have intended to do so, raising his hand on the whiteboard that stood before him.

"Hmm. There's a lot."

[December Event]

It was a month filled with tightly packed schedules for the agency's artists. In particular, there was a lot going on as you went down the list. It included end-of-the-year shows for various broadcasting stations, numerous award ceremonies, and the debut of DASE which was drawing near.

"Come to think of it, it's really only a few days away."

Dong-Man looked at DASE's album box that he stacked sideways on the center table. It was a promotional non-sale item without a barcode.

"I wanted to take a peek while I was here."

Curiosity trickled down from Dong-Man's eyes as he looked at the unopened box.

"Manager Dong? What are you doing here?"

But just then, someone who recognized Dong-Man appeared. Rejoicing, Dong-Man turned around.

"Team Leader!"

"Ah, I'm sorry. You said you were coming to deliver the albums. I was so busy, I didn't even realize you were here. Is that it?"

"Yes, yes!"

Due to the specifics of the industry, security was a concern for the entire company, but it was especially acute on some floors where the Planning Team and studios were located.

They had to send someone down to pick up the package, which Dong-Man, who happened to be passing through the lobby, readily agreed to do.

"It seems busy here no matter when I come."

"Especially during the end of the year, it's even more chaotic due to AIM's overseas tour. Anyway, thank you. It must be heavy."

"Not at all. By the way, when are you going to take a look?"

The team leader let out a sigh, sipping the lukewarm coffee. It was supposed to be a concluding remark to their conversation, but Dong-Man seemed to have no intention of ending it at all.

Since their first greeting, his gaze had been fixed on the taped box the whole time.

"You offered to fetch these because you wanted to see the albums, didn't you?"

"Was it obvious? So, when are you going to check the albums? I'm sure everyone here needs a breather too. Whew."

The team leader burst into laughter at Dong-Man's shameless answer. However, since his words were not entirely wrong, the team leader quickly called the team members together.

"DASE's albums just arrived here. Let's take a break and check it out."

The team leader's words freed the staff who have been locked up in the conference room. Some employees recognized Dong-Man and jokingly greeted him, saying that the members of other teams are not allowed to enter.

A moment later, without hesitation, the team leader's hand swiftly removed the tape, finally revealing DASE's first album.

Although it wasn't a full album as the debut song 'No Games' was a digital single, just seeing the CD that was produced for promotional purposes was enough to evoke a sense of novelty.


As the box was opened, there was a collective exclamation as if everyone had been eagerly waiting for this. The concept photo of the group for 'No Games' was inserted as the cover in a transparent CD case. At first glance, it was the same image from the teaser.

The members sitting around the round table, playing a card game, with the English logo of DASE placed above them.

"This could be sold as it is!"

With excitement, Dong-Man picked up the CD and examined the back. On the back of the CD was a picture of a high school in Bukchon, where the music video was filmed.

"I'm really curious about the song."

From the day the teaser was released, Dong-Man watched it over 50 times a day. It seems that he had contributed a significant amount to the view count as he was even being suspected to be a bot.

"It's tomorrow, right?"

"Yes. Tomorrow at 6 o'clock. Uah~ I'm all nervous, manager."

The new employee next to Dong-Man answered while stroking their heart.

Most might think that because they worked for the same company, they get to hear the song first and see the music video first, but that was wrong. Unless you were part of the A&R or Songwriting Team, everyone lived by the same rules.

Especially in the period leading up to a debut or comeback, people were extremely sensitive to leaks, and everyone was cautious about protecting themselves and their work.

"If you're done taking a look, please return the album."

It was the day before the release of the music and music video. There was no room for complacency even if the goal of all the preparations was right around the corner.

The album box quickly returned to its original state at the team leader's words. Now, these albums would be signed by DASE members and distributed to various media outlets, including broadcasting stations, after the digital music was released tomorrow.

'I hope it goes well for the kids.'

As he watched the albums being moved into the locked warehouse, Dong-Man said a small prayer in his heart.

* * *

And the long-awaited D-day approached. DASE members, gathering in the practice room, were on the verge of making their debut.

In just a little while, once the music and the music video were released, it would truly be their debut.

"Is this a massage chair? What's up with the shaking~"

"Baek-Ya, are you okay?"

At the lounge area of the practice room. Baek-Ya's legs were shaking uncontrollably as he sat on the couch. Yul-Mu tried to relieve the tension by teasing him, while Min-Sung looked at Baek-Ya with a worried expression.

"Haa… I'm okay. I'm just a little nervous…"

"What are you going to do on stage if you already tremble like this with the release of digital music?"

As Ji-Han handed him the water to calm down, Baek-Ya accepted it with trembling hands.

"Thank you."

"Hyung, at this rate, won't you faint when the music video is relea-"

Yu-Yeon, who was worrying about Baek-Ya with an unconcerned expression, was interrupted by the manager's loud voice.

"Oh?! Guys, it's up!"

"Oh my gosh! It's really up! Click on it quickly!"

Chung smacked the manager's arm, urging him on. At that moment, the system window popped up in front of Baek-Ya's face. Baek-Ya's trembling body immediately froze.

[ Completed!]

[Level up! Lv.7 → Lv.8]

[Quest Reward Granted: 1 Star Point]

[Level Up Reward Granted: 1 Star Point]

This was just the beginning of the real game.