
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 38: The Demons of Terror

The Dark voices of the Demon's could be heard from the entrance of the Cave, Dark fogs slowly covered the Mountain grounds, The sky rumbled as it thundered heavily, The Voices coming out from the Cave became too intense that it caused the soldiers outside to tremble.

" Brother, What is going on? " Jade asked as he felt the dark powers of the Demons.

Craig held Jade and they both fled from the mountain, The Kainor Force followed from behind until they got to the perfect spot were they could watch what is happening, Craig needs to know what he will be facing.

" I believe that those voices are of the Seven Demons of Terror, Zaibon set them free " Craig said as they all watched what is happening, Both Zaibon and Rika vanished from the mountain grounds and they appeared in the woods as well.

The soldiers standing on the mountain grounds were moving backwards as they felt the intense auras, the ground began to shake vigorously as they all listened to the Demonic voices coming out from the Cave.

" What are the Demons of Terror? " Jade asked.

" They are entities of Destruction forged from the flames of Hell, There are many types of Demons and this are the demons that hunts we mortals mostly, They attacks mortals and absorbs their souls " Craig answered.

Meanwhile Zaibon and Rika could be seen grining and giggling at the same time as they watched what is happening, The Soldiers screamed out in pains as the Demons slowly emerged from the Cave.

" Are we sure that we can't force these demons to bow? " Rika asked.

" Of course not, These Demons are ancient predators forged with the Flames of Hell, They are created to rebuke puppets Masters and they can't be controlled, The Alphas of Darkness turned them to the darkness " Zaibon answered.

Seven red creatures emerged from the dark cave with darkness surrounding them, They gnashed their teeths as they watched the soldiers before them, They could sense the fear in the hearts of the Soldiers.

" Mortals? What a beautiful sacrifice offered to us " One of the Demon's voiced out, His Demonic voice caused the soldiers to tremble even more, The Seven Demons stared at themselves before advancing towards the Soldiers.



" Brother, What are those things? " Jade asked, while he is a state of shock, He watched as the Demons charged at the soldiers with full force, The Soldiers screamed out in pains as the Demons feasted on them.

" Those Creatures are the Seven Demons of Terror, They are not yet revived yet so there is still chance that they can and will be defeated...Let's go " Craig said as they all jumped down from the trees.

" What? Brother aren't we going to stop this Monsters? " Jade asked as they started moving far away from the Mountain, The Screams coming from the mountain became too intense that they could feel it from were they are.

" Prince Jade, We have an order not to intefere or fight against the Demons of Terror, We mustn't fight " One of the Kainor warrior said as they continued running, Not that they were afraid but they are following orders.

" We must return to the Clan immediately " Craig ordered and the force nodded immediately.



" It seems like the Vragons pests decided to leave this place like the cowards they are " Rika stated as he watched them leave, While Zaibon is to focused on the Demons who continued to feast on the human flesh he gave them.

Yes, He is the one who sent those soldiers there for the Demons to eat so that they could unleash their true powers!

" The Vragons aren't cowards and neither will they fight the Demons of Terror, I believe that James gave them an order not to fight the Demons and I don't know why, There is something that I want to figure out " Zaibon said.

" Huh? What are you talking about? " Rika asked.

" You of all people won't understand what I am really talking about, I would love to have a chat with this Seven Demons of Terror...It looks like there powers works against the Vragons elements " Zaibon said and he jumped down from the tree they stood on and Rika followed.

The dark fogs cleared off after Zaibon and Rika stepped their feets on the Mountain grounds, The Demons sensed their presence and they walked up to Zaibon and Rika who stood with smiles on their faces.

" Mortals? I can't sense any atom of Fear in your hearts...Are you the one who broke the seal that binded us for hundreds of Years? " The First Demon asked.

" Yes, I am the one who set you free even when the Vragons were sent to hinder us, And I have a question for you all " Zaibon said, He sensed bloodlust from the Demons and they attacked immediately.

