

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs



[ISSUE] ID rookie group's name is DASE, and they are male idols.

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AIM will soon have a male junior group.

There are many rumors of a 12-person group and a 9-person group, but it's not that at all. It's a 6-person group. ㅋㅋㅋ

The members are all Korean and it seems like, at the last minute, they finalized it by changing one person. There are also articles spreading that the rookies will be released in the second half of the year.

The group name is assumed to be DASE.

Earlier this year, ID completed the trademark registration of DASE and included Yul-Mu and Min-Sung, who are famous ID trainees.

(Mirror selfie with a school uniform.jpg)

Do Min-Sung/20

(A picture of him singing at the school festival.jpg)

Na Yul-Mu/19


- There are new ID rookies coming out?

- Yeah~~ Lies~ They said they were going to debut since last year, but it's already October.

└ It's true if there are articles available

└ There are two months left, so shouldn't they be doing something by now?

└ I guess it's pushed back again

└ I second this. I heard that it was pushed back because the choreography was too hard.

- His name is Yul-Mu? That's unusual.

- Why was Park Ha-Rang removed? He has been an ID trainee for a super long time.

└ I heard he was replaced at the last minute.

└ ID isn't stupid so to suddenly remove someone who's been there for over 5 years? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm laughing.

└ Heol, then was that rumor true?

└ What rumors?

- Stop posting stuff like this. They're not even ID employees, so how do they know? Just yesterday they were screaming about ID coming out with a new girl group.

└ Yep, yep, that's seriously private information

└ We won't know until a teaser is released on YouTube

- He's handsome.

- Park Ha-Rang, Do Min-Sung, Na Yul-Mu, Han Ji-Han, Lee Ji-Ho, Han Yu-Yeon + A hidden card, something like this?

└ Someone said that Park Ha-Rang left though

└ That's more than six people

└ It's not even officially announced to be 6 people so couldn't it be 7 people?

- DASE seems to be certain. Nothing has been uploaded yet but there's an account with a blue checkmark on YouTube.

└ ?!!?!?!!!

- No one knows until it's released ('No feeding' meme)

- So, is it a girl group or a boy group…

- But it's about time for ID to have a new boy group. There have been two girl groups debuting after AIM. I know they're normally supposed to alternate between girl and boy groups every two years.

- Looking at the pictures, it's clear that ID is risking their lives for a new boy group. Haha. I'm looking forward to this.

└ ID and their delicious visuals ♡

- Wow, Min-Sung looks insane. Totally my style.

- I heard something from an acquaintance who works in ID, and they said that ID has been sincerely preparing for a boy group this time. Since last year, the debut team has been confirmed and they started practicing, and recently, they became a complete group with the addition of a main vocalist. But it's true that the schedule was delayed due to internal reasons.

* * *


[ISSUE] I work part-time near ID's office building and saw the (alleged) new boy group.

Likes 89 Dislikes 12 (+92)

They were wearing sweatsuits when they walked in but at first glance, I could tell they weren't just some common people.

The light bulb at the entrance to our store was out, so it was a little dark, but at that moment, it became blinding.

Anyway, the reason I know they're the new boy group is because I heard them talking among themselves and that's how I became sure.

4 people came in first and then 2 people came in after them. One of them had a rabbit-like appearance, he was pale with round eyes, and the others called him the leader.

It's been 3 years since I've been in the idol fandom, but it was the first time I've seen these guys. So, after they left, I searched for rookie male idols but nothing about them came up, so I looked up ID trainees and found out after seeing the picture (right in front of the ID office building). Rabbit = Min-Sung, who is a famous ID trainee.

And the puppy who was crossing arms with the rabbit! All of them were on the tall side, but this person was the tallest among them.

He was a bit on the tanner side and based on the looks, he seemed to have a cheeky personality. And when he kept asking the rabbit if he could eat more bread, I almost threw the cash register. He was such a cute giant.

The person next to him kind of looked like a cat. The corners of his eyes are slightly slanted up, and when he just stood still, there was an aloof vibe.

This person made his order as soon as it was his turn and went back to his seat so I couldn't take a closer look ㅠㅠ but he kind of resembles AIM's Yeon-Ha! With single eyelids and big eyes. In terms of animals, he looks like a cat.

And the guy who was with him also ordered quickly and went to his seat, but he seemed a little scary at first. He just kept staring at the menu without saying anything. I actually thought he was fighting with the menu board lol.

But he was just contemplating really hard ㅜㅜㅜ. After he had a staring contest with the menu board with the world's most serious face, he asked me if I could add whipped cream to the iced chocolateㅠㅠ. (Originally, it doesn't have whipped cream, but I pretended that it did and piled it up like a mountain)

He looked like the main character of a web novel, but as soon as he opened his mouth and spoke like a little chick, there was such a gap. Anyway, his looks are grey wolf material. Definitely a grey wolf. Because he had grey hair.

