
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 39: The Snake Warrior

The Kainor Force, Craig and Jade entered into the Vragon Clan the next day after a day trip, They were greeted by the people of the Clan until they arrived at the Palace, The news got to the Palace minutes earlier and they were all waiting.

Drio James heaved in relief to see Jade entering the Palace by his Elder Brother's side, Rhea couldn't contain her joy and she ran to hug her two sons that just returned from the mission Craig was sent to.

They were immediately taken to the Throne room were the Elders are all sitted, Drio James and Lady Rhea sat down on their thrones and Craig bowed before them and so did Jade as he followed in his brother's footsteps.

Jace is Watching from a hole he created to listen to what his father and the elders are saying!

" Craig, Jade...It's a relief to see that you two are here, We were all looking for you Jade Vragon, Why did you follow your Elder brother? " Drio James asked with his gaze fixed on Jade who smiled deeply.

" I decided to follow brother Craig to see what he is doing, I see that he is the perfect warrior and I also want to become the perfect warrior that he is " Jade said as he stared at his parent and the Elders with his cute eyes.

" Don't think that you will escape your punishment Jade, Your punishment will come later but for now, I want to know all that happened when you were with your brother during the mission " James demanded.

" I was attacked by some strange men my brother and his team fought, I killed them then Brother noticed my presence...And we were attacked by the Shirlian Empire's Prime Minister Zaibon " Jade said.

" Wait, You said you killed someone Jade...Is that true Craig? " Rhea asked.

" He is saying the truth Mother, I was also suprised when I saw brother killed those two warriors like they are nothing which they are not, He has the true spirit of a warrior and I truly know that mother " Craig answered.

" That's a good news to hear but we will talk about that later, I want to know the outcome of your encounter with Zaibon and his soldiers, I can sense this strange and Demonic auras and I want to know what it is " James said.

" The Demons of Terror are already free, Father..I was about to kill Zaibon and his Right hand man when he swiftly entered into the Cave and break the seal " Craig said as he fell on his knees immediately.

" Oh, I see...What do you mean by his Right hand man? " Drio James asked, He knows that Zaibon won't have an ordinary warrior as his right hand man, It's going to be a well powered being.

" He has a Right hand man who seems to be Powerful and he is of the Consulate Warlord rank and an high ranking criminal assassin, His name is Rika " Craig answered and Jade began to wonder how Craig got those answers.

" You meant to say Rika the Wrecker? He is a rival to Chad the Destroyer and he is pretty good, He is not a potential threat but the Seven Demons of Terror are " Rhea said, She knows alot about Assasins.

" I hope you didn't fight the Demons? " James asked.

" I would dare not oppose the orders of the Ultimate Drio, The Clan orders is what I must obey, I must abide by the rules of the Order... That's my self rule Father " Craig answered and Drio James smiled.

" The Seven Demons of Terror can repel our attacks and it will be so Destructive if it works on us, We mustn't interfere in their battles for now " Drio James said and everyone nodded, Just then the Throne room door opened and a soldier walked in.

" Forgive me Drio James but an urgent letter arrived " The Soldier said and he handed the letter over to the Drio, Drio James opened the letter and he read everything thing in the Letter before burning it to ashes.

" What is in the letter, Drio James? " Elder Yamota asked.

" An order that I must appear in the next meeting of the Drios, I believe that the Empire is already aware of the Demon's of Terror and they want me to assist them in the battle " Drio James stated and he smiled.

" What will you tell them if they ask, Drio James? " Elder Alonso asked.

" It's simple, I will tell them no because I won't give a fake promise, Our lives are more than important because the Demon's aren't after us, They will be after the Shirlian Empire because they vowed to Destroy it " James said and he stood up from his throne.

" I will be going to the Clan now " James said.


Zaibon, Rika and the Seven Demons appeared in the Realm of the Dark One, The Seven Demons of Terror smirked after they entered in Realm...They felt their bodies returning back to its full glory just like the old days.

" Zaibon...I can see that you have done it already, You have successfully set the Seven Demons of Terror free from their Captivity " The Dark One voiced out, The Seven Demons looked up to see the Eyes and they smiled.

" Thank you great Dark One " Zaibon said.

" I can see how you are surviving all this while Dark One, You merged yourself with this world " The First Demon said.

" You Seven Demons are still as annoying as ever, I can see that you still don't want to show me respect " The Dark One said,

" Now that your bodies are returning back to its normal form, Why don't you rest for a while and I will bring your foods so that you can dine and drink bloods " Zaibon said and the Demons laughed out.

" We have reached half of our transformation stage, We will hunt for our foods ourselves, We need to feast on both fears and flesh, If you give us only flesh it would be bitter " The Demons stated and they smiled.

" We won't be attacking your soldiers anyways, They are just to evil to be sweet, We need pure and gentle meats and we know the best place to feast on...A Nearby Village that we should have feasted on a long time ago " The Fifth Demon said and all Seven Demons jumped out of the Portal and they appeared in the Cave, The Demons Transformed into smokes and they flew out of the Cave immediately.



" They seems to be stubborn, What should we do about them? " Zaibon asked.

" Let them be for now, We set them free to Destroy the Shirlian Empire in other to create hate so that the Vragon will be Destroyed, Feasting on just one little village won't be much of a stress, Would it? " The Dark One said.

" Ok then...I will let them be for now, But if they go to far in disregarding me, I know the best place to have them trapped again, This time there will be no one to help set them free again " Zaibon assured.



The Black smokes appeared in the woods, The Black smokes Transformed back into the Seven Demons and they slowly approached the Hidden Village, They smiled after realizing that there are still people inhabiting the Village...

" I have missed this Village, Why don't we have our feast right here in a place where we were once raised " The Sixth Demon stated, And the Demons rushed into the Village with their Darkness, Screams and wails filled the Village.

All the weapons of the Village warriors proved abortive as the Demons devoured countless lives, Buildings were Destroyed without mercy, Villagers were all running into the deep woods in other to escape death.

The three demons who noticed it decided to follow them from behind, They started jumping from trees to trees as they felt their energies draining, Their bodies isn't really stable and they need to kill fast.

Claws marks appeared on all the trees and so did bloods, The Screams increased the more as the Demons caught up with the Villagers, Children and Adults were devoured at the same in a ruthless manner.

The Buildings of the Village were brought to ruins as they Demons had their fill and they turned into dark smokes and flew straight to the Cave to refresh their skins once again, Meanwhile Rika who has been watching all this while.

He watched the Demons of Terror leave and he jumped down from his hiding spot, He entered the Village to see destroyed buildings and feasted bodies...Heads were removed and so is hearts.

" This Demons of Terror sure are vigorously...Their powers are extremely dark than I have ever imagined " Rika said to himself,

He heard someone coughing from behind, He turned back to see an injured man who is bleeding severely, The Claw marks on his body is well seen and Rika smiled, The injured survivor held firmly on his dagger.

" Don't come near me " The man ordered.

" I don't plan to do that man but most importantly, You are going to die today " Rika said and he drew out his sword, He dropped his sword on the ground and it turned into a white venomous snake.

" I am snake warrior, The Last of my Kind " Rika said and snakes started coming out of his skin, The injured man who seems terrified tried to run back but it is to late, He screamed out in pains as all the snakes bit him severely.

" I am forever known as Rika the Wrecker, A Consulate Warlord who will soon become A Demon! "