Zaibon and Rika vanished from that spot, They appeared five feets away from the Demons of Terror, One of the Demon's let out a devastating and disgusting liquid from his mouth but Zaibon deflected it immediately.

" We are not your enemies, We don't want to hurt you " Zaibon stated.

" And what makes you think that you can hurt us, Mortal? " The Second Demon asked as he dashed with full force, He appeared right behind Rika and he made to strike Rika when a chain appeared and binded the Demon down.

" I can hurt you guys because you are not fully powered, The Centuries that you seven were trapped in that Cave, The seal worked because it channeled your powers against you and your powers are your strength, right? " Zaibon said.

" Curse that James " The Third Demon said.

" What do you want from us Mortal? I believe that you didn't just set us free for us to be free, You want us to do something for you but you need to know that we don't have Masters " The First Demon said.

" I don't want you demons to do anything for me, All I need from you demons are just answers that I came here to ask, And besides I set you demons free for your own benefits...The Destruction of the Shirlian Empire " Zaibon said.

" What question do you have in mind to ask, Master Zaibon? " Rika asked.

" Keep your mouth shut Rika and watch, You could have been wasted by this Demons if I hadn't intefered, You need to possess those demons powers for your own good..For now, Keep quiet while I ask " Zaibon said and Rika nodded.

" Seven Demons of Terror, One of you guys fought against James Vragon who successfully sealed you in this Cave by channeling your own powers against yourself, I want to ask why he couldn't use his own powers? " Zaibon asked.

" The Vragons got their powers from the Deity of War and Chaos who once killed the god of Nature during battle and became the god of Nature, Nature can't be used against us and we repel their attacks " The fourth Demon spoke out.

" So you are the one that was defeated by James Vragon? " Zaibon asked and the Demon nodded, Zaibon walked up to the Demons of Terror and he smiled at them.

" I hope you demons enjoyed the meal I gave to you? Those soldiers you feasted on belongs to me and I have the power to show you a way into the Shirlian Empire, And I will help you to defeat them once and for all " Zaibon stated.

" But you spoke of our bodies, We don't have our final form anymore, Our powers were drained remember? "

" I know that and I am going to help you guys return to your true form, But you will need to follow me to the Gateway of Darkness, The Dark One will do the trick to return you demons back " Zaibon said and he took the demons with him.

They all vanished from the mountain grounds immediately!

🕘🕘🕘Two Hours Later🕘🕘🕘

The Amastu Ninja Corps and the Senju Corps landed on the Mountain grounds two hours after the Demon's of Terror were taking by Zaibon, The Senju's Scanned the Entire mountain grounds with their Supreme visions.

The Amastu Ninja brought out their swords to see if there are any other beings around to kill, Then suddenly Emperor Karsas and the Two Drios of the Ultimate Clans appeared in the Mountain grounds.

" What happened here? " Emperor Karsas asked.

" We received Informations that a war happened herd and we decided to investigate what happened, We then figured out that the war isn't an ordinary war, We realized that this isn't a war but a one sided attack " Drio Votex answered...

" One sided attack? Have you figured out who the Attackers are? " Emperor Karsas asked.

" Yes we did and we figured out that this is done by something dark and powerful so we started investigating and we came to understand that the Seven Demons of Terror are already out on the lose...Their cage is empty " Drio Konin stated.

" Then who are this soldiers? They don't have the emblems of the Shirlian soldiers? " Emperor Karsas questioned, His soldiers surrounded the Mountain grounds to protect him as well as the other Clans.

" They are the Soldiers of Doom, Known as the Black Skull Organization, They are extraordinary and ruthless organization or cult group but they are not Clans, And by the looks of things..They were served as meal to the Demons of Terror " Drio Votex said.

" This is to soon, I need you Drio Votex to send a letter to the Vragon Clan, I demand the presence of Drio James in my palace...I need to know if they are involved in all of this " Emperor Karsas stated and he then vanished.

This is going to be bloody!