Then the other two came in. One of them was tall and the other was a bit smaller.

I immediately thought the taller one was a human deer as soon as I saw him. But a very strong-looking deer! He looked a little scary when he was expressionless, but when he smiled, damn, it was crazy. I can't explain it in words, but his visuals have this roughness and softness at the same time.

He had double eyelids and when he smiled, those dimples were insane. The definition of the center image. He's beating everyone with those dimples!!!!! Just defeating them!!!! He only smiled while making his order, but in less than a minute it's going to take me 999 weeks for full recovery.

The smaller guy had his glasses off when he came in, but he put them back on when he left. The glasses were just common round frames you can easily find anyone wearing on the streets, but it looked like a luxury item when he was the one wearing them. As expected, the face completes the fashion.

Ah, and he had kind of a fruit-like juicy face. I almost screamed 'peach' as soon as I saw him. His skin was so nice.

Anyway, Peach was going to add 3 shots in his iced americano, but then Dimples was like, "You're going to die of caffeine overdose like that", and stopped him so in the end, he settled on 1 extra shot.

Peach must have been pretty tired, so he just nodded and followed Dimples around. It was seriously so cute. ㅠ I mean, how can it be this cute to see two grown men walk around holding hands? ㅠㅠㅠ

Also, maybe he's the type that sleeps a lot, but he still almost fell asleep in the cafe even after having the one-shot iced americano. The grey wolf called him 'Pillow Hyung', so I think his nickname is Pillow.

I'm taking down any problematic comments (This will be a sacred post.)


- Just how handsome are they?

- If it's going to take 999 weeks for full recovery then aren't you just dead?

└ I don't know much but I do know that this poster is good at making hilarious comments

└ I used a calculator and came up with 19 years and 2 months

└ These comments are hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- Oh, then DAYZ, or what was it, was real?

- In this case, isn't the male idol group confirmed then?

- I've also seen male trainees coming out in front of ID's company building and they were handsome.

- I keep seeing these posts about ID trainees lately… I didn't ask and I don't care.

- There are a lot of rumors that they're handsome, but there's no picture

└ If you just google ID trainees, a few people, including Min-Sung will come up.

- Who is Dimples… The definition of the center image, you say. I'm curious. ㅠ

- Pillow ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just how much does he sleep ㅋㅋㅋ

└ He must be tired from practicing

- Heol. He looks like AIM's Yeon-Ha, you say? I can't wait to see him.

└ You seem to like ID's monolids.

└ Well, Yeon-Ha is damn good-looking.

- It's obvious that ID's rookies are coming out. Seeing that there are many eyewitnesses, I guess it's definitely going to be a boy group.

- Heol heol ㅠㅠㅠ That large puppy is Yul-Mu for sure ㅠㅠ ID's legendary male trainee is finally making his debut.

- This post is really going to be sacred.

- A puppy, a rabbit, a cat, a grey wolf, a deer, and a peach?

└ Why is only one of them eatable? ㅋㅋㅋ

└ Oh, male idols with a fruit image are rare, but I guess this guy has a cute look.

- So, I mean, when are these guys coming out? Please just stop now and debut. Just how many posts like this are there?

- Maybe it's because they're from ID, but there's such a fuss even before their debut.

* * *

At the same time in the ID company building's dance practice room.

The peach was dying. Even if he had 10 spare bodies, it wouldn't be enough.


"It's okay. You're not dying."

Baek-Ya was laying dead on the floor of the practice room. Yu-Yeon sat down next to him and handed him an electrolyte drink.

"I heard you finished the recording in one take. The A&R Team said they had a genius in their hands. Hyung, you're totally ID's legend."

"…No. I just got lucky."

"Then, do you have any thoughts of using that luck in your dancing too?"

Baek-Ya, who had been lying face down, turned his head and looked up at Yu-Yeon.

"I'm not just dancing half-heartedly. This is the best I can do. I can't help it that my body doesn't want to follow my will."

"I know, I'm just kidding. I know you're working hard, hyung. I'm the one who knows it best. That's why I stay and help you, right?"

Yu-Yeon ruffled Baek-Ya's hair.

"Stop it."

Baek-Ya frowned at that adoring face directed at him and pushed Yu-Yeon's hand away.

'This won't do. I have to spin the draw once.'

Currently, Baek-Ya's dance skill was at grade C. Although it was a step up from the Courting Dance, the experience felt no different from the Courting Dance.

The skill name was straightforwardly , while the practice room obviously wasn't the stage.

Baek-Ya buried his face in the floor again and checked his Star Points.

▷ Current Star Points in Possession: 6 Points

It has been a month of being trapped in the practice hell where he woke up to only practice, practice, practice, and practice. Baek-Ya didn't even realize that the points had accumulated this much.

To think that he still had six points even though he had spent points on lowering the stress index from time to time.

That number was created by the practice room quests that notified him of the completion several times and three level-ups.